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Projector arrived, finally!!

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Man, oh man...this is the only way to fly! I am sitting here in my homemade Akers-Barnes cockpit, looking at a 60 x 80" screen.


The realism is amazing during simulation!


I can recommend DLP projection (specifically, the BenQ model PB2240), for certain. This is unbelievable!


Only thing I will want to look into, is if I can somehow hook up my monitor into this setup, so I can use it for instrumentation view. But if that isn't possible, that's ok. This is so cool!


I am one happy Navy Chief tonight:)


Go Navy!


I have a feeling my wife won't be seeing me for a while, heh, heh...


Navy Chief

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Dying for a screenshot

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Lucky Squids get all the cool stuff!! :biggrin: JarHeads can say that :lol:


Waiting for pics!,

Bob :)

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I will post pictures soon, but gotta find a place for all the stuff I have in my room. Only so many places to put things, ya know.


I do promise to post some though.



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(Chief) but gotta find a place for all the stuff I have in my room. Only so many places to put things, ya know.


Hi there Chief!!! well you can allways get rid of your wifes stuff,make room for yours in your castle..........


yeah sure you will LOL LOL....mine would disconnect me from my cojones real quick!! but yeah screenies!! there are a few programs that allow you to use two monitors in fs tho,so you ought be able rig what you mentioned..

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How well does it operate in daylight? colour definition etc?

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Guest 531_Ghost

Yes please! We want pictures and stuff! Hey Revvin! Fancy meetin' you here! :victory:

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Hey all.


Although I do get an ok picture with some light in the room, it is best with as much darkness as is possible. No problem, as I do much of my gaming at night anyway.



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I did do major organization in the room today. Almost ready to take some pictures. Basically, I am trying to make it a gaming room only, and also turn it into a movie theatre too. Have got a new 7.1 surround sound system enroute. This Chief plans to be turning and burning soon!



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Only thing I will want to look into, is if I can somehow hook up my monitor into this setup, so I can use it for instrumentation view.  But if that isn't possible, that's ok.  This is so cool!


Navy Chief


That depends on your videocard and the game. If you have a dual-output card you have the ability, but the game has to support either 2 monitors or spanning or something.

I remember Back to Baghdad supported usage of a monochrome monitor to repeat the MFD, but that was a LONG time ago! :)



The Jedi Master

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it is best with as much darkness as is possible. No problem, as I do much of my gaming at night anyway.



Im goin be real quiet,tho we all know a lot of Chiefs are in the dark..... :grin:

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I know y'all want to see pictures of my setup, but unfortunately it will be a little while longer before I am able to get things ready for pictures. I am in the process of having all new siding and roofing installed on my house. All the windows were replaced last weekend. Things are a little chaotic right now!


But I promise to take a post pictures as soon as I can.


And yes, the projector is AWESOME! When you can afford to bet a DLP projector, it totally changes your simulation experience!


Navy Chief

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