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Everything posted by Svetlin

  1. I'd be carefull about this edit. To be as close to reality as possible, TMF MiG-29 has been modelled with 2 different types of launch rails for A2A missiles - one for the R-60/R-73 missiles and another for the R-27 missiles. Diferentiation is achieved by using the SpecifictStationCode entry in the aircraft DATA.INI file, so that also requires weapons to have such an entry in the WEAPONDATA.INI. So it is not just up to the AttachmentType entry - WP or SOVIET. Example from MiG-29_DATA.INI (see text in bold): [LeftInnerWingStation2] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=**** StationGroupID=**** StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition****** AttachmentAngles=******* LoadLimit=***** AllowedWeaponClass=IRM,SAHM,AHM AttachmentType=WP,SOVIET DiameterLimit=**** ModelNodeName=LeftInnerPyl LaunchRailNodeName= PylonMass=**** PylonDragArea=**** SpecificStationCode=AA10 Example for R-27 missile (see text in bold): [WeaponData****] TypeName=AA-10A FullName=AA-10 Alamo-A ModelName=AA-10A Mass=**** Diameter=**** Length=**** SubsonicDragCoeff=**** SupersonicDragCoeff=**** AttachmentType=WP,SOVIET SpecificStationCode=AA10 NationName=SOVIET StartYear=**** EndYear=**** ......
  2. One way is to edit the Loadout.ini file and for a specific type of mission to make SUU-20 with proper practice bombs the default weapons load. One thing I can say from own experience - once I learned how to make simple INI edits, the game became even more fun. So I encourage you to patiently read and learn, so you could make the most of SF series.
  3. It is available for SF2 as part of this pack: http://combatace.com/files/file/11128-northrop-2-seaters-for-sf2-version-20/ You just have to convert it for SF1 - not so hard to do.
  4. Gepard's MiG-21S Fishbed-H

    Hi, Michael, true GP-9 pod is available. I have from one of the other MiG-21 mods uploaded here at CA, can't remember which one though.
  5. Sorry to drop in like this, but any word on improved twin-seaters, i.e. TF-104G?
  6. Soulfreak, do I see a training pod under the G-91Y wing? Now that's interesting news
  7. Su-17UM3 is just great, I envy you so much
  8. It's been quite a while, since the topic was last updated. I wonder if there is anything new to show for the Su-17/22UM3? That's a model I could hardly wait for
  9. I made a quick skin update for the TARPS pod to try match it with the F-14 skin quality (my painting skills are rather limited though). Here it is for anyone who, just like me, loves RECCE missions in the new bird. Big thanks to TMF for the new Cat
  10. I am pretty sure TARPS has been left out of the Cat package by TMF for a reason, but still could not resist:
  11. Guys, thank you all. So I will ave a look at the F-79 to see how the SecondaryInputName works. Hopefully that will show me the way to edit the J-10A data.ini and make the ailerons work.
  12. Chengdu J-10A Final

    Gents, has anyone tried to edit the data.ini of the J-10A to correct the problems with the control surfaces? I have played with it a bit to make the canards work properly (work reversed in the original upload) and sort of managed to fix that. The ailerones however seem a tough nut for me. In reality they should act as both ailerons and flaps on take-offs and landings, however currently these do not move at all. I did try to follow the example of other similar aircraft - JAS-39 and EF-2000, but so far no progress there. Anyone got a clue or could point me to a tutorial how to fix the problem?
  13. I do not think there is any special skin released for the JASSM, i.e. AGM-158 A/B. The skin file JASSM.bmp (that's what the LOD file calls for) is just all grey and what you see in the picture is the normal result. I have added a few lines as an experiment for personal use, nothing too fancy really, see if you might like it.
  14. My new wheels

    Congratulations, looks great. Safe driving
  15. Hi lindr2, is this project cancelled? I saw you are busy making bomb models, but still hope to see the decals pack.
  16. Yeah, yeah, quite right, the more, the better I am so curious, what are your plans/ideas about the Su-17/22 twoseater model?
  17. I am so glad to see someone so skilled share my interest in 2-seaters! Hope it will be released when ready.
  18. I think the problem could be in these lines for each airbrake: HasGearDownSetting=TRUE CloseWhenGearsDown=TRUE DeployWhenOnGears=FALSE When all 3 are commented, gears show normal, but still some problem when airbrakes open/close. May be these lines should be editted somehow to make things work properly, but I still do not have the answer. Svetlin
  19. Deutscher Eurofighter

    Ja, genau wie Crusader geschrieben hat, Er war schneller
  20. MiG-23ML bei der DDR?

    Hallo, MiG-17: http://rs244.rapidshare.com/files/109320678/Aerofax_020_-_MiG-17.rar MiG-19: http://rapidshare.com/files/274410609/Aerofax_-_Mikoyan-Gurevich_MiG-19.pdf MiG-21: http://rapidshare.com/files/109334220/Aerofax_-_MiG-21_Fishbed.rar MiG-25/31: http://rapidshare.com/files/109336606/Aerofax_-_MIG-025-031.rar Soviet X-Planes: http://rs655.rapidshare.com/files/23974222/372.rar Early Soviet Jets: http://rapidshare.com/files/111982923/esjfrsaoeiet4.part1.rar.html http://rapidshare.com/files/111983387/esjfrsaoeiet4.part2.rar.html Yak-26/27/28 (Achtung - auf Russisch): http://rapidshare.com/files/171419354/2359.rar Yak-36/38/41-141: http://rapidshare.com/files/140039039/MPRS036.part1.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/140043966/MPRS036.part2.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/140048753/MPRS036.part3.rar Brauchen Sie noch was?
  21. MiG-23ML bei der DDR?

    Hallo, bitte guck mall auch da: http://www.farposst.ru/2010/04/04/Mig_23_27_Flogger___Soviet_Swing_Wing_Fighter_Strike_Aircrart__Aerofax_.html Dass ist wie eine Bibel fur MiG-23
  22. Wow, an An-22 Anthei, now that's a fat one

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