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Everything posted by DukeIronHand

  1. SE5 .ini files?

    There have been a couple of topics of people planning on making "downrated" .ini files to make the SE5a into just a SE5 for historical use during the summer of 1917. Was this project ever completed? If so I cannot locate the files
  2. Pilot POV in the F2B

    I made the change to all the aforementioned aircraft..FE2B, FE2D, F2B, and F2Ba. Thanks to all for the contributions.
  3. SE5 .ini files?

    Ditto! S!
  4. Thanks - I figured but somehow had a notion that "cacao" was the name of a commercial product - or is that German for cocoa hence why I see it on packages? The German half of my family would be appalled by my lack of knowledge.
  5. As a self titled and proclaimed "master bread baker" just seeking clarification on: "40 g cacao"
  6. To all, My faithful Sony Trinitron 21" CRT, of 10 years, has finally gone down and I need a new monitor. My 12" (or is it 14"?) emergency/temporary replacement monitor ain't cutting it for OFF! I figured instead of flying blind I would throw this question at the many experts here. Since I haven't monitor shopped in long years what would be the best replacement? I care not between CRT and LCD as long as it is a good performer for OFF and other sims. Back in the day when LCD monitors first came out there was talk of a "graphics lag/image smearing" due to the refresh rate(?) of the early LCD's. I assume this is not an issue anymore since (I believe) there are many LCD users here. Any got a hot tip for a new 21" (or bigger) flat screen CRT or LCD monitor? Cost (within reason) will be an issue I'm afraid. Damn college age children!
  7. CP monitor shopping...

    Thanks for the link to TigerDirect. Had forgotten about them as I have had much luck buying hardware from Newegg. Will have to fire up a pot of Joe and do some comparison shopping on both pages. And it looks you right about CRT monitors at first glance - I guess I was dating myself!
  8. Regarding TrakIR

    I sprung for the IR5 and it works great with many sims including, obviously, OFF. I compared the two months ago - before I purchased - and IIRC the main difference was how "sensitive" the tracker hardware is. I sure the pros (or those who have a better memory) can correct me or add information. I'd go for the IR5 but that's just me. Edit: Double post within a post(?)
  9. Gunsights of WWI

    Excellent find. Very informative article - thanks. I was having a gunsight discussion on this forum a month ago. Wish I would have had this link at the time!
  10. Thoughts about P4

    I must say these ideas and suggestions are getting me kind of excited imagining there implementation in P4. Hopefully they will make it to the new version. Are hopes and expectations setting the bar too high?
  11. Devs - How are QC Hours Logged?

    Yes - this bug has been around forever I think. That is why, for me, I have a Allied and German-QC only pilot (for testing or QC) and only fly my campaign pilots only for campaigns. Guess I should have posted earlier. As a late-comer I thought this was a "feature."
  12. A little program I am working on...

    Thanks for the neat and useful program.
  13. Thoughts about P4

    I gotta agree big-time on this one!! With the rest of the sim so polished and well done the map is like some hideous slap to the cortex when called up.
  14. FM Tweaking Tutorial--anyone interested?

    Thanks for your hard work - will give these modified FM's a spin.
  15. There is a patch for Creaghorn's excellent Sound Tweak II in the downloads section. Unsure why he did not announce it here (its been a day or two) and I hope I am not transgressing by making this post for him. As a big fan of Sound Tweak II I just wanted to get the word out.
  16. Redo of, THE BLUE MAX!

    Oddly perhaps I much preferred the movie to the book. Perhaps its easier to flesh out characters (as you can "read their mind")in a book but I found them all quite despicable with no redeeming qualities and all with selfish motives. In the movie Stachel, Heidemann, Von Klugermann, and the rest of the gang, come across, to me, as much more likable - even sympathetic in some cases.
  17. Where is the N.28's gunsight?

    Your really confusing me with your use of photos of reduced scale modern kit planes - are they supposed to be supporting your argument? In any case I can see where this debate will go, or is going - no where useful - so I will sign off.
  18. Where is the N.28's gunsight?

    There are a boatload of photos on the web showing rear sites for forward firing MG's. Just do a Google search for images (like for LMG 08/15 Spandau) or the Wikipedia page for the Sopwith Triplane (rear wire box sight similar to the early Eindekker sites) or the Wiki for the Sopwith Dolphin showing a fine shot of the Aldis sight.
  19. Where is the N.28's gunsight?

    Ah...so we are switching to just the "rear sight" now eh? Already found a diagram for the rear sights on the observers Lewis and Parabellum in the first spot I checked. Someone here post a collection of WW1 books in PDF format. When I get a moment I will check for rear sights for forward mounted MG's - though perhaps the Aldis sight may qualify? Back to bill paying! And after that (hopefully) a nice clear photo otherwise a diagram from a instruction manual may have to suffice. Edited for bad grammar.
  20. Where is the N.28's gunsight?

    I will not discount some of what you have said but I am afraid we will agree to disagree. S!
  21. overides settings

    Olham, What's the point of "Disable 1600x1200" and "Disable 1024x768" overides?
  22. Where is the N.28's gunsight?

    Well, I am not a WW1 pilot nor do I have stick time in a real WW1 A/C. That being said I still believe every aerial mounted MG had a sight or sighting system. I don't recall a historical account (narrative) from a WW1 pilot who did not make reference to the sights of his MG. And the deflection shot, while clearly critical to aerial success, does not negate the use of a sight. That being said I am sure not all pilots used them in the heat of the moment but I am willing to bet all had sights.
  23. Where is the N.28's gunsight?

    The lack of a usable gun site in all A/C is a major pet peeve of mine. Certainly, in "real life" all guns have a sighting system. RB3D even had the ability, as mention by Uncleal, to add your own - even as simple as a small red dot. I have often wondered how easy it would be to add something - not as easy as RB3D I presume.

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