Flying an RAF campaign with No. 74 Squadron as "Tam Maguire" at the mo. Already racked up 3 confirmed with only 2 hours of combat time. Made up a personal skin today using an unused code (ZP-S) and based on the camouflage scheme used by the squadron from May-July:
Love that B/W underside! Used from 1938 till July 1940, was then back in use from November 1940 till May of the following year; the Brown/Green scheme being replaced by a Green/"Mixed" Grey/Medium Sea Grey pattern in August of 1941, the "mixed" grey finally being replaced by Ocean grey in early 1942 - a scheme which stuck around until 1948 when it and the roundels were replaced entirely.
Additionally, I've put together some new generic skins which are looking very sharp.
A Scheme over Dover
B Scheme over the Supermarine works at Eastleigh