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Everything posted by Barkhorn1x

  1. So what do you do – realistically – after you launch: Break right after launch? Climb to XXXX feet? Ask the Hummer for a steer? Tell your flight to form up? What formation? In short; I’m the flight leader so what do I do? Thanks
  2. Thanks MigMan. Now please give me some guidance in the other thread as my inability to operate the radar correctly is hacking me off!
  3. Everything now squared away except the F-14 radar. Here is what I've been doing: - Turn radar on to RWS mode - Ask the Hummer where the bad guys are and steer to that heading - Set the radar range to double the threat range - so if bogeys are at 50 miles I set it to 100 as I should see bogeys half way down the scope - correct? - Set my AA weapons to AIM-54 - I see a bogey pop up and I press the Next Target (Home) key - The gates move to that target and I hit the Acquire Target (Enter) key - Now the manual states that the mode should automatically switch to TWS but it doesn't. Does it really do this? - So I switch to TWS manually and keep hitting the Acquire key as that's what the manual states - All I get is a "blob" of something at the very bottom of the scope vortex lines and the Deselect Target (Delete) key is not working So what am I missing here? If this is unclear I can post a screenie tonight of the scope "blob" Thanks.
  4. OK, another question. I modified my HUDDATA.ini and ViewList.ini files. Where do I put them? - Leave them in the Extracted Files folder? - Move them to the Save Game/Flight folder? - Other? Thanks.
  5. TY, I copied the verbiage to the back of my keycard document.
  6. Danke. I have some studying to do.
  7. I am back w/ questions on F-14 radar functionality. How does it work exactly? How does one launch those AIM-54s? What else do I need to know? Are there any guides one can point me to? Thanks.
  8. TY - I have the CAT extractor now and should be good here.
  9. OK - so how does one access the huddata.ini and viewlist.ini files and where are they? Thanks.
  10. Thansk all for your feedback and support. I already d/l'd the expanded NA campaign but will ned to waite till Xmas to get SF2E & SF2V gifted me. Hey, it's not that far off. In the meantime I will sift through all the other great stuff that you folks provided.
  11. Just wanted to pop by and state that WBS is awesome!!
  12. Hello all: *** I want to start skinning - for personal use. I d/l'd Gimp and the DXTBMP program. I want to start off easy - adding a new logo/design to an existing skin. Is there a tutorial somewhere that explains: - How to copy and past from a 3rd party graphic into Gimp? - How to "paint a colored band or two? Thanks all. ***Yea, I ask everyone for help on every damn thing. Please don't hate me.
  13. Patch 1.23 is ready!

  14. Patch 1.23 is ready!

    I'm a sucker for the Personalization stuff. Bought the campaign too!
  15. Message from Jason & Team: I just bought 3 more planes as I want this fine sim to continue to develop.
  16. Message from Jason & Team: In addition to the sale, patch 1.22 was released last week and it was a big one. I just picked up 3 more planes as I want this sim to continue to develop.
  17. Patch 1.22 Is Out

    ...and it's a juicy one! http://riseofflight.com/Forum/viewtopic.php?t=25227
  18. RoF Update News

    ...a summary: - Aircraft sale going on now - Adding the SPAD 7 - 150 and 180 horsepower versions - Adding new squads and ACES to the Career mode - More optimization for multi-core systems - Patch out by early Sept. http://riseofflight.com/Blogs/default.aspx It get's better and better.
  19. RoF Update News

    Yes, more planes are a must. The RE8 is on the horizon - thus filling in the big hole existing w/ the lack of an RFC/RAF two-seater. I don't really know what's on the horizon plane-wise after that. Oh - and ATI is now working with 777 - so we may see a patch that will increase frames for ATI users - and that will give back the performance lost by Nvidia users when the 1.021 changes had to be rolled back in patch 1.021b. This was not the fault of 777 as they thought they could give a boost to all users but many ATI users had stuttering so they needed to roll back.
  20. ...or does EndItAll work? Or does it even matter w/ Win 7? New box comes tomorrow - finally ( ) - and I need to get it going.

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