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Everything posted by Svetlin

  1. I have compared the data. ini files of the A and C with that of the G model Starfighter and came to a conclusion that TK made a few changes to the G to come up with the A and C models. As nothng I tried worked to make the nozzles move, I am starting to think that the animation was switched off in 3dsMax by mistake. May be a future patch will fix that, just as TK did with the F-4N.
  2. MK10 seats are available here in the SF1 downloads section, if I remember well.
  3. I think a Bulgarian MiG-23 camo would look cool on the M2KBx: http://wp.scn.ru/en/ww3/f/37/154/0 Or may be a Bulgarian MiG-21 camo (sampleas available there as well).
  4. Wow, very very nice. Bulgaria is a potential user too.
  5. Krizis made a couple of years ago an excellent MBD-3 rack and shared it with me, but I am not sure if he ever included it in a publicly released weapons pack. Also Krizis has not been active here for quite a while now and I have no contact with him outside CA forum. If anyone has contact with Krizis, then may be he could ask Krizis to upload the MBD-3 or at least grant permission to upload the rack on his behalf. Krizis also made and shared with me a KKR-1 pod for the Su-17/22, but again no public release. May be he would agree that both the MBD-3 and the KKR-1 be uploaded here.
  6. Martin, can you share the source of information about "canopy of the Su-7U Moujik and the current fuselage of the Su-17/20"? All sources I have come accross indicate that the trainers were based on the Su-17M2 fuselage.
  7. RAVEN, would you share it with the community, please? Such a rack could be quite usefull for some "what-if" aircraft available here.
  8. Great, one more bird to practice carrier take-offs and landings There is a shadow tractor beam either from the front gear or from its cover, but nothing serious, may be ver. 3.0 would have it fixed
  9. No, you have come accross an old skin, that does not have the Harm adapters painted on.
  10. For aircraft that has separate lift engines, you can avoid and at the same time still use the trust vector control. What I mean is you could set up the lift engines as regular engines (without trust vector control), but with an agnled thrust, by using this entry: ThrustAngles=0.0,80.0,0.0 - this is an example setting of thrust 80 degrees downwards Then you couls set up the lift engines to be without afterburner. Finally you could use a different input for the throttle of the lift engines, for example: InputName=THRUST_VECTOR_CONTROL This way you will have main engine(s), using the throttle control with full afterbuner and you will have lift engines, using the trust vector control for throttle, without afterburner, i.e. 2 independent input settings for throttle of the diffent engines. Then it is interesting to test if the thrust vector control can be used both as throttle control and as animation control to open and close the intake doors and exhaust covers of the lift engines. If that does not work, may be the intake doors and exhaust covers can be controlled by means of a separate manual animation SHIFT+1 or 2 or else.
  11. Hi guys, could anyone direct me how I could fix an issue with the Gripen HUD? The laser designator mark (green diamond for LGBs and green circle with a cross inside for LGMs) is away from the target designator mark (red square) while I guess they should be one on top of the other. Apparently the red square is where it should be as it is stock from the game itself and the problem is with the green diamond. See screenshot:
  12. Thanks a lot, mate, that was it, it worked.
  13. img00005

  14. I would make sure the LOD file for the pod is named different from the stock 1300L drop tank. Also I would make a separate weapon station for the recce pod and would remove from it any drop tank related entries, even this one: FuelTankNodeName= Hope that helps.
  15. Russo, have you removed the engine nozzle animation (you wrote "some animation slots removed\moved")? I find it in the data ini at slot 9 and I do not find another animation at the same slot, but still the nozzles do not work - always stay in the fully open position.
  16. Cliff11, the problem with that set-up as opposed to ianh755's one would be that when appearaing parked on ground, your JAS-39E will have just 1 pylon and the second one will not show up. The pylon loaded as Pilot will not show up when aircraft is parked on ground. That is why fakepilot lod is used and the item you want to be always showing is entered as the seat of the fake pilot - seats do not disappear on arked aircraft.
  17. The AGM-84E has Walleye optical guidance system and a Maverick data-link, that's why it should be EOGR, not CGR.
  18. ianh755, the pylon came with this mod: http://combatace.com/files/file/6012-mig-21pfm-modifications/ I cannot promise you perfect fit, but if you are looking for a relatively simple shape, than that's an option for you.
  19. ianh755, there is a single pylon mod made to be centerline pylon for the MiG-21PF/PFM. While not an exact match for the real thing shape-wise, I trust it will be good enough in size and will not look bad at all after proper skinning. Unfortunately I cannot remember exactly which mod that pylon came with. All I remember now is it came first for the SF1 series. I definitely have it in my weapons folder though.
  20. A new model is needed to correctly represent the JAS-39E/F. Besides the additional pylons, the main landing gear is also rather different with the gear wells removed from the fuselage and placed in the section where the wing flows into the fuselage, reconstructed to allow more fuel on board and free space for those additional pylons under the fuselage.
  21. It's got to be another model of the Mk77 napalm tank, cause the one in the weapons pack does not have a skin and I could not find the LOD calling for any image file for a skin.
  22. ravenclaw, I realize getting the single piece windscreen model finished could be a very low priority if any at all for you, but I trust many CA members will enjoy it. Therefore, could you please direct me what kind of information you would need to select a proper F-4E model? So far I know the serial numbers of the aircraft, so the year of production is there as well (1968 - 4 of these and 1969 -1), I have the range of production batches/series and I know that the single piece windscreen F-4E were converted from F-4E with standard windscreen round 1985. Below is also a screenshot I found in another forum.

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