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Everything posted by Svetlin

  1. Su-33 gear 3

  2. Su-33 gear 2

  3. Su-33

  4. Some of Insky models are available at YEYEYE home age here: https://sites.google.com/site/pjowlworkshop2009/home/download-section Hope that helps
  5. Absolutely! @ Monty: Thanks, Monty, one more fact to my personal KB Will be watching this thread with utmost interest.
  6. Is it possible to modify the outer pylon on each wing, so that the missile rail is identified as launch rail and is not called for when drop tank or other weapon (RP, BOMB, etc.) is loaded? I see the missile rail pop out of the outer drop tank under each wing, but I do not know if this is something to code in the LOD file or to fix in the aircraft ini. Sorry, do not mean to be rivet-counter at all. Greatly appreciate your attention to detail in your models.
  7. HoneyFox, canards work fine in the way you explained the logic of their movement. Sometimes when both auto trim and pitch control work at the same time, there is the impression that canards work in the oposite direction. For my personal use, I did not really "fix a problem", but made a simple adjustment, that changed the way canards work and has the effect that fake is looking for. Great job of your team! Congratulations!
  8. Interesting on the outside, even more interesting on the inside :clapping:
  9. Yes, but had to give up the auto trimming to achieve it.
  10. Hm, now that's something interesting I see for the first time in SF series. Is it a WIP?
  11. There were recent screen shots from Fubar512 for the Yak-38, see here: http://combatace.com/topic/55714-sf2-screenshot-thread/page__st__760 refer to posts #762 and #773 As for T50, last thing I've read was about some difficulties with the HUD, but the model was ready, if I recall correct. Time will tell.
  12. "Gimme fuel, gimme fire, Gimme that which I desire Ooh..." ...from a famous Metallica song, fits just right, don't you think
  13. Well, the F/A-18E/F models have a built-in towed decoy, which has an animation assigned. Not sure how it's done, but same way a towed banner could be made.
  14. Aero L-39

    What a scenery, what a view... must have been a great experience and I can see its effect on you in the L-39 progress Seems the L-29, that I love to fly, is about to retire Nah, hope to be able to enjoy them both
  15. Aero L-39

    Monty, that was a short vacation, but the model looks great! Do you consider adding an IRM missile rail to the pylons, so R-3R missiles could be loaded (like on the attached picture)? Hope you don't mind me asking.
  16. Thank you, Lindr2, great job on the Bulgarian MiG-23BN skins.
  17. Aero L-39

  18. Guys, was there a Kfir model with inflight refueling probe? It seems to me there was one, but now I cannot find it in the downloads section. May be my memory is playing tricks on me...
  19. @ Zumbido - thanks, but that's not what I was looking for. @ Wilches - yeah, Kfir C10 would be cool
  20. Derk, I know what you mean, I am through this as well. So, I have started to compile a new weapons pack for personal use out of all existing packs. I am taking 1 aircraft as a starting point, adding all weapons I would need for it to the pack. Thus I started with an empty weapons folder, now I have 637 weapons in the pack and adding on daily basis. Sure takes time, but so far I am happy

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