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Everything posted by Pepelev

  1. IMG_5800.JPG

    From the album Su-17M2

  2. IMG_5798.JPG

    From the album Su-17M2

  3. IMG_5797.JPG

    From the album Su-17M2

  4. IMG_5796.JPG

    From the album Su-17M2

  5. IMG_5794.JPG

    From the album Su-17M2

  6. IMG_5792.JPG

    From the album Su-17M2

  7. IMG_5681.JPG

    From the album Su-17M2

  8. IMG_5680.JPG

    From the album Su-17M2

    A wall chart used for training, shows the cockpit layout of the Su-17M2
  9. IMG_5667.JPG

    From the album Su-17M2

    Su-17M2 "15 red" armed with four UB-32 rocket pods awaits a sortie, 1978
  10. Su-17M2 cockpit

    Exactly, plus being a first gen Su-17 I'd have thought it would have been black and grey
  11. Su-17M2 cockpit

    I hope so!!!!! IM DYING TO FIND OUT!!!
  12. Sukhois

    Hope the fitters are going well!!!!
  13. 1/72nd and 1/48th Su-7 and Su-17 kits

    Photos of my model Fitter collection
  14. IMG_5746.JPG

    From the album 1/72nd and 1/48th Su-7 and Su-17 kits

    My Sukhoi shelf currently, from foreground to background 1/72 Mistercraft Su-17M2 1/72 mistercraft Su-20R (pained as a Su-17M) 1/72 modelsvit Su-17M 1/72 modelsvit Su-17 serial 1/72 Korpro Su-7BKL the trucks are ICM 1/72 Zil-157 ICM 1/72 Zil-131
  15. Hello all, I've re-written my S-32MK post, and included stats and figures, service career and operators!! Happy reading!
  16. Pepelevs favorite fitter

    I was going off usesers that could have bought it, LSK for a mig-17 replacement in the attack role and a temporary stop gap before the Su22s
  17. Pepelevs favorite fitter

    Again this is a FICTIONAL aircraft service career. This post is about the Swpet wing Su-20 prototype had it gone into service.
  18. IMG_5496.JPG

    From the album Airfix Skyhawk FAA

  19. IMG_5495.JPG

    From the album Airfix Skyhawk FAA

  20. IMG_5481.JPG

    From the album Airfix Skyhawk FAA

  21. IMG_5429.JPG

    From the album Airfix Skyhawk FAA

  22. IMG_5428.JPG

    From the album Airfix Skyhawk FAA

  23. IMG_5427.JPG

    From the album Airfix Skyhawk FAA

  24. IMG_5266.JPG

    From the album Airfix Skyhawk FAA

  25. IMG_5265.JPG

    From the album Airfix Skyhawk FAA


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