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Everything posted by Svetlin

  1. MiG-19PT FARMER-B

  2. MiG-19PM FARMER-D

  3. Slowly making progress, I couldn't do anything without the excellent template.
  4. I will do, Stick, but I am taking my time in finishing it as my skills for making skins are limited and I would like to make the skin pattern as close to the real thing as I can. I had some trouble finding a proper font for the numbers on the air intakes, but I think I found a pretty close one the other day, that will require just a few touches to the numbers to make them look OK. I am still looking into resources to find our the exact number of aircraft and the exact air intake numbers, but information is scarce. So far I have come to the conclusion that the new paint scheme was applied to 10-16 MiG-29A aircraft, that were purchased years after the initial supply of MiG-29C and MiG-29UB. The first number I have seen on pictures is 550 and I have seen also 553, 555 and 558, so I guess I will make 10-16 consecutive numbers, starting from 550.
  5. I guess you could keep AIRSPEED_INDICATOR as the type refers to a movable type of part in the cockpit and the NodeName directs to the exact part of the 3d model.
  6. In the past (referring back to SFP1 times), parts of the cockpit that needed to be made invisible were moved out of sight rather than completely hidden. Here is how Fubar512 did it with the F-4E cockpit trying to make it similar to a MiG-29 cockpit: =========== Instrument[069]=MoveCanopyStrut =========== [MoveCanopyStrut] Type=AIRSPEED_INDICATOR NodeName=FrontFrame MovementType=POSITION_Y Set[01].Position=-100 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=-99 Set[02].Value=1.0 Hope that helps!
  7. The files are still corrupted. Tried both links here and both mirrored links...
  8. You put so much effort and talent in making your models look like the real thing, so it would be a shame not to use the real weight.
  9. You need to flip the NN horizontal into ИИ
  10. The early version of AT-6B had the sensor turret added through the fake pilot method. I will try to send it to you through PM, as I am not sure if the version can still be found here.
  11. Bulgarian Su & MiGs

    Yep, MiG-21bis. 2 MiG-21bis and 1 MiG-21UM were the last flying machines of the type in our Air Force. AFAIK they are not officially retired yet, these 3 are still kept in flying condition and will be for some more time, however no more flights are planned.
  12. When nothing loaded on the belly weapons station, all air brakes were deployed. I am not sure though if it is possible to animate selective deployment of air brakes in SF, related to a weapons station being empty or not. I know it is possible to activate/deactivate an animation related to the aircraft being in the air or on the ground (this is used to activate braking chute only when the landing gear touches the ground), but that's all. TW MiG-21s all deploy the belly air brake irrespective of the belly weapons station being empty or not. I am not sure about TMF MiG-21s.
  13. When the MiG-21 is loaded with external fuel tank, the rear airbrake is blocked, that is why it has those additional airbrakes on the sides.
  14. Croatian MiG-21 upgrade "issues"

    5 decommissioned Bulgarian MiG-21s without engines were sold to Ukraine in 2013. That was confirmed by specialized Bulgarian media back at the time.
  15. I had a problem with missing shadows on weapons and the solution that worked for me was to have the lod file named exactly as the TypeName entry in the data.ini file. For example: TypeName=OuterPylon_LAU117 ObjectFullName=Pylon+LAU117 (for Maverick) ObjectDataFile=OuterPylon_LAU117_data.INI [LOD001] Filename=OuterPylon_LAU117.lod or TypeName=_A-4_OuterPylon_LAU117_HV ObjectFullName=Pylon+LAU117 (for Maverick) ObjectDataFile=_A-4_OuterPylon_LAU117_HV_data.INI [LOD001] Filename=_A-4_OuterPylon_LAU117_HV.lod
  16. I would prefer a dedicated guide for each release package, but if it is easier for you to make a single general guide that covers all packages, that would be fine too.
  17. There was a WIP shot of the MiG-23 here: http://combatace.com/topic/81785-sukhois/page-3?do=findComment&comment=678417
  18. 3 months peace and quiet in this thread and then all of a sudden... BOOM and a very big one at that... I like it Superb job as always!
  19. Cutting just the doors (or just one door) could be useful as these could be animated to open as canopy on a fighter and thus displayed in open position when on the ground. Just a thought...

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