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Everything posted by Svetlin

  1. If I understand correct, the canopy and cockpit are added via the fake pilot method, meaning there will be no opening canopy , so those back boxes will not be visible.
  2. I would say it cannot be fixed without access to the model and some additional work on it. It seems to me as if TK planned to model flaps on the Su-9, but did not complete it. Checking the model with mue's viewer, the inner part of the wing is solid, the flap is not a separate piece and does not have an animation assigned. Apparently the flap is just painted, not modeled.
  3. Yan, the APU-60-2 rack is available both as a stock weapon in SF2 and is also included in the weapons packs uploaded here at CA. You can check the MiG-23MLD to see an example of the rack being used in game. I agree those available are not the quality of Ravenclaw's weapons, but I guess these will do for the time being.
  4. If I may add a short comment too, the ECM pods on the wing tips should not be attached to the missile rails as they are currently in the model. In reality and as visible on the pictures above, either missile rails or ECM pods are attached to the wing tips. In other words, when you want to load missiles on the wing tips, you remove the ECM pods and place missile rails instead.
  5. Hi Martin, here is something to begin with: http://www.f-111.net/models/inlets/index.htm
  6. Sukhois

    Hi, Martin, I am not 100% sure, but it seems Su-17 of the first series had the larger front gear bay doors closed when on the ground, those opened and closed only when the gear was extended and retracted. Then Su-17 of the later series were modified and the doors were made to stay open. As I understand the Su-17 was in production from 1970 till 1972 and in 1972 the Su-17M entered production. So you could have an early Su-17 with larger front gear doors closed from 1970 and later Su-17 with larger fron gear doors open from say 1971. I believe that will not be too far from the truth.
  7. That, but also OKB Sukhoi themselves in that they used the Su-35 designation more than once. Su-35 designation was first given to a Su-27M test version, i.e. a series of models to test an upgraded version of the basic Su-27. That first Su-35 had canards, but never entered serial production due to lack of finance and orders from the government. Then the Su-35 designation was re-used in the last few years for the latest model, that actually entered service and has no canards.
  8. Any chance to add CBLS for training flights? http://en.valka.cz/topic/view/88319/GBR-CBLS-200-2000 http://www.sphaera.co.uk/cbls.htm
  9. If I were you, I would have checked the link that follows instead of looking for other sites:
  10. E-2C Hawkeye Late

    Hi Pappy, you might want to check file E-2C_4 in the upload. I think it is saved reversed and is showing wrong on the aircraft. An edit in PS - > Edit -> Transform -> Flip Horizontal does the job. Thanks for the great Hi-Rez skins.
  11. Hi, guuruu, could you please post a screenshot (when you are able to) of the Tornado with the larger 2250l drop tanks? Thank you!
  12. Great work by everyone who contributed. Is the Red Baron sensor pod for the SF-37 available? I can see it listed in the loadout.ini file, but it is missing in the weapons folder and I do not recall it being previously released.
  13. You could check here: http://airwar.ru/firm/alfavit/mrus.html There are detailed articles on each MiG-23 and MiG-27 variant. The text is in Russian, but you could easily have it translated in English using the built-in Chrome translator. According to the information there, the MiG-23 MLD had built-in SPS-141 active ECM and the MLD could carry externally mounted countermeasure launchers (on top of the fuselage just in front of the vertical stabilizer), though not all MiG-23 MLD had these istalled. Those that were combat-used in Afghanistan did carry the countermeasure launchers. The MiG-27K had Siren built-in ECM and could carry the same countermeasure launchers as the MiG-23MLD. I did not see any other MiG-23/27 variant having ECM and countermeasure launchers.
  14. Hi, do you plan modelling also the larger 2250L drop tanks for the Tornado Gr.4?
  15. Until ravenclaw_007 is ready with the weapons, you could work around your problem as follows: 1 - make a new weapon, a fuel tank type, using the TER lod and make a weapon station in the aircraft data.ini, dedicated to this weapon. 2 - make new weapon stations in the aircraft data.ini, only for rocket pods and the tricky part is you will have to adjust the AttachementPosition and AttachmentAngles so that the rocket pods appear attached to the TER in the right places. The other tricky part is to choose the correct StationGroupID for each weapons station. Basically you need to have different StatonGroupID for the fake fuel tank (TER lod) and for the rocket pods, so that you could load both the fake fuel tanks and the rocket pods at the same time. For example on an A-4, you could have StationGroupID=1 for the outer wing pylons (if the A-4 version has such) StationGroupID=2 for the inner wing pylons, weapons - FT (the real ones), Bombs, RP, etc. StationGroupID=2 for the inner wing pylons, weapons - FT (the fake ones, based on the TER lod) only StationGroupID=3 for rocket pods, that will be loaded on the new, dedicated weapon stations StationGroupID=4 for the central fuselage pylon I have done this in the past with a Kfir C2 and it worked. That solution will work only on an aircraft with few pylons, that use less than 6 StationGroupIDs.
  16. Mirage IIIRS

  17. West German Marine Zippers

  18. JBG32 25th Anniversary Skin


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