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Everything posted by A48Racing

  1. What I'd give to have X-4s on a 262. hooh whee
  2. Do most weapons require specific station codes? And also I've sorta already done a homing rocket with a tinkered AIR-2 Genie..... for reasons...... Also I've never heard of Iron Eagle, maybe I should watch it.
  3. FJ-3M Fury by Zur and Co., for SF2

    The mod is great but for some reason I cannot find/equip the Sidewinders? Just seem to be absent from the loadout list even though I've used them before.
  4. Sorry in advance if this was asked already. I've downloaded the Southwestern US terrain to spice up my gameplay and noticed no enemies spawn in single mission. Is this a bug? Are custom terrains not able to do RNG missions? Or am I missing something? Thanks in advance.
  5. What about for single mission? Where the game just generates one?

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