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BoB BF-109 E series FM updates Beta 0.93

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A bunch of Emil FMs for use with RussoUK's BF-109E-3 and E-4 models. You will need the latest E-3  http://combatace.com/files/file/14020-bf109e-3/ as well as the lod update kit  http://combatace.com/files/file/14033-109e-ud7z/ and the E-4 http://combatace.com/files/file/14035-bf109e-47z/ .




A collection of BF-109 FMs for Battle of Britain use. They are based on ThirdWires S-99/199 FM but have had a lot of adjustments regarding control response, engine tables etc. For use with RussoUK's BF-109E-3 and E-4 SF-2 packs. The lack of drop tanks at the start of the Battle of Britain was a big deal for the Luftwaffe so I have removed them via ini edits. Drop tanks become available in August, 1940, when the BF-109E-7[early] shows up.


BF-109E-3: The least numerous BF-109 type in the Battle of Britain. Many were converted to BF-109E-4 standard prior to the start of the battle with conversions continuing as the battle progressed. The version included has the earlier 20MM-MGFF cannon, standard DB-601A-1 engine and no bomb rack. The armor plate is a bit less than what is modeled on the E-4.

BF-109E-1[late]: Suprisingly, the E-1 made up about one third of the BF-109 force at the start of the Battle of Britain. They were probably in various states of conversion but I think most if not all had received some armour plate. The version modeled has armour plate the same as the E-3, a DB-601A-1 engine and four 7.9MM-MG17 machine guns, no cannons, no bomb rack.

BF-109E-4: Standard E-4 fighter with 20MM-MGFF-M cannon, no bomb rack and a bit more armor plate than the E-1/3.

BF-109E-4B: Fighter bomber variant. It has the DB-601Aa engine which puts out more horsepower at low level but less up high. Bomb rack but no drop tanks.

BF-109E-4N: Similar to the E-4 but with the higher output "N" engine. Most "N" engines were directed to the BF-110's but a small number of E-4s were converted starting in July, 1940. Probably less than 50 available at any given time. Some E-4Bs may have been converted but the one modeled here is the standard fighter version. classified as "RARE".

BF-109E-7[early]: The first version to be available with drop tanks. Came into service in August, 1940. Due to the BF-110s having priority for the "N" engines the early E-7s were built with the A-1 or Aa engines. Possibly a few built with "N" engines. The one modeled here has the A-1 engine and can carry bombs and drop tanks. Otherwise similar to the E-4.

A couple of 109s for use after the Battle of Britain:

BF-109E-4B[late]: Starting around October, 1940, E-4s began getting converted to carry drop tanks. With the E-7 and F model 109s in production I would guess most E-4s remaining would have been converted to fighter bombers. [not sure] The one modeled here has the Aa engine and can carry bombs and drop tanks.

BF-109E-7: I think around January, 1941, the E-7 was being equipped with the "N" engine as standard.


Here are the new FMs with instructions:   BoB_BF-109Eseries0.93.zip


These will be the last BF-109E beta testers. I plan to upload a couple of BF-110 FMs for test and then organize all the BoB FMs I have done into one package for upload sometime in the new year.  The biggest issue will be writing the installation instructions!     Cheers.

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oooops.  Found a problem already. Only the E-3 and E-1[early] have the correct Revi gunsight. The fix is simple, just copy the gunsight from one of those aircraft and paste into the remaining aircrafts cockpit folders.  :fool:  [ a bit of a rush job]

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