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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. Luftwaffe & Marineflieger Filme

    Tolles Video mit der Gina!
  2. Ein paar Gedanken zu Pegida, Lügenpresse etc

  3. For me always, but only on the CH-53A.
  4. I wonder that no one noticed it before. Got the same problem on the CH-53A. Elsewise a really good job! Thank you very much yakarov79!
  5. Looks great Ant! Always wanted to do some highrez skins for the GR.3. But as so often, No time.... I guess I still have some Scans from the 1/24 Airfix decals, maybe they could be helpful for you?
  6. That is out of a South Korean movie. "Return to Base" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R2B:_Return_to_Base
  7. Great work! Can´t wait for the late French variants and maybe a 2 seater!?
  8. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Morgen ist in Meppen bei der WTD 91 Tag der offenen Tür. Da soll auch mindestens eine CH-53 anwesend sein. Falls nichts dazwischen kommt, werde ich da sein und ordentlich Bilder machen.
  9. Do we have a Martin Baker Mk.8 ejection seat available? http://www.martin-baker.com/products/ejection-seats/mk1-9/mk8#prettyPhoto I have searched the whole dl section, but can´t find one. maybe someone did one with a plane? If not, will someone pls do one?
  10. It will be a fictional campaign?
  11. German AF??? So it will be a what if mod?
  12. Ups... forgot to tell you that the USAF / ANG T-33A skins are out and also a RT-33A skin http://combatace.com/files/file/15530-usaf-ang-t-33a-skins/ http://combatace.com/files/file/15531-usaf-rt-33a-skin/
  13. Look at the template section Bob. Ludo upped em there. edit: Ok I´m a good guy today: http://combatace.com/files/file/13113-canberras-templates/
  14. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Schön was von dir zu hören Flo! Und die CH-53 sieht auch super aus!
  15. It´s only a beta in some all in one packs. No Release yet, no templates, Florian is no more around since month
  16. Sukhois

    Su22 was an Export Version...
  17. Check out Volker´s F-4E Templates. But keep in mind, they don´t match exactly the layout of Thirdwire F-4. But there are all markings included. http://combatace.com/files/file/14313-f-4e-templates/

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