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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. Sukhoi team is already working on a better one.
  2. BTW, make sure that your numbers.lst matches with the Decals you have made for the skin...
  3. One tip from me, use as less decals as possible. I normaly only use them for the numbers and paint the insignias on the skin.
  4. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    Great work on the Bell 212. But can you please update the Model a little bit? Adding the rotorblades to the Model (not showing you can see when engine is out) and maybe animate the side doors? Edit: I have also noticed an shadow bug on the 212.
  5. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    Works fine! Thank you very much mate!
  6. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    Thank you for the replay, but it doesn´t work. My hide entries look like this now: Component[008]=Hide1 [Hide1] ParentComponentName=Mesh01 ModelNodeName=Group1 DestroyedNodeName= ShowFromCockpit=FALSE HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE
  7. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    I´m playin around with the Bell 212. it is very cool. But can the Model a lil bit improved? the rotorblades are not visible when Engines are out and maybe the side doors can be animated? And can someone help me to remove the "big" antenna on the top? It is called Group1 in the lod-viewer, but can´t find the parent mash name... .-(
  8. Check My skins for those values...
  9. You know these? http://combatace.com/files/file/15530-usaf-ang-t-33a-skins/
  10. What about some highrez A-7E Desert Storm skins? ;-)
  11. Sad but true... TW doesn´t give a f**k about us SF2 PC folks...
  12. I tried the download on your page and my avvir founds HEUR/APC Cloud in the TFDtool.exe... :-(
  13. It's Been Years

    The Mig Alley Forum you see here is not a forum for the Sim.It is a forum for a Korean War add on for Strike Fighters 2 wich is called "Mig Alley".
  14. Yes i tried it, but does not work in SF2 NA. In other Terrains it works...
  15. Hello Mue, i installed your Target Area Editor yesterday on my new system (Win7 64bit) But now i can´t move selected objects. readme says: -translation (coarse): ctrl + left click + move -translation (fine): ctrl + shift + left click + move -rotation (coarse): ctrl + mouse wheel -rotation (fine): ctrl + shift + mouse wheel rotation works fine, but not the moving...
  16. Mirage 5BD

    @ aliza123: https://store.thirdwire.com/store_dlc.htm
  17. That´s why I did not replay too....
  18. Abspeichern des Spiels...

    Moin Spooky, ja kannst du. Da müssen dann Einträge (ich glaube) in der jeweiligen options.ini der einzelnen Sim geändert werden bzw. der Pfad zu den mods muss geändert werden. Schau mal hier: http://combatace.com/topic/62302-what-is-the-mod-folder/ Da wird einiges erklärt und es gibt weiterführende Links. ,-)
  19. Russo, may I ask for another favor? Would it be possible, that the air intakes can be mapped seperately and that the end of the tail hook too? In the way it is now mapped skinning in that Areas is not really possible. :-(

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