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Serial numbers for the Lloyd C.II

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About This File

This is a complete set of serial number decals for the Lloyd C.II. The game will randomly assign a different number to each plane.


This completely replaces the "D" folder in the Austro-Hungarian skin and uses a new Decals.ini for the skin.


I have also uploaded a new version of the Lloyd which includes this decal set, so if you downloaded the Lloyd C.II after September 20, 2011, you already have these decals.



Installation Instructions

For FE1 - Unzip the file. In the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft/LloydC2/Texture1 folder, delete the folder named "D" and replace it with the new one. Then delete the file named "Decals.ini" and move the new Decals.ini into the folder. Do not delete any other files from the Texture1 folder.


For FE2 - Unzip the file. In the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals/LloydC2/Texture1 folder, delete the "D" folder and replace it with the new one. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft/LloydC2/Texture1 folder, delete the file named "Decals.ini" and move the new Decals.ini into the folder. Do not delete any other files from the Texture1 folder.

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