An idea occurred to me regarding a possible new utility for SF2. The idea is first for a utility that can look at the aircraft data file of any installed aircraft in your mod folder and analyse its flight model and display the selected aircraft's flight characteristics. Second, give the utility the ability to compare and contrast the flight characteristics of multiple aircraft, say up to six different aircraft at a time. Third would be to give the utility the ability to generate all of the different types of E-M diagrams for the selected aircraft and be able to overlay them for comparison purposes. Fourth give it the ability to save the data and charts to TXT and JPG file as necessary.
I know there is a less sophisticated flight model tool for FE2 but when I looked I did not see such a tool for SF2. I think such a tool would be useful for comparing how the various aircraft preform against each other as modeled in the game versus how we know the real world aircraft fly. On the one hand it would also be a great tool for our flight model people who could use it to easily compare the simulated aircraft data with the real data in the manuals and on the other it would be of great help for the people in the DACT thread in analyzing the aircraft they are pitting against each other.
I don't have any programming experience but want to ask the CA SF2 community if anyone else is interested in such a tool if it is possible to do?
Edit: Spelling corrections.