Hi guys, i have a very big issue regarding one of my favourite games of all time: Strike Fighters: Project 1.
I play this beautiful old game on my PC and i run it pretty well at lowest settings and 1920x1080p (i had ALSO to change "default graphic card option" to my high-performances NVIDIA graphic card, due to the fact that the game heavily lags if i run it with the default graphic card option, even if it's all set on lowest settings).
After i figured out this little issue, the game runs pretty smoothly and at an high framerate so, what's the problem?
The problem is that whenever i hit or shoot down a plane or i look at an explosion, the game freezes for a couple of seconds...
So i don't know what to do and why this happens…
Is that because Strike Fighters: Project 1 is too old for a modern medium-high end PC? (I used to play it also on my previous low end Windows XP PC, and i never had any kind of problem)
Should i play the game at lower resolutions even if all settings are already at lowest?
Why had i to choose my high-performances NVIDIA graphic card to play the game without lag even if it's an old and well optimized game?
Please help me, i know SF:P1 is a very old game and i should go for SF2, but the first one is one of my favourite games of all time and THIS PROBLEM MAKES THE GAME UNPLAYABLE!!!
THANK YOU VERY VERY MUCH, cause this is a HUGE PROBLEM, i really have no idea of what to do and i'm very confused about what's happening...