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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. Isn´t the Vautour AI in sf2 Israel? Have you made it flyable? If you have installed Veltro´s Vautour, the skins won´t fit. and you have to make sure, that all files are installed correct in the SF2 Israel mod folder.
  2. Great work acesfakia! But can we have some civil stuff? loke Tankers, container ships, frighter etc?
  3. Check out the textureset.ini files of the (stock SF2) Israeli skins. start dates should be acurate...
  4. What sims do you play?

    SF2 & FSX
  5. Back to topic... SF2 Screens! Belgian Mirages!
  6. well i used the search function.. there are some for the older model
  7. we feature piracy mods here... ...Not. It has a reason why things got away from here.
  8. Asking in public for piracy mods is not the right way!
  9. Will we also get the Army Version of the Cougar please?
  10. Mil Mi-24W

    I guess it comes from a russian website, where many DCS models are upped.
  11. European Ground Objects

    Great! any chance, that you do your industrial objects and your 1930s ground and terrain objects for SF2 too please?
  12. Mil Mi-24W

    Looks great! Any other Versions of the Mi-24 planned also?
  13. So, the sub Forum is gone, does it mean WTR died (which i do not hope)? Put hours into this project, would be sad if it´s gone...
  14. Thats weird... Maybe project died? Would be very sad if so, invested many hours into that project...
  15. http://www.bobsyouruncle.net/StrikeFighter3dModeling.htm
  16. Ein paar Gedanken zu Pegida, Lügenpresse etc

    Wäre die Frau Peter Sylvester 2015 in Köln gewesen, hätte sie das bestimmt anders gesehen...
  17. Going Rogue

    I saw it yesterday and i must say, it is a great movie!
  18. check Sukhoi threat for pix.

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