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Everything posted by Southernap

  1. To open up the weapons editor properly in any operation system beyond Win98 or Windows ME you will need to find the program file for the weapons editor. Right click on it and you should have a dialog box open up near the bottom of the dialog box there is a selection titled "Properties" click on that. Another window should open up and from there you will need to select the tab called "Compatiablity". Right at the top of this tab you will see a click box titled "compatiability mode". By selecting this box and then selecting "Run in Win98 mode" when at the drop down box you should be able to open up the weapons editor. The same works with the gun editior.
  2. E/F-18G skin

    I am up at Whidbey with the only production variant of the EF-18G right now. According to the last death by power point briefing that I sat through for Maintenance personnel the suggested armament loadouts are going to be as follows: SEAD: 2x AGM-88E AARM on stations 1 and 9 3x ALQ-99 ECM Pods on stations 2,5 (Centerline),8 2x Drop tanks on stations 3 and 7 1x AIM-120C on station 6 (the station under the right hand cheek) 1x ATFLIR on station 4 (on the left hand cheek) Long Range-SEAD 3x ALQ-99 ECM Pods on 2,5,8 4xDrop tanks on stations 1,3,7,9 1x ATFLIR on station 4 or 2x ALQ-99 ECM Pods on 2,8 5xDrop tanks on 1,3,5,7,9 1x ATFLIR station 4 Possible Iron Hand Variants 1x AGM-88E on Station 1 3xALQ-99 ECM on stations 2,5,8 1x AIM-120C on Station 6 1xATFLIR on Station 4 1x JSOW (Cluster bomb variant) on station 9 or 1xAGM-65 or 1xJDAM 2x Drop tanks on stations 3 and 7 Most of the Iron Hand are ones guesses by even the Command staff at the Tactical Electronic Attack Wing. The first squadron that is supposed to cruise with them is going to be VAQ-141. So I would take a scheme that VAQ-141 has done in the past and use that as a "what-if" design. The squadron isn't supposed to make the conversion and be ready to deploy until late 2010.
  3. The AIM-9C was developed in the early 60's as a way to provided the all-weather variants of the F8U Crusader a way to engage thier targets while flying at night or in conditions that prevented useage of the IR variant of the AIM-9. This was done so the plane didn't have to be redesigned to try and carry a Sparrow I/II capable radar suite. Overall the missiles were a poor quality and had issues with both the radar recievers inside the missiles and properly tracking a manuvering target. Most of the missile bodies were converted in the mid-80's over to become the AGM-122 SideARM missile system. To properly use the AIM-9C inside the game you will to treat the missile the same way you would if you were flying a Phantom carrying Sparrows. Achieve a radar lock and then when you think your in range fire the missile off.
  4. Yes. The two drop tank looking things are the ALE-2 pods.
  5. The two pods on the underside of this Firebee drone are AN/ALE-2 pods. This is the best picture that I could find.
  6. Which F-14A file are you talking about? That can be helpful to diganose the problem.
  7. I was just thinking about this as I was helping a friend packup his house for a move tonight. He is an avid GI Joe action figure collector and has both the old school GI Joe Skystriker and Cobra Rattler. I was just thinking that since we have the F-14 and A-10 floating out there why no one has created a skin for them. Let alone some of the other adventurous GI Joe/ Cobra aircraft. That might add a fun little atmosphere to these games. Again just a thought. YO JOE!
  8. The scene in question from Flight of the Intruder showed them using a Shrike to kill the ground control intercept (aka GCI) radar site that was guiding the MiG on to Cool Hand's tail. This was because the NVAF trained to Soviet tactics and the Soviets had thier figther pilots trained to only fly under GCI control to interception. It was so bad according to things that I have read thatthe NVAF and Soviets couldn't even fire thier missiles until the GCI operator told them so. Yes if you think you were close enough to a GCI radar you could cut loose with an ARM to kill the eyes which might be guiding the MiGs on to your tail. It has been a few months since I have played WOV/WOE/SFP and I can't remember off hand if there are GCI radar sites coded in to the game for the Red forces.
