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Everything posted by DukeIronHand

  1. Alright...that may have been a bit nebulous and a stretch. The word (or "idiom") is the word "outhouse". I figured that was Yank as apple pie.
  2. Yes. I was going off the step design where they were all sitting. Someday I am going to get a hard drive and save all the period photos and documents I come across. I have so many of my own chateaus I get confused...or was that a lot of outhouses? Some more Yank idiom for you there Olham.
  3. Skinning

    I am hardly a pro here...mainly modifying existing skins...but it sounds like your work is not being saved correctly? I.e., in the correct format? Edit: In reading another of your posts yes you definitely need to save in .dds format. With PaintNET I work and save in a .bmp format. When it is finally done I use PaintNET to convert to .dds and viola.
  4. Ach...you are correct. That building though seems to be a clone of the other (the one I am referring too) unless I am totally at sea here.
  5. The Bertangles Aerodromes

    Spectacular job...again.
  6. Wasn't this one of Jasta 11's billets and the one where the photo was taken where they are all sitting on the front step? Early summer of 1917 I believe? And Olham - you are my OFF hero for all the historical tidbits you post here!
  7. Skinning

    I would recommend PaintNET instead of Gimp. Much easier to use to me. It's the cats pajamas.
  8. Maps of communities in France

    Ironically "La Gorgue" was one of the ones I tried and yes! I spelled it quite incorrectly!
  9. This Sim Never Gets Old

    A great sim indeed. And, unfortunately, woefully under appreciated! Course I am a bit of a OFF geek anyway. Wonder what kind of looks I would get at the gym if I had "OFF" tattooed on my buttocks?
  10. Jasta 15 Document and Chronicle

    My German is weak at best through disuse I am afraid. Is that last document kind of a daily war diary of operations and events?
  11. Maps of communities in France

    Another nice find. Been trying several of my favorite British aerodromes and (spelled from memory which may be part of the problem)I am having little luck. Which now makes me ask the question of how RFC aerodromes were named? I believe the Germans used the nearest town and I thought the British kind of did the same with most but now I wonder...
  12. Inspired by RAF_Louvert I have decided to replace my Nvidia 7950GT with a new card in anticipation of P4. In fact the very card he choose (GTX 460) looks good and fits my price range at this time however I am not a video card whiz. The Nvidia site list the bus for this card as PCI-E 2.0 x 16. System info list my computer bus as PCI Express x 16. Am I compatible? I think I am but wish to double check!
  13. Video card question....

    Excellent! Thank you and now off to shop. While I am speaking to my northern brother hows your winter been going? Mildest here that I think I have ever seen - not that I am complaining. I am not an ice fisher or into snowmobiles!
  14. As I drank my morning joe I pondered the above! With the pending release of P4 there must be non-Dev team members of our little group here who are: (Drum roll please)..."Secret Beta Testers" for P4! They are being closed mouth and not sharing but they are out there obviously! Your friend? Your neighbor? Only time will tell...
  15. Lafayette Operational Journal

    What a amazing find - very nice! Now if I only spoke French...sigh
  16. Well, thanks for the new wallpaper Olham!
  17. Yes most unfortunate. Thought it was me clicking in the wrong spot.
  18. Another nice find Olham. I am glad you are here posting the German sites related to the Great War. As a additional note for our English speakers I found that Google translate (apparently built into the page or maybe via Firefox) does a fine job of translating.
  19. Clouds destroying FPS

    What I have always found odd for OFF is that, with my system and set-up, AA and AS have almost no impact on FPS - no matter how high I set them. OFF is the only game I have (that I am aware of) that is like that. Quite strange.
  20. Clouds destroying FPS

    Not sure if this helps but I use the config settings recommended here by others - mainly from friend Olham. My system is old (but quite serviceable) and, with clouds set at "5", I find the clouds have almost no impact on my FPS. Biggest FR hog for me is ground object density.
  21. You are correct Lou - this really is a great sim. Not to give the power-that-be any bad ideas...hehe... but I would pay a lot more for the time and pleasure that OFF has given me. Cheapest time/money/enjoyment investment I have ever made. Just wish I had more time to fly. Boy! I cannot wait to retire!
  22. Manfred von Richthofen's Legacy

    I was not aware that a photo of the famous "...in the event I do not return" note even existed. Nice find Olham!
  23. Alrighty I am all about performance gains but to what do you attribute this gain to? I have two drives...a "C" drive (Windows, page file. Track IR) and a "D" drive (Games including OFF). So I was trying to translate or convert your idea to my system and realized that I am not sure why its working well for you?
  24. A second big "thumbs up" for the Saitek X-52 though I have the Pro model. I bought it just for OFF and couldn't be happier.
  25. Nevermind my pal Lou - he can get in line behind me. Very nice photo!

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