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Everything posted by Barkhorn1x

  1. Thoughts about P4

    ...and a good one it is too!
  2. So sorry that Hellshade upset your well developed sense of propriety. Really, the guy makes some vids and wants to share with the group. I say give him a damn sticky!
  3. I'm Back' Sort of

    Get well soon.
  4. Thoughts about P4

    How about a pop up chalkboard that lists out all of these details. Indeed - we all want to fly w/ the aces - and have them fly with us. Now that would be a GREAT feature. Well, that ia a given.
  5. OT: Dio is Dead.

    OOOOkkkk...we'll just let that one slide then.
  6. File Not Found Runtime Error

    I get that sometimes too - when going from Quick Combat to Quick Missions. Just restart and the mission will work fine.
  7. You know as I was thinking about that picture - and that Fokker is some piece of work. Think about it this way: - The wing supports are meant to support much more weight than the weight of the wing itself. - And I doubt the issue was too much weight pressing DOWN. - I'll bet the issue was strain on the supports when air resistance was pulling the wing UP - as in a dive. - And the wing would detach from the plane. ...all this picture proves is that the wing and supports are very strong - not that the wing attachment points are at all sound.
  8. After poor construction methods led to several EV wing collapses in August of 1918, image concious Anthony Fokker wanted to restore confidence in his parisol fighter. Hence the picture above - complete with a smiling Fokker in the foreground. This idea was hilariously lampooned (in an issue of the National Lampoon) by artist Stan Mott - about fictional Stalinist era aircraft designer Igor Sokerov.
  9. Olham on leave

    See you when you get back Olham. Ostfriesland? Now where have I heard that name before? Oh yea, Bill Mitchell's flyers sunk the SMS Ostfriesland ** as a demonstration of what airpower could do to naval vessels. The US Navy establishment was NOT amused. ** WWI German battleship turned over to the US as war booty.
  10. A few recommendations required...

    After the meowing dog - and the BHaH splash screen you should see a main menu screen w/ a huge Nieuport 28 and the words Hat in the Ring emblazoned on it. If you don't see that something is wrong - best reinstall following the directions provided by UncleAl. Yes, you can find it in the D/L section - last menu choice - it is one of the options contained in Creaghorn's Homebrew. I agree w/ Von Paulus - it is a bit too dark for me.
  11. Likes and Dislikes

    Mine too - just watched it - AGAIN - about two weeks ago.
  12. Redo of, THE BLUE MAX!

    The current economics of network TV mean no more mini-series. Perhaps HBO could do one but then it would be about the USAS as that is their market.
  13. Redo of, THE BLUE MAX!

    Oh yea - if most of the a/c are going to be CGI - then realistic physics please - no X-wing/Tie fighter BS. BTW, Steven Speilberg is very overrated in my opinion. He has had misses and the misses were abysmal: 1941 Always Hook Munich
  14. Redo of, THE BLUE MAX!

    Random points: - The book and the movie are two different stories and both, IMO, stand up well on their own. - Remake director = Peter Jackson - of course - both for his love of WWI a/c and his owning an SFX studio. - Ramake cast - hmmm...tough decisions: Stachel = how about that actor who played Kirk in the Star Treck remake? Good looking but not one of those Hollywood metrosexuals. Heidemen = Christoph Waltz from Inglorious Bastards Katae = Diane Kruger Old general von Klugermann = is Maximillian Schell still alive? - Changes - oh the usual list: Historical planes for a Feb 1918 starting point Appropriate plane schemes - get rid of that horrid lozenge Uniform variety amongst the flyers - most everyone was NOT an Ulhan Get rid of the strange cocking bars and firing handle - show them pressing triggers instead
  15. Likes and Dislikes

    Nice shot Rabu. That screenshot was taken right before the adjutant wipes poor Fabain's name off the squadron scoreboard.
  16. Likes and Dislikes

    ..but...but, someone must have seen my kill! "Ask Fabian, perhaps he saw it."
  17. New creative Audigy Drivers

    I wonder what these will break?
  18. Where is the N.28's gunsight?

    Yes, that's pretty much it for WW1 a/c targeting: Dr1 = aim just above the compass (or whatever that thing is in the middle of the dash) DVII = aim just a bit above the cylinder heads Pfalz = aim directly on the yellow engine thing in the middle Mind you attitude and that of your target: - target diving - lead him by firing below him - target climbing - lead him by firing above ...and practice, practice, practice.
  19. Does the Pilot move his head?

    Yep, that's what I see.
  20. Wow!! Your skin is like a "Wintergreen Udet".
  21. how to save ?

    I like that line up of DR1's. Let's see if I can name them from memory - OK from front to back: - Von Richtofen - Kirchstien (later used by Udet) - Kempf - von Griem at the end How'd I do?
  22. German Railway Map from 1910

    Actually not surprising - the 1880's to the 1920's was the heyday of the railways - before cars became ubiquitous.
  23. Trackir 5 with XP

    Touchy software then.
  24. Trackir 5 with XP

    Hmmm...I have W7 64bit Home Edition the TIR4 hardware w/ TIR5 software and I have not experienced an issue w/ TIR - except that it takes the TIR software about 10 seconds to activate in sim (not much of an issue). I do not have TIR running on boot up but start it each session. Don't know if that makes a difference or not.
  25. A Great Fight

    Epic brawl my man.

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