6 files
F-94B Starfire, Generic USAF
By Wrench
F-94B "Starfire" Generic USAF Skin for SF, WoV & WoE
A "plain old garden variety" natural metal skin for Pasko's F-94B 'Starfire'. I created it from new templates, based on both the F-80 and F-94 skins (there are several identical bmps between them). It represents no actual squadron, but is closest to the 68th FIS. Hence, the generic "USAF" tagline.
This would be a usefull skin for a Korean-era aircraft, or for any time frame in the early 1950s.
New serial and buzz number decals were created as well, which are based off aircraft serial numbers. The numbers are all actual serials and buzz nums, as issued by the USAF
New damage tga's are provided, for that 'shot up bullet holes' look, if you let the enemy get close enough to shoot you!
A new Loading Screen is also provided. It's a nice color picture I found on the net
PLEASE read the enclose readme for full install instructions and general nonsense. :yes:
Kevin Stein
F-89C Scorpion, 57th FIS Skin & Ini Update Pake
By Wrench
F-89C Scorpion 57th FIS Skin and Ini Update Pak for SF, WoV & WoE
Happy Strike Fighters 5th Anniversery!!!
This little package will give you an revamped skin, based off Volksjager's original, with a full set of updated inis. To make life easy, just about everything is inculded. Exepting the aircraft itself -- you should already have that!!! ;)
--Please Note: this skin is designed to replace the skin folder marked "2" in your original install--
The 'fues1.bmp' has been repainted (from a new template created by me from the original bmp), new decals have been added for the serial, 'buzz', and individual aircraft numbers for 25 birds. This skin represents aircraft from the 57th FIS, "Black Knights", during the mid-1950s.
Modified main, data, cockpit, avionics and loadout inis are included. These reflect changes to operational uses as seen in the "Weapons Fixes and Loadouts" thread I maintain here at CombatAce.
NEW damage tgas are also supplied -- what? you think those Tu-4 gunners are going to sit there and let you shoot them full of holes????
And just for fun, my old Hangar screen is suppled as well.
== You MUST also have the latest weapons pak installed ==
PLEASE read the enclosed readme for detailed step-by-step instructions on getting everything up and running, along with a list of credits and sources.
kevin stein
F-94B Starfire, 449thFIS Skin and Upgrade Pak
By Wrench
F-94B "Starfire" 449th FIS Skin, Decal & Ini Updates for SF, WoV & WoE
Hello Fellow Fliers!!
This little package will update the original skin for the 449th FIS, by adding new individual aircraft serial and buzz numbers for 26 aircraft. There are also 2 replacement skin bmps, as I had to repaint them to remove the painted on lettering.
It is designed to =replace= the existing skin, with the addition of the new decals. Some of the original decals are reused, and therefore are NOT included. See below in the "TO INSTALL" section for full instructions.
This will give you a nice skin, with the Arctic Red trim for those especially cold climates...such as found in Alaska or NW America. --- and let me tell, ya it really looks good against the snowy backgrounds!!!
Historical accuracy is ONLY claimed on the first 4 serial & buzz numbers, as they were the only ones I had photos of.
Also included is an updated data ini and the cockpit ini that will allow you to use the F-86D cockpit in your Starfire. The cockpit itself is NOT included, you'll have to copy over the cockpit folder from your Sabre-Dog. All inis and a few usefull bmps are provided, to make the switch over as easy as possible. This is Lexx_Luthor's fix, and all credit goes to him
PLEASE!!!! read the enclosed readme for full, detailed, step-by-step instructions, and listing of credits.
Kevin Stein
F-89D Scorpion, 75th FIS Skin, Ini, Weapons Upgrade Pak
By Wrench
F-89D Scorpion 75th FIS Skin and Ini Updates Pak for SF, WoV & WoE:
This package will give you an revamped skin, based off Volksjager's original, with a full set of updated inis. To make life easy, EVERYTHING is inculded. Excepting the aircraft itself -- you should already have that!!! ;) Basically, this is a rebuild of the ENTIRE weapons system for this aircraft,
-- Please Note: this skin is designed to replace the skin folder marked "1D" in your original F-89D install --
All the skin bmps have been repainted, using new templates created by me, based off Volk's original skins. I've duplicated his original work, so all credit goes to him for skin creation...I've basically just redone them to make use of the new panel, rivet lines and new decals created by me for the serial and buzz numbers
Modified main, data, cockpit, avionics and loadout inis are included. These reflect changes to operational uses as seen in the "Weapons Fixes and Loadouts" thread I maintain at CombatAce.
The weapons have been completly revamped, using a trick found by Lexx_Luthor over at the 3rd Wire boards, concerning multiple FFAR installations.
NEW damage tgas are also supplied -- what? you think those Commie gunners are going to sit there and let you blow them full of holes????
Brand new, and available in this mod only -- Hangar and Loading screens!!
You -WILL- be using the Weapons Editor to add the new FFAR rockets...make sure you have the latest version, the one that came in the 6/06 Weapons Pak.
== You MUST also have the latest Weapons Pak installed.==
PLEASE read the enclosed readme for fully detailed, conscise, step-by-step install instructions. It's designed to make your life just a little easier...
Enjoy, and Happy Hunting!
F-89D Scorpion, 64th FIS
By Wrench
F-89D "Scoprion", 64th FIS skin for SF/WoV/WoE
Forgot I'd finished this, and forgot to upload....
Just another skin for Monty's F-89D Scorpion. This represents the 64th Fighter Interceptor Squadron, approximately 1956, when based at Elemendorf, AK.
The squadron leader, Capt. Arthur Bourque, has his aircraft carrying the nose art that was carried on his P-61 'Black Widow' during WW2.
100% accuracy is NOT claimed on the serial numbers (excepting Capt Bourque's aircraft), but they are actual production numbers as used on D Scoprions. Some might even be the right ones!!!
Simple install instructions are in the enclosed readme.txt.
Happy Landings!
kevin stein
F-89C, 74th FIS Skin and Ini Pak
By Wrench
F-89C Scorpion 57th FIS Skin and Ini Update Pak for SF, WoV & WoE
This little package will give you an revamped skin, based off Volksjager's original, with -yet again!- some updated inis. (sorry about that...see "Other Notes" below for more details)
-- Please Note: this skin is designed to replace the skin folder marked "1" in your original install --
All the skin bmps have been repainted (from new templates created by me from the original bmps), new decals have been added for the serial, 'buzz', and individual aircraft numbers for 25 birds. This skin represents aircraft from the 74th FIS, 23rd FIW, as deployed as part of the Alaska Air Command, during the mid-1950s. I've even added the wingwalks I forgot before, some staining, and various stenciling around the aircraft
Newly updated data and loadout inis are included. These reflect changes to the unguided HVAR rockets, of which you'll be getting a new one (similiar to what I recently did for the MiG-17PF, PF(SP-16) and F-89D). So, be prepared to use the weapons editor, yet again!!!
This is the last of the original skins to be updated. We can now move on to other things!
== You MUST also have the latest weapons pak installed.==
Happy Landing!
Kevin Stein
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