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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. Not only look more, you need to use the outstanding (and working) search funktion too! ;-)
  2. Who?

    F-117 (that is available) is from marcfighters! You need to ask him, if you can use it! BTW, isn´t there another F-117A in work?
  3. Something very nice in work for FS2004

    Check out the RAF Brüggen Scenary from them! ;-)
  4. I can take over some skins! Are templates around? Edit: Just saw there are temps available in the download! ;-) Maybe it is possible to update the 3d model? Adding secular & bump maps and integrate the fueltank into the 3d model?
  5. Ground Objekte

    Jip I know Kevin. But that´s not enough i think!^^
  6. Feliz Cumpleaños a .....!

    Happy Birthday Marcolinio (Marcos)!
  7. Ground Objekte

    Not fully right! :-D What you mean is Volkers Faun Truck (3 axis) These are 3 and 2 axis ones and they have got other textures! About the containers: I don´t know. I do not look in every terrain what objects are in there... ;-) My thoughts are to make a whole terrain object pack with new stuff. wittherefore I´m searching new objects like support vehicles, stuff, hangars, buildings etc....
  8. Looks good! Waiting for those, especially for the late French F1s....
  9. east block aircrafts are only AI! but you can make them flyable via some ini edits. or download some mods and instal. http://combatace.com/files/category/389-sf2-series-add-on-aircraft/ But before adding something, you have to understand how adding 3rd partie add ons works in SF2! therefor you need to read (and understand) the knowledgebase!!! This is what you should basicly have to know: http://combatace.com/topic/62302-what-is-the-mod-folder/
  10. you need in your skins folder the textureset.ini & decals.ini you can open (and edit) this files with Wordpad or the Editor. Maybe before starting, you should read the knowledgebase. http://combatace.com/forum/99-thirdwire-strike-fighters-1-series-knowledge-base/ There are many helpful things you have to know about modding! ;-)
  11. F-5B Turkish Skins



    F-5B, Turkey Air Force Skins These skins are for the great F-5B from Fast Cargo Skins done with the templates from him & Sea Skin is modified from 331KillerBee´s Sea Skins. You have to read the readme.txt!!! Skins are for SF2 Serie!!! ------------------------------------------------------------ this Mod is released under the freeware licensing agreement http://forum.combata...showtopic=26131 ------------------------------------------------------------ I hope you´ll like these skins. Schapen, 14th July 2010 Carlo "Souli" Vecchi
  12. ah ok, then i´ll do them by myself! ;-9
  13. Paulo, could you send me the MiG-21MF textures pls? Only the camo without any panel lines, rivets, markings & weathering? Would like to test something! ;-)
  14. For the MiG-21MF check out Marcelo´s Skins! They are pretty nice...
  15. I think thats the wip one (reworked tmf one)....
  16. 1st: you should learn how to post in the right forum. 2nd: If you want them, do them by yourself!
  17. Wait for Ravenclaw´s new F-4Es, there will be good skins in too! :-D
  18. A flyable soviet campaign would be very nice!
  19. don´t think so. there are projects ongoing with that birds which are much more in progress.
  20. Nope, the F-4J only comes with SF2 Vietnam!

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