About This File
Thanks to eburger68 for the incredible work he did on getting this updated. Thank you sir.
NATO Fighters IV+: Post-Dec2009 Update Pack
This package contains an update pack for the NATO Fighters IV+ (NF4+) add-on designed for "Strike Fighters 2: Europe" (SF2E) from ThirdWire. It does several things:
1) Updates the NF4+ add-on for use with the SF2E
Dec2009 & later patch levels.
2) Adds several new aircraft and AAA objects.
3) Adds a number of new textures to existing aircraft.
4) Fixes or updates numerous other files in the
original NF4+ mod.
This update pack should be applied to SF2E/NF4+ installations that are patched to the Dec2009 or later patch level, including Feb2010, Mar2010, or May2010. If you are running SF2E at the Jun2009b patch level and do NOT intend to update to one of the later patch levels mentioned above, you should NOT apply this update pack.
To get to the original NF4+ files you need to go here:
Changes, Fixes, & Additions
New Aircraft
- Canberra B(1)8: added
- F-4M_80_TMF: added
- F-4M_85_TMF: added
- F-4JUK: added
- Su-24: added
Upgraded Aircraft
- B-57B : made flyable
- EF-111A: updated LODs
- F-111D: updated LODs
- F-111F: updated LODs; added missing SLIMER.TGA to skins
- F-4D: added USAFGrey1 skin
- F-4D_67: added USAFGrey1 skin
- F-4D_75: subbed Sundowner's USAFCamo1 textures
- F-4D_78: subbed Sundowner's USAFCamo1 textures
- F-4D_78: added USAFGreen1 skin
- F-4E_75: subbed Sundowner's USAFCamo1/2 textures
- F-4E_78: subbed Sundowner's USAFCamo1/2 textures
- F-4E_78: added USAFGreen1 & USAFGrey1 skins
- F-4G_85: added 81st TFS skin
- F-4M: added custom sounds
- F-4M_75: added custom sounds; adjusted USERLIST.INI
- F-16A Block 1: added Kreelin's Sep. 2008 fm
- F-84F_MF: added ThirdWire SF2 flight model
- Jaguar GR.1: added 2 RAF skin; tweaked names of others
- Mirage 5BA/IIIC/IIIE: added ThirdWire SF2 flight models
- Mirage IIIC: added BleuDA skin
- RF-84F: added French skin (sans Suez stripes)
- RF-84F: added 52c skin (per Campaign 1)
- Tornado GR.1A: added 14 sqn skin
- Other: added new hangar/loading screens, loadout images,
UserLists, destroyed models, & damage holes to aircraft
as appropriate/needed
Other Updates
- Campaigns 1-4: updated & corrected
- Flight: added sight textures for F-117A, AV-8B, & Su-25
for adjusted years
- AAA: updated ground units & guns; added tracers
- AAA: added Gepard, M-167 VADS, & M-42 Duster
- AAA: added ZPU-4 & ZiL-157 ZPU-1
- EnvironmentSystem: re-configured cloud layers to eliminate
unsightly clipping
- Terrain: added LimitedNations statement to main .INI; added
Spain & USMC to Nations.INI
- Other: added a number of weapons, pilots, guns, & sounds
either to support new aircraft or to fill in previously
missing items
General SF2 post-Dec2009 Updates
- Hangar/Loading Screens: converted to .JPG format
- Loadout Images: coverted to .TGA format
- Damage Holes: changed to .DDS on default aircraft
- F-4 DATA.INIs: updated to use new node names
- Cockpit Positions: checked & updated as needed
- HUD/DTVFilter Materials: added & updated as needed
- Effects: added proper shaders to all effects
- EnvironmentSystem: added proper Dec2009 shaders & new
environment parameters
- Menu Screens: coverted to .JPG format
- Non-decal TGAs: copied to aircraft texture folders
** Please note that this update package includes all the fixes and updates from the "NF4+ Fixpack & AAA Add-on" released in Oct. 2009.
As noted above, this update pack adds a number of new items to the NF4+ add-on. These new items are from the following modders, who generously allowed their use:
The Mirage Factory & Sundowner ...... F-4M_80, F-4M_85, F-4JUK
Sundowner ........................... new USAF F-4 skins
Ahmed Junaid Raza ................... Canberra B(1)8
Veltro2K, Lindr2, & Tunderchief ..... Su-24 Fencer
FastCargo ........................... updated E/F-111 lods
Suicidal/Banidos Team ............... M-167 VADS
Gabilon & MiGMaster ................. Gepard
Kesselbrut .......................... ZiL-157 ZPU-1
Kreelin ............................. F-16A Block 1 flight model
Credit for the original NF4+ add-on goes to Column 5, Dave (USAFMTL), hgbn and the rest of the NF4+ team. For a list of all the modders whose work is used in the complete NF4+ add-on, see the original ReadMes included in \OriginalReadmes.
Thanks to Crusader and Brain32 for assistance putting this update pack together.
If we have neglected to credit anyone here, please let us know. We will get it fixed ASAP.