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increasing the view distance of target objects

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I have the following problem: Target objects are shown only if I'm very close to the objects. Moreover the distance where the objects appear depends on the field of view (fov). The most time I use a fov of 90 degrees. With a smaller fov (= zoom in) the maximum view distance of the objects is greater.
Take, for example, the (stock) warehouse in the range terrain: With fov = 90 deg the warehouse appears at ~3 nm, with fov = 60 deg it appears at ~5 nm and with fov = 30 deg it appears at ~12 nm. At fov = 90 and 60 deg I think the maximum view distances are way too small.

The only solution I found to increase the maximum view distance is changing "MaxVisibleDist" in <terrain>_types.ini and (LOD) "Distance" in <targetobject>.ini. But it's a little bit tedious to change every single object. For the warehouse I set in range_types.ini "MaxVisibleDist" and in warehouse1.ini "Distance" both to 60000.0 Now the warehouse appears with fov = 90 at ~9 nm. Thats ok for me.

Does anyone know how "MaxVisibleDist" and "Distance" result in actual maximum view distance at a given fov?
Is there an easier way to increase the view distances, without changing every single object?

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might be you overall graphics quality dependant like terrain detail, view distance and objects quality, IIRC engine scales the values according to these

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