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Everything posted by Svetlin

  1. The IFR probe is being loaded on the plane as a weapon (FT I think), so it can be flown with it or without it. The problem is that the aircraft nose is listed as node name for the IFR probe.
  2. I think the problem is here: // IFR [Tornado-IFR] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=16 StationGroupID=8 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=0.52,3.71,0.05 AttachmentAngles=0.00,-1.00,0.00 LoadLimit=2050 AllowedWeaponClass=FT AttachmentType=ITALY,NATO ModelNodeName=Nose PylonMass= PylonDragArea= LaunchRailNodeName= MinExtentPosition= MaxExtentPosition= FuelTankName=Tornado-IFR_MG NoJettisionTank=TRUE Try deleting "nose" from the ModelNodeName.
  3. Hi, hope that helps: http://www.simmerspaintshop.com/forums/f37-photoshop-tutorials/making-outlined-numbers-used-luftwaffe-651/
  4. Me too I am patiently waiting for your Su-22UM3 Please share this one as well.
  5. I was looking the other day for detail sets for a Mig-25P model kit and I came accross some interesting pictures of a 3D model of the exhaust from a producer of resin conversion sets. Here is a link: http://www.click2detail.com/products-details.php?pro_id=161 Same company produces the long exhaust pipes for MiG-25R, RBS, RBT, BM types and similar pictures of a 3D model of the exhaust available here: http://www.click2detail.com/products-details.php?pro_id=163 May be it will be helpful...
  6. Hi Centurion-1, may I draw your attention to the shape of the nose cone, not sure if it is an issue of the preview or the model itself:
  7. Rafale wins Indian MMRCA contract

    A much needed success for the Rafale after so many losses... Without it, production of the type would end in a few years.
  8. I think it is because different settings were used for making the base MF MiG-23M/MF model and for making the parts to turn the base model into a MiG-23UB.
  9. Thanks! Great, I was looking for a Swiss Mirage. From pictures I have seen, Mirage IIIS did not have the dopler radar under the nose. Luckily the MF model has that radar as a separate mesh, and I managed to remove it easily with an ini edit (thanks to the fellow simmer who showed us how to do it). Thanks again!
  10. Yes, that's correct. My PC confuguration is similar, well in fact I am using an older Nvidia GeForce card, can't remember the series though.
  11. Works fine in my install - no white bar and seat has texture.
  12. Search for the folder named DLC - either in your main install folder or in your mods folder. You should have a .DLC file in it.
  13. I saw in Yefim Gordon's book on MiG-21, page 134, a picture of MiG-21R, bord number 22, looking just like this one, with text that it was in a fighter configuration with inner pylons and wingtips ecm pods removed. If you look at other MiG-21s with just 2 pylons (F, PF, PFM), you will see these are near the middle of the wing, very close to the landing gears, while on your picture the pylons are in the outer half of the wing span, just where the outer pylons on post MiG-21M variants are. Hope that helps.
  14. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    Dónde puedo encontrar el JF-17 enlace de descarga beta? Gracias!
  15. Hm, I see, that reminds me of the Swiss Mirage IIIS, would be nice to have that too...
  16. That has already been addressed here: http://combatace.com/files/file/12485-mirage-5coam/ Nesher from SF2Israel used as base model. Canards, ref probe, etc. added via fake pilot mod.
  17. I can send you mine for the Flogger (stock model, not the MF) tonight CET. May be not perfect, but close enough for me. What seat model do you use? As for the Foxbat, I am waiting for the coming new model with proper pit whenever it is released.
  18. Why not, that has always worked for me. As long as you keep the file name and type the same as the original ones, you should be fine.
  19. Will be more than welcome, anytime
  20. Yes, I agree with you, that is why I made the note about stability and possible effects in hard mode
  21. You can adjust the angle of attack on ground by slightly moving the aircraft center of gravity to the front. You have to experiment with the values to find the most suitable one. I have done it in my install on the MiG-21 and F-104 and on normal mode I did not notice any significant effect on the stability of the aircraft. Not sure of the effect in hard mode though.
  22. Very nice!!! There's a proper PTB-450 by lindr2 in one of his packs here at CA. Just a hint...

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