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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. Anti ship brings a lot of fun, when you´ve placed a big fleet around the target!
  2. I have ask it some month ago... The result you see in the dl section.
  3. I konow that Aleks & Ludo are working on a Recce Mirage III.
  4. Great Work! That´s what i call a real cool bird! Thank you!
  5. yes it is. Will come with MiG Alley Mod.
  6. Every free Mod is great! But the greatest is the L-39 Family.
  7. Scheiß Winter!

    Ja, geht mir auch langsam auf den Wecker. Haben die da oben denn nichts gelernt? Hier in der Ecke gibts mal wieder Streugut-Knappheit.... Aber etwas gutes hat das ganze. Komme sehr gut mit dem T-Bird voran....
  8. Razbams titles are for Strike Fighters 1 (excluding F-102). That says all i think.
  9. OK, tested it today. For me all Props work well!!! Don´t know what it caused. I run XP, and installed the whole Game new (downloadet all titles i got new from TW site) .
  10. I love the new mission editor. Now you can do real training flights!
  11. Nice shots henrik! have you converted the High-rez SF1 Thuds to SF2???
  12. Training Flight over Germany and back home @ Airbase Hopsten.
  13. Hey Henrik, thought some days ago about starting a similar threat as you do. There ask somebody for the L-39. But I did not do it cause i thought that was just one topic. But now I´m a bit pi**ed off too. In my eyes gen1 is dead. there is no more support from thirwire (patches etc.) And all skilled modders switched completely over. Why are some people so blind and ask for things that are not makeable? If a mod is for a sim then it is for a sim and not for another. To all who do not understand this: It´s a kind of evolution. We are straight moving forward! (see the latest add ons for gen 2) We don´t make steps back. I don´t want to get in an argue with somebody, That is just my point of view. And now I´m going back in my Paintshop. You´ll see screens later in the SF2 Screenshot threat.
  14. Open to modding?

    Hey Diego, i think you can ask that question better here: http://www.forum.aerosoft.com/index.php?showforum=392 I´m looking forward to JT, btw the 1st release won´t be in 2010....
  15. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Sieht gut aus Martin! Aber was ist denn mit deinen anderen Russen-Fliegern? SU-25 & Su22??? Da bin ich wirklich scharf drauf!
  16. I think that´s the reason why sometimes Blue Aircrafts show up with enemy Decals.
  17. Beautiful Monty! The other HuAF L-39 shark skin (the grey one) would be cool too.... BTW, Hungary got 20 of our L-39ZO...
  18. For the F-101 try to use the animation key 2! as it is written in the data.ini For F-106, I don´t know. it depends on if it is animated in the 3d model.

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