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Everything posted by Svetlin

  1. I feel sorry for them... They really have no idea what they're missing...
  2. Leaving the new aircraft aside, I mostly appreciate the updated pits. Man, the only way to get me out of the Jag's pit now, is to blow me out of it
  3. Hope that pilot goes together with the cockpit from your photo Of course wouldn't mind a set of wings, couple of engines attached as well...
  4. Nice!!! Just a question, can anyone help me find the place on the template where the nose section of the Su-30 is painted? I'd like to repaint the Su-30KN nose to dark grey...
  5. Great job, lindr2. Further to what Blackbird said earlier, is it possible to slightly extend the side front ends of the dorsal add-on, which you are making, to wrap the sides of the cockpit area? I think this way you will improve the basic model, because the original "fuselage" of the model seems too thin in the cockpit area. Well, that's just my opinion...
  6. For the real thing, follow the link: http://www.airwar.ru/enc/bww1/k7.html (text in Russian, you'll need a translator). P.S. Your link shows a what-if model based on the K-7 plane of Russian constructor Kalinin.
  7. Hi Erwin_Hans, Su-27SM is still in BETA Version, I know that well and so I hope you will not mind my comment. At the moment, the weapons pylons on the wings seem to be positioned a bit too much to the back end of the wing. Also the pylons seem a bit too short and thick. I think that issue is already solved on the Su-30MKK BETA, so I hope your Su-27SM will get the same good treat Respect, Svetlin
  8. FC and EricJ, I'd like to shoot a quick question, if you do not mind. Considering the high level of quality and detail, you are putting in that model, are there any plans on including a proper external fuel tank? The availble one, which I also see mounted on your model, is shorter than it should be. There are tons of pictures, but here is just one as an example: http://www.airliners.net/photo/USA---Navy/...next_id=1266027 I do not wish by asking that to actually plunge into rivet counting on your work, just asking out of curiosity. If you wish to keep the info as a surprise , I can understand that Thanks! Svetlin
  9. Cannot argue about that My quick search for DC-8 in Aliatlia colours showed only a DC-8-40 series machine.
  10. By the looks of the intakes on the nose..., I'd place my bet on a DC-8-40 series. Svetlin
  11. Att. YEYEYE Is it possible to turn round the moddeled flame 180 degrees? I mean the sharp end, we see now, to be actually inside the engine nozzle. I think that my improve the looks a bit. I am an absolute 0 in moddelling, but may be it will be possible to make that flame come in and out of the nozzle with an animation similar to the one used to make nozzles wider when afterburner is engaged.... Just a thought...
  12. 1 vote "in" for a Su-27UB release
  13. You do not like Natasha? :cray: Great job, Erwin, got off it's cockpit just to say thanks! I would not mind a slightly smaller TV in the cockpit, though The rest of the pit seems to me a bit small, compared to it.
  14. I'd blame the Meteor's shape for that Smaller control surfaces bring about the optical illusion for a longer missile, but I'm sure you've already figured that out.
  15. Actually, Meteor appears to be just 1 cm (0.39 of an inch) longer than the AMRAAM, i.e. 3.67m for the Meteor against 3.66m for the AMRAAM. That's what the sources I found say: http://www.mbda-systems.com/mbda/site/ref/...amp;page_id=105 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AIM-120_AMRAAM So I guess it won't be much trouble in terms of size to fit the Meteor in places, where the AMRAAM already fits To Spiff, a quote from the first site: "It is being integrated on Europe’s major platforms, Eurofighter Typhoon, Gripen and Rafale. It also has the potential to add to the air-to-air capability of other combat platforms including the F-35 Lightning II. The METEOR programme sees the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Sweden joining together in order to provide access to technology and expertise across Europe." As FC said, it's all about a simple ini editing to add the METEOR in the Loadout file. Realism is another issue Svetlin
  16. Great build, Veltro, thanks! Just a small question. I cannot find migtank.bmp (the texture for MiG31tank) in the folders. I wonder is it just me or may be it was left out on purpose? Best Regards, Svetlin
  17. R-60M

    Did you place the MiG in a clean install of the game or in the one you have already "played" with? May be it will better to start back from the beginning - remove the game, then reinstall it, install the weapons pack and then new aircraft. I have just installed the MiG in a newly reinstalled version (cause I messed up my previous install), patched up to the latest available patch and it work just fine...
  18. R-60M

    Another MiG fan says hello You need to open the *data.ini file in the aricraft's folder and edit for each weapon station the line AttachmentType= If I am not mistaken, by default you should see AttachmentType=WP, make it AttachmentType=WP,SOVIET
  19. Hi krizis, hope I am not pushing my luck with this question. Have you made./considered making the Su-17/22 reccon pod - KKR-1/54? As far as I know no one has modeled it yet...
  20. Can't wait, my hands are getting wet and shaking
  21. Let's not forget the aircraft should actually have the necessary free space for the retracting probe mechanism. If the initial design project did not include a retractable probe, it may have been difficult later to rearrange the equipment on bord to fit one in. What's more, a removable instead of a retractable refuling probe may sometimes be an advantage.

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