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Everything posted by DukeIronHand

  1. Check out some OFF mods for WOFF

    Actually there are several tracer mods. Don't know though how much brighter they are over stock. EDIT: For clarifications sake I should add that these are not my mods but mods that I downloaded here from CombatAce. I just had them saved. Look in the D/L section here and I assure you that some of the mods - such as the ones that make text changes (like Lothars name mod) and, most likely, the tracer mods, should work in WOFF as long as the file name for tracers has not changed; I would guess not but I have not looked yet. Always save the original but you won't break WOFF.
  2. While I wait for the arrival of my WOFF DVD I figured I would take advantage of the holiday computer downtime (i.e., the family being over) to start the probable all day (or maybe two depending on the servers) download of the skin pack but that got me to thinking about the models... My understanding is that OFF skins will work in WOFF as long as the plane model has not changed. There is a huge library of custom OFF skins here at CombatACE, many quite beautiful, posted by Olham among others. Was there ever a list posted of which plane models have changed in WOFF making the OFF skins unuseable? P.S. Post from "smart" phone - Barmy Badge pending attachment.
  3. WOFF: Screenshots and Videos

    Elephant your young eyes must be better than mine. The repeating cloud patterns are not obvious to me. Beautiful shots though; especially the first.
  4. Can't get over how good SweetFX is!

    Wait a minute! That picture was photoshopped or UK WM has been kidnapped by aliens. That's not a Snipe!
  5. Can't get over how good SweetFX is!

    Looking good alright. May have to give it a shot. Did you notice any FR loss?
  6. "...simply drag custom layers across from any OFF paint templates you might have and drop them directly onto the WOFF N11 skins." Oh...simple as that eh? Hehe...obviously my painting skills are different then yours sir!
  7. So many skins, so little time...

    If i understand your question correctly what I did in OFF was, once I found favorite skins, was to copy them to another folder and add a letter or number to the name then put them back in the Skins folder. With a letter or number added to the first part of the name they now display first in the scroll box.
  8. After all day with OBD tech support I finally have WOFF working. Of course I am now in the middle of some damn arctic blizzard...which adds to my work load but I am probably preaching to the choir eh Lou?
  9. My hero! Many thanks and fair flying...
  10. Shameless bump. Nobody at Combatace knows? Hate to see all the nice skins here go unused!
  11. ...that OBD has turned into a beautiful swan. Installed my new DVD version of CFS 3 and fired it up to confirm no disk is needed in the drive. Oww...my eyes still are hurting from the graphics. OBD has performed a miracle here...all hail the Devs!
  12. Just Got WOFF

    Mine arrived yesterday...installing as we speak. Have fun!
  13. As the title says...and I am still waiting delivery of WOFF...I am basing this off screen shots and AA reports. I found in OFF quite a bit can be done with a simple text editor - which is good because that is about the limit to my skills. Anyway in this case I am going to look for the text file that handles the AI aces names and remove the HA (Historical Ace) from their names. Anyone got bigger plans in the works?
  14. What mods do you have planned?

    Ah...excellent news rjw! So much for my first "mod"...hehe
  15. I am always fascinated with who and when people like to start campaigns with. Odd quirk on my part I suppose. I usually end up with multiple pilots in all my favorite aircraft but, dating back to RB3D, my very first campIgns have always been one in Jasta 11 and another in 60 Squadron both starting in March 1917. What are your plans on DVD arrival? Or for you lucky souls who already have it what are you flying?
  16. Very cool! Hopefully you can do the mission mods for the latter years similar to what you did for OFF. That being said (as I am still waiting for WOFF- almost two weeks now) will the mission mod you made for OFF work in WOFF? Have the text files for the missions changed?
  17. I am always, personally of course, surprised at the popularity of the Be 2 / Fokker campaigns. Seems to be what everyone is doing. OBD is listening as that is the topic of their first add-on pack. I am a Fee man myself for "early war" (1916) stuff. For the Quirk boys your ship is arriving!
  18. What mods do you have planned?

    Hehe...yes you are and it may be the sole reason I so a Esc Lafayette campaign! As a bonus is this the same map used in the American campaign in 1918? Have to admit I am not up on the map sets.
  19. Stupidly I started this topic away from home and am having a "senior" moment. I believe my joystick is a Saitek X45 Pro - hope that is right. I find programming it quite time consuming. Any kind soul got a Saitek profile they want to post to speed the process up? Doh...Alzheimers....X52 Pro...sorry.
  20. WOFF overpriced. Is it just me?

    And just because this thread is still running I will add my two cents and say it had better be a hell of a online campaign chock full of SERIOUS WW1 aviation buffs to equal the OFF/WOFF SP experience. I will admit to not owning ROF but people have always been people online. Just my opinion FWIW.
  21. Out of curiosity how come you run high rez skins? Trading bullet holes for a skin improvement that is minimal (at least on my system in OFF) didn't seem like a good deal. Big difference in WOFF?
  22. Yes indeed...I am expecting WOFF in the mail today and I suspect my system will be borderline. Apparently I was a little hasty when I bought my new vid card specially for WOFF...bout 3 years a ago!
  23. Airspeed indicator was my first thought but it seemed oddly shaped. And your still the man for I.D.'ing the magneto key years ago. Thanks!
  24. What is the item that appears to be attached to the leading edge of the wing above the head of the man on the right? Nice pic BTW
  25. Off for a two-weeks leave

    Good news! Thank you sir.

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