  9. It has been a while since I monkeyed with an object, but you should take a look at the ini file and see if there is a track radar associated with the launcher and make sure that the radar is "networked" to the launcher. There is a file in the knowledge base on how to network radars to AAA and SAM sites.
  10. The closest that you could come to having a campaign like Red Storm Rising would be "NATO Fighters" series of campagins. They were designed primarly for Wings over Europe and add on some wonderful third party aircraft. If you want to check them out and download them head over to here, NATO Fighters and NATO Fighters part II. As to the fighting shown over Iceland, I don't think anyone has made a map for that area of the world yet nor have they attempted to create a campaign for it.
  11. Remember People: DO NOT POST IN THIS THREAD!!! It exists as a listing to help people find things that are available, under construction, or whatever. PLEASE read the entire Thread, as the most current listing will be in the posts at the end!! Post any questions in the regular Forums, 'Mods and Skinning Chat' -- Wrench 5/4/08 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Since we seem to have lost the original thread someplace on the Internet super highway about what aircraft were WIP's and what needed to be filed in. I felt like starting this here. If any of you modders are working on something please feel free to add what you are working one to this list. These are the following websites to try and locate an aircraft for download: CombatAce Column 5 Avsim file library. Note this one will require a free login to download from their libraries Armour Dave's SFP1 site Capun's SFP Skunkworks - large number of WW2 and early jet aircraft available Check Six - a French language site that had a large number of aircraft and modding tools available. for Thirdwire games Dueces Mod's- primarily a site dedicated to updating the landscape and effects of Thidwire games Gramps Flight sim page- primarily dedicated to RAAF aircraft and skins Pasko's Mostly MiG's page - Has a large number of Soviet aircraft available for download. Saganuay's SFP page - He has a link to a large number of the 3rd party modders out there and hosts the SPF1 wiki Raz Bam's aircraft - Has built the A-1E and A-1H/J for SFP/WOV. Also this is payware. Third Wire productions - home site of SFP1/WOV/WOE/FE These are just some of the various websites out there to download extra aircraft/skins/and other mods for your enjoyment. Also note that a large number of these websites replicate themselves. I mean that what might be here at CombatAce for the F-14A might also be hosted at Check-six or at Column 5. So if one site is down try one of the other ones you might be able to find the same aircraft. Please note too that if I left any one's website off this list, I am truly sorry. Please PM me and I will add you to the list. Now on to the other big thing the WIP list. Note this is in now way complete or current. Just information that I have gathered from other forums and sites. If you have any information about aircraft that are being worked on please feel free to add your information to the bottom. I am picking this up from some one else's work on the WIP/missing listing so there are a large number of holes. The most current list will always be on the last page of this thread This is broken down by category of nation of origin and then role. I have also tried to arrange these in order of apperance by time line (ie the F-4 should will be before the F-15). When it says "Stock in..." means that it is a stock aircraft in the original game. If it has "AI only" means that the AI is the only one with access to it. "3rd Party Released" means that even though there is a stock verison there is also a third party verision as well. This listing is no where near complete but it should give you a general idea of what we already have. I would recommend that you pay attention to the SFP1/WOV/WOE/FE file announcement forum for any new releases.
  12. Operation Eagle Claw

