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Everything posted by Svetlin

  1. May be it really is a cat format issue, because I am able to view stock MiG-21 lods, but at the same time I am unable to view Mirage III, EA-6B lods.
  2. Happy Birthday Enoc!

    Happy Birthday with best wishes to you, Enoc!
  3. Sukhois

    How much info, that's hard to say, rather general, better ask a specific question and I will try to answer it or find the information. As a minimum I could go through the Bulgarian military aviation forums to see if I could find any information that you need, but I currently do not have. There are dedicated topics with discussions for each aircraft that was used by the Bulgarian Air Force. As for stencils, each aircraft is marked with standard factory stencils, meaning Soviet/Russian aircraft bear stencils in Russian, while our PC-PM, C-27J and AS-523AL are marked in English. For Floggers, we had several painted with a shark mouth, a very cool scheme: It is an UB Flogger on the pic above, but some of the single seaters MLD had that too and I think I could help with decals for it. As I said, just ask a specific question or place a specific request and I will try to help.
  4. Sukhois

    It would be a pleasure to help, hope it is something within my powers
  5. Sukhois

    Martin, could I just ask which one you have in mind? You have shown here a number of WIP aircraft, each one being anxiously anticipated
  6. To view the gunsight you need to add the HUDmaterial entry to the avionics.ini file. It is a common step in converting SF1 aircraft to SF2 standard. Great job with the Cobra, love the mod!
  7. How about these: http://combatace.com/files/file/6290-canard-pack-for-modding-updated/
  8. Denis, could you please share the F-5EFAB2 component, which you have added via the fakepilot method to the late F-5E FAB model as it is currently missing? I guess that is the refueling probe.
  9. Hi Dan, if you are asking about the Su-30 models released by Insky in the past, here is the template for them: http://combatace.com/files/file/8066-su-30mkk-templates/ Hope that helps!
  10. MiG-29 mock dogfight footage

    Believe it or not, a Bulgarian Air Force pilot says, the MiG-29 style helmets were not personally adjusted for each pilot and so in flight and with the HMTS fitted on, the helmet would not stay stable on the pilot's head, causing discomfort and even potential danger. Since many of the elderly pilots turned to MiG-29 from MiG-21 or MiG-23, I guess some of them opted to keep their old style helmetm used on the 21 or 23, that would be more comfortable in flight.
  11. MiG-29 mock dogfight footage

    Not quite so unfortunately, we have talented pilots such as Gen. Radev, but the Air Force have been suffering for years from budget cuts, resulting in pilots doing a third or so of the annual flight time of the average NATO pilot.
  12. MiG-29 mock dogfight footage

