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Everything posted by Julhelm

  1. Do one but use Wagner's Flying Dutchman overture ;)
  2. You can find Super EF2000 over at http://the-underdogs.info Should prove adequate for cockpit info.
  3. File Name: A-5A Vigilante Templates File Submitter: Julhelm File Submitted: 8 Dec 2007 File Category: Skin Templates / Decal Sets These are complete base templates for the standard Navy camo with decals, sans squadron markings. Feel free to let your creativity run amok. Nils 'Julhelm' Dücker NilsD@bredband.net Click here to download this file
  4. Version


    These are complete base templates for the standard Navy camo with decals, sans squadron markings. Feel free to let your creativity run amok. Nils 'Julhelm' Dücker NilsD@bredband.net
  5. Version


    A-5A V2.0 Updates: Reskinned + 2 new skins for VAH-1 and Naval Weapons Evaluation Facility. Model has been scaled down physically because it was a bit big before. Various other small tweaks here and there. ------------------------------------------ Legal s**t: This file cannot be used in any payware packages or such, it also cannot be changed or tampered with in any way, or uploaded in any shape or form by a third party without my consent or permission. Failure to adher to these rules will be punished by summary execution by firing squad - Your next of kin shall be billed for the expended cartridge. You have been warned. ------------------------------------------ Nils 'Julhelm' Dücker NilsD@bredband.net
  6. I have problems at home right now, so you probably won't see much of this before 2008. Sorry.
  7. Aussie Vigilantes?

    Figure out the weapons load, pylon arrangement and camo schemes and I'll give you one to fly around with.
  8. It'd be cool if you did one with the 60's aircraft :)
  9. Resize like this: Open PS or PSP, then downsize 256^2, sharpen, downsize, sharpen and so on until you get it to 1024^2. That way you won't loose too much detail or blur the skin.
  10. lol @ 90dgr landing turn. Looking real awesome though - perhaps you'd be willing to lend a hand with some helis?
  11. There is no radar on the Kestrel. I suppose you could add a radar with TWS/ACM to mimic passive RWR combined with IRST as seen in F-19.
  12. The point I'm trying to make is that Max being expensive isn't a valid excuse on it's own, since there's nothing stopping anyone from petitioning TK about writing an exporter for a free alternative like Blender.
  13. The thing that gets to me is how the gimmegimmies always use lameass excuses like "sob sob sniff but I can't afford max boohoo sniff sniff" every time you tell them to go do it themselves. What this really means is that even though obtaining the tools can be done for free at the touch of a button they're simply too lazy to even bother because it means they'd actually have to learn something and put in a little effort.
  14. Btw, has it ever occured to any of you pestering twats that if I had actually given a rat's ass about the Ching-Kuo, or T50, or Su-randomnumber I would've gone and f***ing modelled it already. So back the f*** up or f***ing go model it yourselves. What you see from me is what you get, end of story.
  15. Lemme get this straight: Photos show Plane A usually carries X amount of missile B on hardpoints 3 and 4, which means it can never ever carry missile B on hardpoints 1 and 2 despite these hardpoints being specifically designed for missile B except if it happens to be a british jet, because they talk funny and wear women's clothes. That's some of the most retarded logic I've ever seen.
  16. Someone else is already working on one. Also I'm generally quite uninterested in contemporary "real life" modern combat a/c.
  17. Is there any reason why we can't have 1024^2 tiles?
  18. No, not those. It's everything else that needs more detail.
  19. I think I can do these quite fast. Most of the detail can simply be painted on.
  20. No offense taken at all. I'm curious as to the revised flightmodel you speak of. It'd be nice to try it out. My rerelease is still 2 weeks away. The plot for the original Zeewolf game which inspired these models involved melting icecaps turning the world into lots of archipelagos, but maps were very small. Personally I wouldn't mind seeing perhaps remakes of the F-19 maps, which were ace.
  21. And it should be clarified that the Zeewolf in question is originally my model and skin, which I'm updating for a rerelease of my own with custom pit, shadows and other s**t like that. I do have the little notar-tailed Scout ingame as well, but it needs heavy tweaking of the flightmodel if anyone is up for doing that. I designed it inspired by Col. Cochrane's 20mm-armed Little Bird. Here's a pictoral rundown of the helos and other things I have in a WIP state, as mentioned to atrdriver: Pelican UH: Cougar MBT: Scout OH: Albatross AH/UH: Vulture AH: Bear AFV: Hippo MBT: There's also this unnamed fighter: As well as a couple ECM, EW and AAA variants of the Bear which are still in design stage.

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