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Everything posted by Svetlin

  1. Hi, Muesli, is this a WIP aircraft?
  2. If you would like to give a try, set it to TRUE for one Sparrow type, for example AIM-7M and load it in game to see the effect. If it does not help, you could easily change it back to FALSE.
  3. The pod is from wingwinner's pack here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=5717
  4. I would suggest, before editing the loadout.ini, to first check the SAHMs you mean to use (AIM-7 Sparrow versions, I guess). See with the weapon editor if the missiles have the "Use missile rail" option checked. Alternatively open the weapondata file and look in each missile entry for the following: "RailLaunched=TRUE" That should solve it. By the way, which sim is this and which F-16A (MF one or default WOI one)? Regards, Svetlin
  5. I have some drawings, will PM you this weekend
  6. In this case, having your permission to criticize, IRM pylons on both Su-33KUB and Su-25s need to be reshaped and rescaled. I suppose you have not dealt with these yet. Please let me know if you need info about the proper shape.
  7. Yes, it could be so, but I do not remember seeing a picture of it. I suppose the single-seater you refer to, could be an early prototype or a test-bed, based on the 1990s MiG-29M or K airframe, quite like the MiG-29OVT. My main source of information at the moment is http://paralay.com/ They make regular updates, so I hope the information there is up-to-date and correct. Regards, Svetlin
  8. Hi, here is in short what I have read about the new MiG-29K/KUB, hope that answers part of your questions: 1. The new K and KUB will have close to 100% identical fuselage, wings, etc. Basicly the K will be the same in outer view as the KUB, only the back seat removed and replaced with other equipment or fuel to keep the balance of the aircraft. Reason could well be economy from development and production costs. 2. MiG-29M/M2/K/KUB and MiG-35 form a new family of aircraft with identical airframe. 3. Neither of the above will have the typical MiG-29A/C/UB air intakes on top of the fuselage and moving covers inside the intakes. These are replaced with nets, just like on the Su-27/30/33, thus saving weight and giving free space for more fuel and equipment. Considering that the K and KUB will operate mostly on board aircraft carriers, whose flight decks are always carefully swept from trash and dangerous objects, there seems to be no practical need to have the old system with moving covers and additional intakes.
  9. @lindr2

    One more site for reference: http://paralay.com/29m.html Almost in the middle and to the right there is a scheme of the MiG-29KUB with weapons.
  10. @lindr2

    Oh, I see, nice progress in just 10h. Does that mean you have a standard UB in the pipe as well?
  11. @lindr2

    Looks great, but still far from what you have achieved with the Su-33KUB. I guess you have just started to improve it, right? I, just like you, enjoy 2-seaters. So keep them coming, please
  12. @lindr2

    Hi, 76.IAP-Blackbird, I'm not lindr2, but still hope to be able to help a little. Have you seen this site: http://www.mars.slupsk.pl/fort/ Click on the block "COLOURS of the MIG-29", then on the left side you will see a list of countries. Choose Russia and go the bottom to see the prototype MiG-29KUB. Click on the scheme to open a coloured 3 side view, unfortunately not too detailed. Then if you choose India, you will find a 3 side view of the prototype in Indian colours. P.S. If you click on "Sukhoi Su-30 story in colours" in the opening screen (right under COLOURS of the MIG-29), you will find similar schemes for another project of yours : Su-33KUB :wink2: Regards, Svetlin
  13. A few posts after that screenshot Sundowner responded to me that it is a WIP and will be released once ready.
  14. Bulgarian Su-22M4-R on a recce mission. Thanks to Krizis, Soulfreak and lindr2
  15. Sundowner, what is the pod loaded on the centerline position of that F-4? Is it available for download? Regards, Svetlin
  16. Well done, lindr2, thanks from the bottom of my heart - true Bulgarian skins Just for information, a little detail - Bulgarian Airforce aircraft do not have roundels on top of the wings. Do you plan to release a template for making other skins?
  17. Looks great! Hope to see some day an improved MiG-31M as well, when you have the time for that.
  18. Hi Spillone and Sokol, great job with the SPRD-99. Hope to be able to use it some day, if you intend to release it of course
  19. Yes, that's only a skin, I am working on. I am using it as a project to learn this and that about skinning. Thanks EricJ, that's quite encouraging.
  20. That's what I like to fly these days...

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