    The reason that they used the RH-53 Sea Dragon instead of the HH-53 was that the HH-53 was about camouflage. The RH-53 looked externally very similar to the CH-53D and RH-53D variants that the Iranians had in use at the time. So the thought was that if the Helos were happened upon by an F-4 or F-5 of the IIRAF they might just ignore it as one of their own, letting the team escape to make their rescue. The website that I used to find the pictures of the RH-53's was this one, www.dodmedia.osd.mil or the Defense Visual Information Center.
  13. Yes, I forget offhand because I don't have my copy of the ordnance handling and loading manual in front of me, but if I remember right the AIM-54A's (which cost about 1 million a pop for the US tax payer) weighed in around 1000lbs total before you started to add the avionics coolant fluid for its own radar system. We use to add about gallon of coolant to the missile so it would start to tip the scales at around 1005-1010lbs. Multiply that number by six give you roughly 6030 additional pounds on an airframe that is already weighing in at around 50K to 60k at landing so the stress on the airframe, the tail hook, and the arresting gear engines would of been tremendous if the F-14 tried to land at near its take off weight of 72K fully loaded back on the carrier. Digging around here is a shot I found of a VF-211 bird with six ATM-54C's or basically six training versions of the AIM-54C. Not a problem in helping to explain it all Buckle.
  14. The plane would be too heavy to land if it tried to land with all 6 AIM-54's onboard.
  15. You are correct that the F-14 couldn't land with the full load of AIM-54's back onboard. However the tactic that would call for all 6 AIM-54's being loaded was different then the usually BARCAP or TARCAP. In the late 70's the US Navy realized that the Soviets plan to counter a carrier battle group was to throw a regiement size of bombers (such as the Tu-95, Tu-16, TU-22, TU-22M) against the carrier battle group it was reasoned by the scientific studies that the Soviets did of battles that some missiles would get through to the carrier. These missiles would be mounting a full ton to half a ton of explosives along with whatever rocket fuel was left. That would be enough to achieve a mission kill, if not an out right kill, against the carriers. The mission kill being a destroyed flight deck. So the US Navy created the tactic called "Chainsaw". Basic idea is this. With the E-2's being able to see out to 200nm from themselves and with the ability to datalink back not only to the carrier but also to the AWG-9 system on the F-14 as well. Everyone is full informed of the air battle. So the A-7's and A-6's squadrons would upload all the buddy stores that were onboard. An A-6 would accompany a pair of F-14's out to a point along the threat axis from where the Soviet bombers would come from. Until all 22-24 F-14's were airbone out to about 200-300nm from the center of the battle group. The A-6's would top off the F-14's till they were all the way out there, one the A-6's gave all they could they would run back top from either an A-7 or another A-6. Then it would run back out to top of those two F-14's. As the bombers approach, the E-2's would be tracking them until they got with in the 75-85% pK (precentage of kill) for the AIM-54's. At which point the F-14's who had been entirely slient at this point would fire up thier own radars systems and after being assigned thier own 6 targets to kill, a soviet bomber regiement was something like 25-30 bombers each capable of carrying 1-3 Anti-shipping missiles, ripple off thier AIM-54's they would then peel off and loiter in an assigned zone where they would meet the tankers and then roll back in to either go for Sidewinder/gun kills or just wait until the SAM shooters of the battle group did their thing. At which point the planes would either head back to the carrier to land, head to friendly terrority to land, or head to what was left of the battle group or friendly land and eject with the hope that the SAR bubbas were able to find them in time. If the planes would land at the carrier then they would obvisouly be empty, the hope in this tactic was that the would widdle down the bombers of Soviet Naval Aviation down to something that would be managable by the SAM configured escorts.
  16. Operation Eagle Claw

