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SF/WO* Missions/Campaigns

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User-created missions and campaigns

    1. WW2 Test Campaign for AvHistory beta FMs v1.1

      September 1st, 1944
      The Pact of Steel: Axis Ascendancy
      Egypt and India have fallen to the Axis powers, who now control the Suez Canal and with it, access to the Eastern Mediterranean.
      Japanese victory at Midway and in the Aleutians, and the Imperial occupation of Hawaii, has penned the US Pacific Fleet into its west coast continental American bases.
      A successful German offensive through the Caucasus has brought the Wermacht to the borders of Asia. Leningrad has fallen and Moscow is under heavy siege.
      There is one ray of light for the Allied cause: the Operation Torch landings have granted the Allies a foothold on the fringes of Occupied Europe.
      Imperial Japan resolves to lend Fast Attack Carrier Air Support to its German and Italian brethren and drive the Allies finally from Africa. . .
      // ------------------------------------------------
      // WW2 Test Campaign
      // For AvHistory beta prop FMs
      // v1.1
      // Campaign files by Baltika
      // ------------------------------------------------
      Thanks to the AvHistory team for taking up the challenge of developing WW2 prop FMs for TK's series of sims. Cheers guys ;-)
      This is my little contribution to the process, a testbed campaign for the beta FMs as they are released. I will try to add more of the "Gang of 10" test aircraft as they become available.
      I am running this campaign in SFG patched up to Oct 08 level, but it should work fine in the SF2 series as well.
      There are a few requirements:
      AvHistory beta FM planes - P-51D-30, FW-190D-9, P-47M and A6M5c
      -currently available in 3rd party mod section at capun's Skunkworks
      EDIT: the P-51, P-47M and A6M5c are now available here at CA. Thanks to the AvHistory team for granting permission to post their FMs here, and to the original creators of these birds (WOLF257, ArmourDave and Russo).
      Edward's WW2 Tunisia terrain
      - http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=4228
      Geo's WW2 Ground Objects Paks 1 & 2
      - http://www.geos-aircraft.com/
      The ships from Gepard's Midway terrain
      - http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=7658
      - ships by the DAT team and Hinchinbrooke.
      I have also included a couple of modded terrain .ini files, based on Edward's originals. I have just changed the alignment of a couple of target areas in the targets.ini to get the front line to work properly. I have also included and updated terrain_DATA.INI so that the terrain will work with the Oct 08 and later versions of the game.
      Install the above items, drop the "WW2Test" folder into your campaign folder, and use the included terrain.ini files in the Tunisia terrain.
      You may meet a few old friends over the skies of Tunisia ;-)
      Post your feedback on the AvHistory FMs here:
      Any problems, give me a shout at CombatAce.
      12 June 2009
      // -------------------------------------------------
      - Added additional P-51 and Zero squadrons
      - Added additional USAAF Aces
      - Added Zuiho and Shoho as IJN Carrier Units
      - Reworked Frontline to allow Malta based units to operate properly
      - Corrected bug that meant Axis air units could not be selected as flyable (sorry!)
      // -------------------------------------------------


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    2. Yom Kippur Research

      A set of web pages (in mht format), pictures, text and links used in Researching the Yom Kippur war for the upcoming Strike Fighters campaign.


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    3. Yom Kippur War 2010

      Yom Kippur 2010
      Fictional Modern-day Campaign
      for Wings Over Israel
      by Baltika
      The near future. . .
      The peace process in the Middle East is in danger of falling apart. Border clashes continue daily and tensions between Syria and Israel rise to breaking point.
      Iran continues to flex its military muscle, secretly developing nuclear weapons capability and engaging in a massive build-up of conventional forces.
      Finally, the flashpoint comes when the Islamic Egyptian Jihad assassinate the pro-western Egyptian President. Revolution sweeps Egypt and a new strongly pro-Arab, anti-Western fundamentalist government takes power.
      With the main Western powers bogged down in an increasingly bloody and futile conflict in Afghanistan, the world looks on in horror as a new Jihadist coalition of Syria, Egypt, Iran and Algeria launch a full-scale offensive to bring about the obliteration of Israel. . .
      Required Base Install:-
      Wings Over Israel patched to October 2008 level
      Required Files:-
      A-4N (early) by wilco
      EAF F-4E by Wrench
      F-5E Tiger II by The Mirage Factory
      F-14A Iranian AF by TMF
      F-15I V1.5 for WOI by Dave, Flying Toaster, wpnssgt, Fubar512, Moonjumper, Kout, MJ and Deuces
      F-16I for WOI by Dave, Swede, wpnssgt, moonjumper, bib, Kout and TMF
      F-16A Arab Nations Mod by Gepard (From original by Team Viper)
      MiG-25PDS by Gepard
      MiG-29A for WOI by TMF
      MiG-29A Export Version by TMF (For Iranian MiG-29A)
      Mirage2000EM mod by Gepard (from Erwin_Hans' original)
      SU-24 Pack by lindr2 (For Su-24MK)
      Iranian F-5E Tiger by Mike1
      The Mirage Factory WOI Weapons pack
      1. Ensure you are running WoI Oct 08.
      2. Install the TMF WOI Wep Pack.
      3. Install the planes and skins listed above.
      4. In F-16Arab, change the Egyptian skin folder name to "Egypt"
      5. Make sure you have installed the Egyptian specific weapons for F-16Arab, they are included with Wrench's EAF F-4E which is a required file.
      6. Drop the campaign folder "YOMKIPPUR2010" into your WoI\Campaigns folder.
      7. Select "Yom Kippur 2010" from the campaign selection menu, and protect Israel from the New Jihadist attack.
      Any comments, feedback, bug reports, or Single Malt Whisky can be forwarded to Baltika at CombatAce.
      If there is sufficient interest, that is, any interest at all, I will expand this campaign to include a Red-side flyable version.
      Cheers all, and happy holidays.
      2nd December 2009
      Special Thanks to Johan217 for his WoI campaigns expansion files, from which this mod was partly developed.
      Thanks also to TK for his holiday sale on the older WoX titles, which persuaded me to pick up WoI, long before I get my flashy new gaming rig and switch completely over to the SF2 series. Cheers, TK ;-)


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