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Everything posted by DukeIronHand


    Ahh! When I was a single man a decision took about 2 seconds to make and implement. When you involve women that same decision could take months - and be much more complicated.
  2. And another kudo from me - now off to the download page.

    Looking at the screen shots I had better hurry up on my new computer shopping.
  4. Just back from WWI fly in at AF Museum

    2014 eh? Alright...that should be enough lead time to plan on attending! In fact all OFF'ers should attend. Remember to wear one red shoe as the secret OFF club symbol - that way you can be picked out of the crowd.
  5. Andy73, Is that DVII skin a stock one? It is quite stunning!
  6. Just back from WWI fly in at AF Museum

    *Sigh* Another missed year! I have been meaning to go to the annual September "Dawn Patrol Fly In" for years! And I only live two hours from Dayton! Can't wait to retire...
  7. Engine damage questions

    Thank you gentlemen for the additional information. Think I'll have to fly some QC missions, go to outside view sometimes, and allow myself to be shot up for some experimentation.
  8. Engine damage questions

    Thanks HPW for the info.
  9. Like Widowmaker I have my campaign pilots (who fly nothing but), two QC pilots (one for each side for assorted testing of planes/skins), and everyones favorite hero - Lt. Graphics Test.
  10. New mods for a rainy Sunday

    Ahh...I see I timed my return to the OFF front perfectly. Thanks HPW for your continued work toward improving my favorite sim. Especially eager to try the "Skies" mod.
  11. Interesting phenomena here. The "dead guy" has no faults and was a great person. I will go out on a limb and say bye-bye and don't let the door hit you in the arse. Obviously I didn't think much of him. Another interesting phenomena - Have you ever noticed in reading here the number of new members/first-time posters who have come here, asked a typical "new guy" question - were then lambasted by the old fool for being dumb - and they never posted here again? I have. Wonder how much new blood we have lost.
  12. Joystick shopping and leaning toward the Saitek X52 Pro Flight Control System. For the money it looks pretty good and the reviews are, overall, very good. Anyone have any negative comments about this stick and OFF?
  13. Brand new DM and FM now ready!

    Standing by to download. Edit: Geesh...double post.
  14. Second Albatros D.Va flying !

    The Vintage Aviator is such a nice website - feels quite homey for some odd reason! Wish NZ was not so far away. Looks like a great vacation spot to me. Might have a tough time dragging myself back to the "real" world.
  15. monstrous thud

    All you guys have to do is go to the various sound locations and make changes or replacements. Renamed the meow. Replaced the "contact - clear" with another sound file. Dig around and make OFF your sim.
  16. Wow!! And double Lewis guns for the Br/F2B... Must say I am getting anxious!
  17. War Horse

    Surprised at the number of haters on YouTube over a movie trailer that, when seen, can hardly seem to generates much controversy. Not my kind of movie but still... Ahh...the internet! Allowing oddballs and sociopaths to be heard worldwide and at the speed of light.
  18. Thanks for the tip RAF_Louvert. I do have Shadows "disabled" in my current set-up as I find this to be my #1 FR "affecter". I will give this a shot.
  19. Phase 4 - the DH4 Petition

    Its funny this thread popped up. I was just thinking the other day about how much I read about the DH4 and being surprised OFF doesn't have one. As previously stated its service life was very long and it is always talked about in any history of the conflict - from both sides - quite a bit. The numbers must have been huge This is not a "its my favorite plane" vote, because its not - history demands this one!
  20. sight circle problem

    To back up Polovski here - not that he needs it - his thought is right on. Back in my early off days I tried that view a couple of times and, without the cockpit visible as a reference, you think the sight is way off but it is because of the way (pilot line of sight) you are looking. It is especially bad if you try that view with a TrackIR - with no reference it is very easy to get wonky.
  21. High Res - Normal Res

    Well scheisse! (Did I spell that right Olham?) Thank you for the info gentleman. Got to go back and re-do (from scratch!) a personal skin or two. Lucky I have not had a lot of free time or it would be more than two! And that is a beautiful skin RAF_Louvert.
  22. Personalised wingmen

    I believe if you go to your Pilot#Dossier.txt file you can change them to whatever you want.
  23. High Res - Normal Res

    So if I take a skin and edit it in a graphics program, i.e., re-skinning a stock skin, the more I save it the worse it gets? In my latest skin job I must have opened it, made fixes or corrections, then re-saved it probably 15-20 times. So this skin is 15-20 times "worse" than the stock skin it is based on? Edit: Grammar
  24. High Res - Normal Res

    Doh! I didn't even notice it was a .bmp file...hehe
  25. High Res - Normal Res

    Double post

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