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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. F-104S Revamp

    Hello my italian friends, i pick up this topic, cause you guys can do me a favor. Has anyone of you detailed references about the stencils on the italian F-104G/S (Metal, Camo & Grey)?
  2. Cool mate! Reminds me, that i have to finish my F-104J mod...
  3. Use the Cat-extractor and do it by yourself!

    Can´t wait for the new Skyhawks. BTW, any news on the Paris?
  5. In mymind this means, that the project is still wip (work in progress). So it is not finished.
  6. One of my favorite Jets in colors of AG 51 "Immelmann" & GAFTTC (Holoman AFB)
  7. http://combatace.com/files/file/12823-3w-a-7e-skin-template-set/ Only ones available...
  8. I know it is mirrored. I only mean the no touch signs. not the anchor points.
  9. Alternativen für die Lw bzw. LSK zwischen 1955 und 1980

    Interessant ist auch zu wissen, das ca. 230 F-100 in Vietnam verloren gingen.
  10. Oh then sorry. But.. those symbols aren´t & weren´t in use by the GAF.. *gg* there should be only some red crosses. Okay, it is an what if Project, but for that then it could use the right symbols... just my 2 cents...
  11. Because they are there out of Place.In that case you should have some at the underside of the Wings too..;-)
  12. Pls contact Crusader regarding F-5E source! EDIT: Don´t know if the source is still available, but when Crusader is the man to contact.
  13. MiG-21 Skins are "only" in 1024x1024 ;-)
  14. Before releasing it, you should remove the "No Step" markings from the tail...
  15. You are right Hurc! BTW, a lot of Models are available. Just need someone who brings them into game... http://www.bb-mapping-designs.de
  16. Hurc's SF2V update: http://combatace.com/files/file/12335-sf2v-airbase-rebuild-mod-11-patch/
  17. PC-9 Temps fit well mate! ;-) http://combatace.com/files/file/9508-pilatus-pc-9a-photoshop-templates-ver-10/
  18. It is shitty to see, that TKfocused so much in the mobile games. And nothing in the EXP. 3.... wtf....
  19. Alternativen für die Lw bzw. LSK zwischen 1955 und 1980

    Mal etwas klug scheiß: Stimmt nicht. Fairey Gannet hatte die Marine ebenfalls. (U-Jäger und Seeaufklärer) Dann kamen noch Trainer / Verbindungsflugzeuge hinzu z.b. Fouga Magister & Piaggio Focke Wulf P.149D....
  20. Centurion, here is maybe something helpful: http://www.tailormadedecals.com/index.php?option=com_docman&task=cat_view&gid=42&Itemid=34 should not be very different from F-5E markings. When doing high rez skins, i always use only numbers as decals, everything else i paint on the skin. That looks nmuch better in game.
  21. Maybe you should get in touch with our Italian friends. They started something like that what you´ve got in mind. http://combatace.com/topic/60560-parlando-di-bagatelle-e-facezie/page-3
  22. Alternativen für die Lw bzw. LSK zwischen 1955 und 1980

    Du meinst bestimmt diese hier: Gab es in Gelb & rot/orange. Gelb - 2. Staffel, Rot/orange - 1. Staffel Ach ja, war das JG72. Ähnlich wie bei den Hartmann Tulpen vom Richthofen Geschwader. Gab es allerdings nur in den frühen Jahren.
  23. BTW, I work on German skins for the €urofighter
  24. Як-38 ...был такой самолет

    No. tried to contact him, but no luck. Last visit here: June 2nd 2012.... I think he is lost... :-( very sad. this was a plane i was waiting for...

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