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About mysticbrave123

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  1. I've just bought the merged pack for £80 but having so many troubles it was supposed to cut out us having to merge the files etc. 1 Apparently there is a bug that only generates one mod folder(North Atlantic) none of the others appeared and my Save games folder is on my G drive 2 Because of this I cannot do anything like change mapped buttons for joystick because there is no folders where the controls can be saved, strangely the North Atlantic works but that has a mod folder. 3 My age I am 71 have gamed all my life love the cold war aircraft the lightning what a plane and others, anyone help please
  2. Strike Fighters 2

    One other thing I have noticed is if I start the game using SF 2 and click on campaigns it crashes to desktop, however if I try this with any others the campaigns are there.
  3. Strike Fighters 2

    Thanks guys for all your help I will look in to the suggestions
  4. Strike Fighters 2

    Yes my saved games folder is on my G drive and it put North Atlantic in there but no others
  5. Strike Fighters 2

    Thanks for the reply I am 71 so a bit out of touch Are you saying if I open Strike Fighters 2 the original I have access to all the others such as North Atlantic etc Finally if I download any mods can I put them in the North Atlantic mods folders and they should work
  6. I have just purchased Strike Fighters all in one bundle which installs it on the computer. I put it on C drive everything works ok apart from when i run the game it does not put the mod folders in my saved games folder, but strangely it puts the North Atlantic in the save folder but none of the others Does that cause problems if I install mods into that folder as the others do not appear Thanks
  7. Windows 10

    Thanks so much guys much appreciated
  8. Sorry guys just purchased the game and am finding the installation of mods difficult. I have windows 10 and cant find where my info saves to ie the sounds,effects etc,looked in users on c drive and documents but nothing there. Does anyone know where they save to in w10. Thanks

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