    The plan was that if needed CVW-8 off the USS Nimitz and CVW-14 off the USS Coral Sea would make a hole in the Iranian defenses so that either the RH-53's could get back to Desert One or that the C-130's could get back to Oman. To aid in Visual ID of aircraft an orange and black stripping was added to the A-7's and F-4's of CVW-14's aircraft and some of CVW-8's aircraft. Here is an example on an A-7 of VA-27 off the USS Coral Sea: This was done since the Iranians had F-4E's they look very similar to the F-4N's that were being flown by VF-21 and VF-154 off the USS Coral Sea. The A-7's at a distance look like some of the other tactical attack aircraft the Iranians had in thier fleet. Here are some shots of the RH-53D's arriving to the Nimitz and then the morning that they took off for Desert One.
  17. I ran into this problem too while trying to install IL46. You will need to uninstall all previous version of IL2 or PF from your computer, other wise it will cause your install hang up. Found that out the hard way and almost pitched the disc. Found out via ubi's forums that you will need to uninstall IL2 and PF along with all mods. Then install IL46, then install all your mods again.
  18. Squadron list?

    Is this what you are looking for, Strike Fighters Campaign Data. It breaks down the games original campaigns with what squadrons fly what, what they will upgrade too, and if they will move a base.
  19. My father was with VA-55 during the Libyan operations in 1985 and 1986. Asking him he states for a fact that none of the VA-55 aircraft were loaded with Sidewinders. The two strikes that Warhorse flew against the Libyan patrols boats were armed with a then typical loadout for the Mediterranean sea Surface Combat Air Patrol (SuCAP) of 12 Mk20 Rockeyes and Harpoon or 12 Mk20 Rockeyes and a pair of 300gal drop tanks. There was no need for either VA-55 (who was onboard the USS Coral Sea with CVW-13), VA-85 (who was onboard the USS Saratoga with CVW-17 during the March 1985 portion) and VA-34 (who was onboard USS America with CVW-1) to carry sidewinders. Considering that there was at the time both the USS Saratoga and the America were on station at the "Line of Death" there was 48 F-14's ready to go and 36 F-18A's onboard the USS Coral Sea ready to go (CVW-13 was the first Atlantic based air wing to deploy with F-18's). That is a large number of fighters that were ready to tangle with the best that Russians and Libyans could have possibly put up. Poking around on the Internet this is the only shot that I could find of a Real A-6 carrying a Sidewinder. But if you look closely you can see that it along with the rest of the ordnance is a training round, or blue death. More then likely this was shot at NAS Fallon for a Naval Strike Warfare Center training event.
  20. The A-6 was never designed to be a strike fighter, however when it came out and the Sidewinder was (is) and incredible simple missile to wire into an aircraft. So the capability was installed. Talking to some family friends that flew during Vietnam and during the height of the Cold war, they told me that once during in the training squadron the missile was uploaded and the crew practiced the switchology to turn on the thing. The only other time that an A-6 crew might see the Sidewinder uploaded was during an strike event if the crew went to NAS Fallon for Strike U (the mud movers verison of Top Gun). Again the thought was if the A-6 had to fly beyond range of the F-14's they might be given a sporting chance. Yet this one Bombardier/Navigator told me it was about as sporting as to put 6x6 truck on a quarter mile track with a Ferrari. The only way the truck might have won was if the Ferrari keeled over dead from laughing too hard, same thing if the A-6 actually faced real fighters like the MiG-19 or MiG-17. Most of the time the crew was trained to dive for the deck, through the throttles to the firewalls, and scream over the tactical radio for fighter support. That being said most of the time Carrier Air Wings practiced through out even up to now an over reaching Alpha strike. So if the bombers did have to go downtown some place (whether that was Hanoi or the Kola Peninsula) there would of been F-4's or F-14's running interference, EA-6B's doing Offensive jamming and either A-7's or F-18's running as Iron Hands taking out the SAM's and AAA.
  21. 1. AIM-9's were carried mainly in training by both USN and USMC units. Operationally the only time that that I heard of A-6's carrying AIM-9's was during Operation Praying Mantis, which was strikes against Iranian oil platforms in 1989. VA-95 had 2 of them fitted with bombs on the inner stations and a Sidewinder each on the outer station. These aircraft were ready to go in an bomb an Iranian naval base near the Straits of Hormuz, if needed. The thought was that if the strikers were jumped by IIRAF fighters they would might be able to get in a couple of snap shots and then boogie out of town, while screaming for the F-18's or F-14's of the airgroup. 2. USMC A-6 squadrons trained on how to deliever nuclear weapons. However, they would draw the weapons from US aircraft carriers if the need rose operationally. 3. The USN and USMC does not use the triple rack for the AGM-65. We hang a single missile per wing pylon. The primary verisons that the USN/USMC uses are the AGM-65E which is a laser guided version optimized for anti-shipping and heavy bunker busting. The other verison used is the AGM-65F which is the same as the AGM-65E but instead uses a infrared sensor. Here is an example of an F-18 carrying a Maverick.
  22. vfa32tanker.jpg

    A VFA-32 F-18F configured as a tanker. Shot on board USS Harry S. Truman, CVN-75, while underway for a training period.
  23. vfa32planewash.jpg

    Swordsman 200 getting a plane wash by the Plane Captains on Easter Sunday while on board USS Harry S. Truman, CVN-75, as she conducted an underway training period.
  24. vaw126e2c.jpg

    VAW-126 Seahawks E-2C Hawkeye being worked over by maintainers. Easter Sunday while onboard USS Harry S. Truman, CVN-75, as she was underway for a training period.
  25. pcvfa105.jpg

    A Plane Captain from VFA-105 buffing out scratches on the canopy of a F-18E while on board the USS Harry S. Truman, CVN-75, as she was underway for a training period.

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