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Everything posted by Svetlin

  1. @ Erwin_Hans Hi, I will try to find details about the ventral tank. If nothing better comes up, I have 1/72 Trumpeter model of the aircraft, so I will be able to give dimensions of the thing in 1/72 and scale up to 1/1. Hope that will help. I am still reading and learning the ways of building aircraft mods, so cannot be of any help with designing one myself (for the time being that is). With respect, Svetlin
  2. I do hope the creators of the J-10 (an excellent mod in most ways) are reading this and will provide a working LOD file for the ventral tank Thank you all!
  3. @ Wrench. Yep, I did go all the way and used the weapon editor to open/save the ini file to make sure the game recognizes the added weps. The tank shows among the other entries, just does not show up in flight (I have it in the loadout selection list before mission and I am able to select it, yet no show in flight). I followed the very same procedure to add the wing tanks and the centerline tank. Wing tanks show up fine, so I am sure the problem is not in how I added the tank. I have the same issue in WOE and WOI, before and after applying the latest patch. P.S. The Knowledge base is very useful, thanks for your efforts in that direction - they are truly appreciated! Best Regards, Svetlin
  4. Can't exactly remember... There was a download link, posted by the developer in one of the topics, never uploaded here. May be searching for Vigorous Dragon will give a result
  5. Well, the file I downloaded did provide a weapons folder with J-10 fuel tanks inside - a 370l wing tank and a 300l centerline tank. The wing tank shows OK and matches the look of the real J-10 tank, so I am pretty sure it is not adopted from a different 'bird', but specially designed. As I said, I am currently using the F-16 300l tank as a substitute for the J-10 centerline tank. So my question is still open. P.S. Thanks for the attention, Canadair!
  6. Thanks, Bob, I'll read and try!
  7. Thanks, Airmax, gave it a try and it looks like that will do the trick. Now I just need to test-find the LoadLimit values that serve my needs. Best Regards, Svetlin
  8. A dream come true for me, that's it! Oustanding job, Bob! Thanks a million! P.S. Not sure if anyone has had the same problem, but the loads on the inner wing pylons did not show, whatever weps configuration I used. Then I tried to edit the AV-8Bplus_DATA.ini file lines like this (see the text in bold I saw missing and copied from the other stations): [RightWingStation1] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=5 StationGroupID=3 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=2.01,-0.25,-0.53 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=907.20 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,FT,LGB,EOGR,RP,TLR,2BR,TER,LP,DLP AttachmentType=USAF,NATO,USN,ITALY,SPAIN ModelNodeName=WeaponStationR1 PylonMass=78.47 PylonDragArea=0.05 LaunchRailNodeName=RailR2 LaunchRailHeight=0.12 LaunchRailMass=25 MinExtentPosition= MaxExtentPosition= FuelTankName=AV8_Tank300 [LeftWingStation1] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=6 StationGroupID=4 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-2.01,-0.25,-0.53 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=907.20 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,FT,LGB,EOGR,RP,TLR,2BR,TER AttachmentType=NATO,USN,ITALY,SPAIN ModelNodeName=WeaponStationL1 PylonMass=78.47 PylonDragArea=0.05 LaunchRailNodeName=RailR2 LaunchRailHeight=0.12 LaunchRailMass=25 MinExtentPosition= MaxExtentPosition= FuelTankName=AV8_Tank300 Not sure why and how, but adding those lines solved the problem for me... Hope to have helped someone having the same issue. Still that's a great add-on, no doubts about that. Thanks again, Bob! Best Regards, Svetlin

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