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Everything posted by Svetlin

  1. An improved Su-24 by Veltro2k + Soviet/Russian bombs by lindr2 =
  2. For InSky's Su-35, you could use their Su-30MKK templates, available here at CA: http://combatace.com/files/file/8066-su-30mkk-templates/ These will require just a minor adjustment.
  3. Happy Birthday, paulopanz

    Happy Birthday and big thanks for your contribution to this community :drinks:
  4. Good looking JF-17 Could you show so more pics?
  5. Another suitable cockpit seems to be the KF1-AX cockpit, part of the SF1 mod released here: http://combatace.com/files/file/9985-kf1-ax/ Of course permission from the mod creator would be required.
  6. MiG-17F, we'll get a proper pit for it, that could be used also for MiG-15 and UTI MiG-15, so benefit for the community will be bigger, I think.
  7. WIP - Contemporary Bulgarian Air Force L-39ZA: Thank you, Monty!!!
  8. Sorry, but correction there, SidDogg, the J-10 is not mine, it is Erwin_Hans' and InSky. I have just touched a few things in the data.ini file and added the proper underwing tanks. By the way you are missing the ejection seat, it is in the pack I've sent you. A few things I would love to see fixed with this bird are: - ailerons working also as flaps; could not fix that myself, probably a missing animation; - main gear shocks - movement will not be quite realistic, because as I see it, the main gear is modelled as a single piece; - outerwing IRM missile rails should be a bit longer for a more true-to-life look, but only one who has the max file and the skill can fix that; - FM - no idea there
  9. SidDogg, I have it showing and besides that I have already fitted the M2K 1700 tank from the MF weapons packs (this looks just like the underwing tank on the photo posted here). Right now my videocard is being replaced, so for a couple of days I won't have access to my files, but after that, if you are interested, I could send you the files, including some ini edtis I have done to improve the weapons loading positions. Reagrds, Svetlin
  10. Hi, for Chinese munitions, check out the Q-5II mod for SF1 series here at CA: http://combatace.com/files/file/6671-q-5d-v11/ 250-3 bomb is deffinately in there. Regards, Svetlin
  11. Real BG L-39ZA

  12. Current BG L-39ZA

  13. In no way is Spillone104's contribution neglected, congratulations and gratitude to both of you, you make a great team Looking forward to your next project. By the way, there was a shot of a J-6 with wingtip missiles, hope to see it in your next pack
  14. Hi Paul, Million thanks, that's just great, you've made my day again! Regards, Svetlin
  15. Hi paulpanz, Thanks for the mod, it's great. I am missing a couple of fuel tanks (probably just skins to the stock Mig-19 540l fuel tank): TANK540_MIG19rt Tank540_MiG19grt Were these left out of the package on purpose? Are they available somewhere in some weapons pack? For some reason, I like flying aircraft fully loaded with additional fuel tanks... The more, the better
  16. Hm, correct me if I am wrong, but it is already available - the F-14B in the new pack has the bomb racks for LGBs and JDAM modelled.
  17. Veltro, I have one last idea. Would you like to try and put another TypeName to your RAF 250 Depth Charge to avoid having 2 weapons with same TypeName? For example TypeName=250lb_depthcharge Then in the loadout.ini: [Anti-Ship] Loadout[01].WeaponType=250lb_depthcharge Loadout[01].Quantity=4 Loadout[02].WeaponType=250lb_depthcharge Loadout[02].Quantity=4
  18. Hm, I do not see anything wrong or in conflict. Did you change, as Spinners said, AttachmentType in both weapon stations from RAF to UK, like this: [WeaponsBay1] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=1 <--- correct like this StationGroupID=1 <--- correct like this StationType=INTERNAL NumWeapons=4 AttachmentPosition001=0.955,1.18,0.725 AttachmentPosition002=0.524,1.18,0.783 AttachmentPosition003=-0.89,1.18,0.825 AttachmentPosition004=-0.082,1.18,0.739 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=1000 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB SpecificStationCode= DiameterLimit=0.5 LengthLimit=3.0 BombBayAnimationID=8 BombBayOpenTime=3.0 BombBayCloseTime=3.0 AttachmentType=UK <--- not RAF ModelNodeName=BRACK_L MovingPylon=TRUE RotatingPylon=FALSE AutomaticDoors=FALSE PylonMass=10 PylonDragArea=0.06
  19. Veltro, could you post the 250lb_Bomb weapons data from your install? In my install, under TypeName 250lb_Bomb I have a WWII USAF bomb, that will not show on WWII RAF bomber. The RAF 250lb bomb is under TypeName RAF100. If you have the same, then try this in the Loadout.ini: Loadout[01].WeaponType=RAF100 Loadout[01].Quantity=4 Loadout[02].WeaponType=RAF100 Loadout[02].Quantity=4 [Anti-Ship] Loadout[01].WeaponType=RAF100 Loadout[01].Quantity=4 Loadout[02].WeaponType=RAF100 Loadout[02].Quantity=4 [Attack] Loadout[01].WeaponType=RAF100 Loadout[01].Quantity=4 Loadout[02].WeaponType=RAF100 Loadout[02].Quantity=4 [sEAD] Loadout[01].WeaponType=RAF100 Loadout[01].Quantity=4 Loadout[02].WeaponType=RAF100 Loadout[02].Quantity=4 [FAC] Loadout[01].WeaponType=RAF100 Loadout[01].Quantity=4 Loadout[02].WeaponType=RAF100 Loadout[02].Quantity=4 [Recon] Loadout[01].WeaponType=RAF100 Loadout[01].Quantity=4 Loadout[02].WeaponType=RAF100 Loadout[02].Quantity=4 There is something strange about RAF WWII bombs in the weaponspack, not sure why: RAF50 is a 100lb bomb RAF100 is a 250lb bomb RAF250 is a 500lb bomb RAF500 is a 1000lb bomb One logical reason for me could be that RAF50 stands for a 50 kgs bomb, which is roughly equal to 100 lbs weight. The same for the other listed. If so, messing kg with lb is kind of confusing.
  20. AFX Drop Tank test


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