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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. Let L-410 Turbolet

    Nice Monty! Can´t wait for it! Found some references for paintshemes. 2 german & 1 czech. But I´m still looking for more! ;)
  2. Träger in SF2 Europe?

    Moin Jungs, hat schon jemand von euch Flugzeugträger in SF2 "E" ans Laufen gebracht? Ich würde gerne einige britische Träger reinbaun um dann mit ner seaHawk o.ä. Missionen zu fliegen und ggf. auch die Träger / task Force in ne Kampagne einzubaun. Kann mir da jemand auf die Sprünge helfen?
  3. Nope... :( TMF planned to rework the mirage III but do not know hof or if it goes on with tmf projects ps you have forgotten Switzerland (Mirage IIIRS)
  4. Hi guys, i have convertet the seasoned Amercan NW Terrain to my SF2 Europe install. But now I´m a bit bored about the "stock" airfields. My question is now, how can i change them with the "new" airbases from pureblue? Hope someone from the terrain gurus can help! ;)
  5. -DL NF4+ -DL the original Higway mod for Gen1 look what files are needet for the mod. copy the needet files from NF4+ to your add on folder????
  6. Winterpause

    Moin Flo, dachte schon du hättest dich klamm heimlich verdrückt! ;) Schön das du wieder da bist! Wenn du an etwas Hand anlegst, woran denn???
  7. Happy birthday HGBN!

    Henrik my friend, I wish you all the best for the future! I hope you´ll celebrate your birthday nice! Happy Birthday mate!
  8. Winterpause

    Ja, das muss mal sein! ;)
  9. Starfighter Affäre!

    Ja Pasko, aber da hab ich schon länger nix mehr von gehört....
  10. On the Homepage of the Airbase Oldenburg are some really nice and rare Videos online. check them out! http://www.fliegerhorst-oldenburg.de/videos.php
  11. diverse Luftwaffen Videos

    Moin Jungs habe eben diesen Link gefunden: http://www.fliegerhorst-oldenburg.de/videos.php Sehr schöne Videos!!!!
  12. Happy Birthday Sundowner!

    Happy birthday Ant! Have a great day and enjoy it! ;-)
  13. News for August 2009

    Any new Info on Progress and maybe release????
  14. contacted a few days ago with Daniel. He is full with real life. No more time for modding... :-(
  15. Some interesting Videos!

    Yes, it took place in 1984....
  16. SF2 Israel Frage

    Moin Moin, hat schon jemand SF2 Israel? wenn ja, wurde der Bug mit den Decals behoben (weisser rand)?
  17. Hey Stratos, sadly no. Only the F-100F from YAP (Payware) is available. I agree with you, would be nice to have it....
  18. ECR only serve with JaboG 32. The other Squdrons fly IDS (AG 51 flyes Recce) or IDS-T. JaboG 35??? never flew F-104 or Tornado. only F-4F. After the reunion it was renamed to JG 73 "Steinhoff" One Squadron F-4F and one with MiG-29G.

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