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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. Now only the pylons left to paint
  2. Great mate! Then I can adapt the GT Skin to a "G"
  3. Slowly making progress. F-16A_Netz_2 Texture reworked in high rez (4000 x 4000) Now only 7 textures left to paint and still the correct Block 10 Decals to do.
  4. That did not the trick. I now changed data.ini in a way that the Team Viper effects are used and it works.
  5. Hi Guys, I´m in need of your help. I just noticed that my stock F-16A has no visual Afterburner effect. I use stock data.ini. Any ideas what´s wrong in this case?
  6. Yes, as i wrote i use the stock (not modified) data.ini.
  7. Great work! Is the Team Viper F-16 Template available for download?
  8. Looks pretty cool! I'm working in new highrez skins for the F-8E (FN) & F-8P.
  9. That´s the SF2 (Super) Etendart convertet.
  10. Latest mod from Spinners (FGR3) is based on the GR.1 lod not on the A lod. But no worry, it will work as is. ;-)
  11. Ant, Maybe you could update the model a bit? Integrating tanks into the model?
  12. Great Russo! Do you left original texture mapping? If you Need some help for skinning let me know! ;-)
    Another nice Addition! Thanks Russo & Bob!
  13. SF2 Lockheed L-1049 Super Constellation Pack by RussoUK

    Check for Alphasim Constellation paintkit. ;-) you have to arange the textures, but will work.
  14. Any News on WTR? spend a lot of time working on this and would be very sad if it was for nothing...
  15. Looks pretty cool, but wasn´t there in the past already an IDAF F-8?
  16. Guuruu, I hope you still got our British two seat Project in mind!?
  17. Great Russo! Is it based on the Alphasim one?
  18. You should use Volker´s F-4F!

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