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Everything posted by Svetlin

  1. Have you checked the pictures and drawings here: http://www.airwar.ru/enc/fighter/su33kub.html You may also check here: http://paralay.com/su33.html
  2. I'm so unlucky... 90min. ago the file was here, now that I am home and ready to download and it's gone :cray:
  3. Just a guess: pivot should be read as pitot tube???
  4. If possible, copy the full sentence in a PM and send it over. I will see what I can do. I am not Russian, but I've read books and articles about aviation in Russian, so I think I'll manage. End of off-topic
  5. If you have difficulties understanding any part of the text, just let me know, will try to help.
  6. @76.IAP-Blackbird I've seen you write fluently in German, let see if you can read that good in Russian :biggrin: http://www.airwar.ru/enc/fighter/su33kub.html Some nice pictures, plus a couple of drawings, may be these will do good. Great job so far, thanks for your efforts!
  7. That file seems to be removed for some reason... Will it be re-uploaded at some point?
  8. Rafale

    Oh, I envy you so much, JAT81500. Wish I had that weapons load (tanks & pod) too... :cray: Hope, one day, when you are up to it, you will release these...
  9. @ndicki Great idea, I like it. If you take a look at this model: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=7828 you will see it includes as separate LOD some nice under-fuselage pylons "a-la Mirage". You may easily add them to the Mirage IV and your missiles and bombs will no longer float in the air beneath the aircraft. Since it will be for personal use (anyone can do it for himself) I guess it will not be a violation of author's rights... Well, just an idea, hope you do not mind.
  10. Same thing here... I have that issue in WOE with both stock aircraft (say F-15A - 2 letter code on tail not showing) and add-ons (say FC and EricJ's F/A-18E - national insignia not showing up). Glad I am not alone with this issue....
  11. Rafale

    Check for the rafale at capun's site
  12. [station1] //inner station SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=1 StationGroupID=1 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-3.051,-1.653,-0.126 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 EjectVelocity=0.0,0.0,-1.0 LoadLimit=1790 AllowedWeaponClass=IRM,AHM,EOGR,EOGB,ARM,CGR,ASM,2IR AttachmentType=WP,SOVIET ModelNodeName=Station1 DiameterLimit=0.5 LengthLimit=6.3 PylonMass=86.18 PylonDragArea=0.02 [station2] //inner station SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=2 StationGroupID=1 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=3.051,-1.653,-0.126 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 EjectVelocity=0.0,0.0,-1.0 LoadLimit=1790 AllowedWeaponClass=IRM,AHM,EOGR,EOGB,ARM,CGR,ASM,2IR AttachmentType=WP,SOVIET ModelNodeName=Station2 DiameterLimit=0.5 LengthLimit=6.3 PylonMass=86.18 PylonDragArea=0.02 In MiG-31BM_DATA.ini and MiG-31M_DATA.ini I switched the bolded lines between the 2 listed stations. The way uploaded, station 1 was on the right wing (should be on the left wing per the OUT file) and station 2 was on the left wing (should be on the right wing per the out file). That solved for me the issue with APU-62 launchers, appearing in mirrored position. Thank you Erwin for another great mod :good:
  13. EricJ, truly sorry - my typo, meant to say PTB-1150 from lindr2. Note to self: Never, never, never write at CA forums while at work
  14. EricJ, I am using lindr2's PTB-1500 with slightly modified texture. Lindr2's PTB-1500 are in his weapons packs available here at CA. PTB-1500 is the correct wing tank per my knowledge.
  15. Hello, guys, need a little guidance. I am trying to make me a Bulgarian Air Force skin, but I am facing certain difficulty with the numbers. Please see the picture below: The number should cover also the front part of the main landing gear hulls. I wonder what is the mesh name for that part? Thanks and Best Regards, Svetlin
  16. Thanks, I will try that later today. I have to see in the OUT file if there is something similar to FrontTR, but with "left" and "right" included in the name, cause the problem is on both sides of the aircraft, i.e. 2 opposite numbers.
  17. My first attempt at making decals plus minor ini-editing:
  18. Hello guys, Could anyone of the experienced decal makers take a look at the picture and share a piece of advice as to how to remove those nasty white lines that appear from the decal? Also why do these appear at all? I have followed decal creating procedure given the the KB. Thanks! Best Regards, Svetlin
  19. Thanks, Spinners, I'll try again using your advice. Thanks again. ========================== It worked!!!! Million thanks
  20. Great, man, thanks a lot. So it's hard evidence now, there's a true MiG-29M in the pipe. Impressive!!! Best Regards, Svetlin
  21. Hm, that's strange, it's been a while and not a single word from anyone about that thing in the picture Silverbolt, may I ask for one more pic of "the thing", from a different angle?
  22. Hi there! IIRC, while WOE is installed, there was a question if one wishes a clean WOE install or merged WOV/WOE install. Choosing a merged WOE/WOV isntall should give you in WOE access to airplanes available in WOV, but missing in WOE (such as the F-4B for example). Best Regards, Svetlin
  23. Yes, it can - unguided only. Besides that it could fire Kh-23 guided air-to-ground missiles and R-3/R-13 IR air-to-air missiles. No radar on board...

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