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Posts posted by MiG29Fulcrum

  1. Allright its now confirmed. The "Strike Fighters 2 - North Atlantic" addon kills my guns. I installed Strike Fighters 2, Vietnam, Israel, Israel Expansion Pack, Europe, Europe Expansion Pack and every time I enter a game the guns fire.


    As soon as I install "North Atlantic" no guns work anymore.


    EDIT: Well I found a solution: I just start the game with another .exe, like the "Strike Fighters 2 Europe" one. I still get the "North Atlantic"-planes like the F-14, but this time the guns work. Allright thanks.

    • Like 1

  2. Hi. Im not using mods / unoffical addons, just the normal "Strike Fighters 2" releases.

    Here is a screenshot of my options menu, as you can see it recognizes my trigger inputs:


    I have one button for "Fire Primary Guns", one for "Fire Secondary Guns" and "Fire Selected Weapons" is also selected.

    However ingame the guns simply wont fire. No on-board cannons, no gunpods, nothing -_-

  3. Might be a simple solution, but I am really stuck:


    In the options menu I chose my main trigger on the joystick as the one to "Fire Primary Guns". My secondary trigger, the one under my thumb, was selected to "Fire Secondary Guns". Both triggers get recognized by the game.

    However ingame nothing happens. I select the machine gun, press the trigger - And nothing happens. If I select missiles I can fire them with the "Fire Secondary Guns" trigger.....But guns wont work. 


    What is going on?

  4. You might remember by older thread were I installed Marcfighters Su-27 and YEYEYEs cockpit and got confused because YEYEYE mentions R-27 Alamo missiles in his .ini files, that dont appear in the loadout screens: http://i.imgur.com/AWSQW13.jpg


    But I really want a Su-27 with BVR missiles, its stupid only with shortrange IR-seekers...So I downloaded the Red Side Standart Weapons pack. I checked it, and it indeed has the AA-10 (R-27) missiles I want. One of them, the AA-10A, has the same name thats written in the Su-27s SU-27_LOADOUT.INI, "R-27R". At least the "model name" is R-27R, the "Full Name" and "Type Name" are different. Is that my mistake? http://i.imgur.com/cesBsqI.jpg


    Because the missile still doesnt appear in the Quick Combat loadout screen! What am I missing?  

    Thanks in advance!

  5. Use the RSS (Red Side Standard) Weapons Pack... to have a little self advertising here)))



    Sorry but I just checked the Readme again (after I installed the RSS pack), and still no R-27. O_o Also I made a mistake, there is no mentions of any Weapons pack, neither by YEYEYE on his cockpit or Marc on his Su.27.


    But YEYEYE clearly references the R-27 in his .ini readme: http://i.imgur.com/AWSQW13.jpg


    How do I make that missile appear ingame? Did I install the weapons pack correctly? It belongs in Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 NorthAtlantic\Objects\Weapons right?

  6. Sorry relative Noob here. I wanted to use  Marcfighters Su-27 with  YEYEYEs classic cockpit (as he intended to).


    The readme says I have to change certain things in various .inis. That worked fine. BUT: I just noticed the "Loadout.ini" refers to a R-27R missile - but I cant find the "Alamo" missile ingame. Whenever I start a quick mission it only gives me various Archers and Atolls.


    Am I missing something...? Thanks in advance!

  7. Hi


    Im proud owner of nearly every "Famous Russian Aircraft" book by Yefim Gordon. Up to 700 pages (MiG-21) with really EVERYTHING you need to know about the respective aircraft. But Im missing these kinds of books for western aircraft, especially my favorite, the F-14.


    Any suggestions? And are there other factual books about jetfighters you can recommend? For example I just got myself "Cockpits of the Cold War", with detailed cockpit-photographs of a lot of cold-war-jetaircraft. Stuff like that.



    Thanks in advance


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