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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. Alternativen für die Lw bzw. LSK zwischen 1955 und 1980

    Die SeaHawks hatten die Bemalung, welche alle SeaHawks hatten. Egal ob Inder, Tommies, Holländer oder Wir. Hatten alle Standartmäßig diese 2 Farben Tarnung. Diese gab es übrigens sehr häufig auf Maschinen die aus dem UK kamen. Die frühen Starfighter der Marine hatten übrigens Norm62 Tarnung.
  2. Looks damn nice! Can´t wait to test the "new" terrain & the SU-20!
  3. Download section? But i think there are no ones aroud.
  4. Ah thanks for the Info, will then do an F.Mk.59 skin too... ;-)
  5. I´m not sure, but didn´t take Hunters part in the early days of the war? Can someone exactly say which kind of Hunters? I think they were used for attacks...
  6. Looks very promissing Centurion. One general question I have. Is it needed, that the textures are in bmp format? Or is it possible to have them in jpg? Would save a lot of space and would be good for performance i think....
  7. Alternativen für die Lw bzw. LSK zwischen 1955 und 1980

    Dann wären sie wie unzähliges andere Fluggerät (aus Ost & West) entweder verkauft oder verschrottet worden.
  8. Alternativen für die Lw bzw. LSK zwischen 1955 und 1980

    Michael, du bist doch unser LSK Spezi hier. Ich habe mal vor Jahren i-wo gelesen, dass die LSK die SU-25 beschaffen wollten. Dann aber die Wiedervereinigung dazwischen kam. Weißt du etwas darüber?
  9. Thank you Wingwiner. Would it be possible to have the hangars also as an open version?
  10. File Name: West German Marine Zippers File Submitter: Soulfreak File Submitted: 31 October 2013 File Category: F-104 Marine F-104G Skin Pack by Carlo (not Paulo) "Soulfreak" Vecchi Included are 4 Skins for the 2 (West) German Navy Squadrons (MfG 1 & MFG 2) that flew the Zipper. in Norm 62 (early) and Norm 76 (late) Camo. And all German F-104G Numbers (you need them for later Skins by me)!!! ----------------------------------------- Credit = original model by - Third Wire GAF F-104G temp by - ravenclaw_007 ------------------------------------------ this mod is done for SF2 ------------------------------------------- NOTE: Textures are in BMP format. If you have not a good system, you should convert the textures into jpg format. ------------------------------------------ You have to read the readme.txt!!! Have Fun Souli Schapen, Oct. 31st 2013 Click here to download this file
  11. Still have to finish them... Maybe in the normal 2 weeks.
  12. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Centurion, oder? Dann mach ihm mal Dampf! Auf die SU-25 warte ich schon ewig! *gg*
  13. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Das klingt super! ;-) Dann ists mit der 22er auch nicht mehr soooo ganz lang hin Gibts auch was neues von der 25er?
  14. PM him, or leave a message @ his profil here...
  15. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Also Zeit habe ich sowieso nie. Aber es wird wohl einige Bunte Mühlen geben. Nur welche weiß ich noch nicht so genau. Das hängt davon ab welche Referenzen ich noch so bekomme. Erstmal müssen die 3D Modelle endgültig fertig sein, dann werde ich am Tornado weiter painten. Wie siehts denn bei dir mit den Sukhoi Fliegern aus?
  16. No they don´t fit Volker... The Taaks in SF2 have another mapping and are included in the F-104 model... But if you have a look at the tanks from my latest mods, you can easy make your own templates. just redraw the lines and rivets and color the base. ;-)
  17. Alternativen für die Lw bzw. LSK zwischen 1955 und 1980

    Hätte, hätte Fahrradkette!
  18. Oskar Entenweich

    Du hast alle verfügbaren Gnats für die TW Sims aufgelistet.
  19. German Ww2 font is a different type then the font for Luftwaffe markings. And for modern Luftwaffe there are 2 different fonts.
  20. Sounds like an easy mistake. Have you backuped your option.inis before? And have you changed the default mod folder path? If not, change the part in all your options ini to your specefic mod folder path!
  21. Pretty cool! We need more of this kind to bring more different things in Game!!!
  22. File Name: JaboG 36 "Westfalen" F-104G - Hopsten Air Base ca. 1972 File Submitter: Soulfreak File Submitted: 31 October 2013 File Category: F-104 JaboG 36 "Westfalen" F-104G Skin by Carlo (not Paulo) "Soulfreak" Vecchi F-104G in colors of the Westfalen Geschwader (Hopsten Air Base). I served with that squadron, but I worked on the F-4F ICE. ----------------------------------------- Credit = original model by - Third Wire GAF F-104G temp by - ravenclaw_007 ------------------------------------------ to install- this mod is done for SF2 you need to have installed my Marine Zipper Skin Pack for the Decals. Available here: http://combatace.com/files/file/14366-west-german-marine-zippers/ Drop the JBG36 folder to your: objects/Aircraft/F-104G folder under mod folder. If you are unsure about the way how mods are installed, check the knowledge base at CombatAce! Go fly. ------------------------------------------- Have Fun Souli Schapen, Oct. 31st 2013 Click here to download this file
  23. Not sure, haven´t Gimp2 installed. But if use the "save as" function instead of just saving it by klicking on the disk, there should be some options for the saving....

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