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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. BTW, Russo, how are your other projects going on? F.e. Canberra & MiG-21UM???
  2. MiG-29

    Ich! *gg*
  3. Cocas Birthday!

    Happy birthday Daniel! :cheers:
  4. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Naja, in fall von Thirdwire ist es schon extrem. Quasi eine 180° Wendung von TK gegenüber den Moddern und die Sim ansich wird auch nicht besser.
  5. I like! I can use it in my Royal Navy Hunter pack very good! Thank you Volker, great work mate!
  6. WTF? Not Safe For Kids or Work

    And i bet that she´s got his balls!
  7. Try to make them by yourself! Here are the templates: http://combatace.com/files/file/11163-f-5f-basic-templates/
  8. WTF? Not Safe For Kids or Work

    Holy cow.... poor guy...
  9. I found the italian topic http://combatace.com/topic/60560-parlando-di-bagatelle-e-facezie/
  10. well that was the experience i made....
  11. Some time ago some of our Italien freinds worked on something like that. But I´m not sure if it is still under development....
  12. Not sure if you already know this new Camo, but maybe something for you Eric! http://s171.photobucket.com/albums/u316/kap64/airshows/VFC-12%20Sept%202012/?start=all
  13. Extract the tank files and save them as a Bitmap! Had something similar with the F-104G & Hunter Tanks
  14. What is the exact problem? Explain it please a bit more!
  15. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Cooles feature. Die Kennung der Orion auf der ILA ist die 60+04! Den Bildern nach zu urteilen gibt es eine unmenge an Wartungshinweisen auf den Orions. Wäre cool, wenn man an brauchbare Referenzen ran kommen würde....
  16. Centurion, my interest in this Bird is very big. I think it fits perfectly into the Vietnam theatre. And maybe you could also do a T-37C. Can´t wait to do some nice skins for the dragonfly.
  17. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Schaut super aus Flo! folgendes gesehen auf der ILA...
  18. The 3D file is for modders available. so it should be easy to do.
  19. TK still always speaks of EXP3!!!
  20. But be then have a lot of F1 Variants. not only TK´s F.1C :-p
  21. AS-30 (I think) nowhere, it´s a whole new model from Volker.
  22. Looks pretty nice Russ! Can´t wait to fly your newest Projects (Harrier, Hawk etc.)

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