    This is a relatively old video, but a great one in deed. If any one is curious about the comments of the pilot, (that's the Cyrillic text at the bottom of the screen), I could help. The pilot with the open visor is General Rumen Radev, now Commander in Chief of the Bulgarian Air Force, aged 51, still flying MiG-29A. On October 11, 2014 Gen. Radev starred the airshow at Sofia Airport in Bulgaria for the 102nd Anniversary of the Bulgarian Air Force (October 16, 2014). I was lucky to watch the rehearsals and then the show itself. There are some amateur videos of the show in youtube. The General won huge applause from the spectators doing with a MiG-29A a low altitude "Cobra" manoeuvre, followed by 2 "Kambana" manoeuvres (kambana is the Bulgarian word for bell, sorry I cannot remember the English name of the manoeuvre - the aircraft going vertical until it stalls, then sliding down on its tail until nose starts to point down again and the aircraft to accelerate). After that he headed for a landing, but just before he would touch down, afterburners were on again and with some 20-30m altitude gained, he rolled the aircraft in half tono and flew inverted over the runway for some 5-10 sec or so, slowly gaining more altitude, before completing the tono, gear down all the time. We also watched low altitude dogfight between 2 MiG-29As, man was it impressive, the first MiG-29 doing expert flying manoeuvres, the second one chasing close and trying to get in firing position for gunfight, burners on most of the time. I have barely missed 1 or 2 airshows of the Bulgarian Air Force in the past 20 years, but I have never seen before Bulgarian pilots flying so low and so close in front of civilian spectators. The show was named "This is us", i.e. Bulgarian Air Force pilots showing their capabilities to the general public. It was great. MigBuster, sorry, that was not intended to hijack your tread, just to add some information to the great video for anyone who might be interested.
  13. Man, just read a few posts above, will ya??? Pushing for a release, given the circumstances explained here in the topic, is a bit inhuman I think. Instead you could wish Ravenclaw swift and good recovery. I do so...
  14. Paulo, it is a bit late now I guess, but the MB-339 cockpit fits as well I think.
  15. Try this: [AircraftData] DestroyedModel=A-4_Destroyed.LOD DestroyedEffect=VehicleFireEffect EmptyMass=5046.30 EmptyInertia=23799.8,8718.9,44566.9 ReferenceArea=26.75 ReferenceSpan=11.43 CGPosition=0.0,1.8,0.0 CockpitCGOffset=TRUE Component[001]=Fuselage Component[002]=LeftWing Component[003]=RightWing Component[004]=LeftStab Component[005]=RightStab Component[006]=VertTail Component[007]=LeftOuterWing Component[008]=RightOuterWing Component[009]=Nose Component[010]=Tail The Hawk T.1A has CGPosition=0.0,1.8,0.0, while the T-45A has CGPosition=0.0,0.0,0.0
  16. I use the L-39ZA cockpit for the purpose. I know it is not close in terms of instrument placement, etc., but it comes from a trainer aircraft, subsonic and single-engined same as the Hawk and above all there are no windscreen frames, so I feel good about it. May be some minor repaint would increase credibility as a stand-in cockpit.
  17. I think it is worth checking the weapon packs, released in the past by the Mirage Factory and also stock weapons that come with SF2:I. I would say the BFT type you are looking for is available as BFT for Kfir. I will take a look later and confirm.
  18. Guys, I am having a problem in making stock aircraft flyable, that I suppose that could be a result of something I installed recently - a DLC or a third party mod. I am sure I am making the right steps, doing all the necessary ini edits (as I have made stock aircraft flyable many times in the past years), but now no result. I noticed that after I edit the aircraft ini file to add the necessary entries for the cockpit, say the MiG-21PFM.ini, and I start the game, the MiG-21PFM is not a selectable aircraft. When I check back the MiG-21PFM.ini, I see that the file I edited was restored by the game to its default state, i.e. without any cockpit related entries in it. I tried making a separate aircraft off of a stock one, say MiG-21PFM_PWL, so that the game does not recognize it as a stock one anymore and that one does not show up in game at all. At the same time I have other aircraft, say MiG-21bis_BG made in the past over the stock MiG-21bis to represent Bulgarian nation specific aircraft and these show up OK. Any thoughts why is this happening as I have not observed such behavior before?
  19. Yes, Wrench, I am doing it exactly as you have described. I am in a complete loss here as I have successfully done that tens of times in the past (cause I prefer to do it anew with each new install rahther than paste from old installs, part of the fun with the game for me I guess ). OK, I guess I will just have to reinstall the game and start adding my favourite mods one at a time over again. Thanks for the attention.
  20. Thank you, Wrench, I have read that, may be I did not explain clearly. It does not explain why newly created aircraft over stock aircraft do not show up. Also does not explain why the game overwrites the ini files each time it is started (not only after a patch or DC installation).
  21. Hi, Russo, I doubt the guys at Sukhoi would have been happy to see the MiG logo painted on the tail of one of their creations , even back in the 1980s, when more or less Su and MiG did not compete in an open manner with each other, as each had their own share of the market (Su for the heavy fighters and fighter-bombers and MiG for the light fighters and fighter-bombers).
  22. Don't forget Lindr2's mods over the MF MiG-23 model: MiG-23A here: http://combatace.com/files/file/11601-mig-23a/ MiG-23K here: http://combatace.com/files/file/11626-mig-23k/ Both are for SF1, but both have working arresting hook built in the model.
  23. Yes, there is, although just for test purposes - Ye-6T and Ye-8. Canards were not controllable, instead these were self-adjusting according to the angle of attack of the aircraft. A carrier-borne MiG-21 is a bit too much on the what-if side for me due to the high take-off and landing speed, but that is just a personal opinion. On the other hand there was the Ye-7PD concept with its lift engines, allowing for shorter take-off and landing...

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