About This File
Here's a summary of what this version of OpDarius is
- two blue campaigns -- one w/ a ground war; one w/o a ground war
- ground campaign is not a full fledged invasion of Iran, rather border skirmishes (still very fun, esp. in the A-10C)
- one red campaign w/o a ground campaign
- new Iranian weapons, incl. AAMs, SAMs and MRBMs
- new Iranian ground objects, incl. mobile SAM launchers, static SAM launchers, AAA, tanks, APCs, and MRBM launchers
- two different versions of the F-14 included, one equipped with the Sedjeel missile (based on the Hawk)
- dozens of new target areas added, incl. SAM sites, MRBM sites, nuclear research sites, and uranium processing/enrichment sites
- overhauled TYPES.INI to better prioritize targets in campaigns
- a number of aircraft added incl.the Gripen, Turkish/Greek F-4s and F-16s, the Greek A-7E(H), the new J-7ME, A-10C (w/ the new cockpit), AV-8B Plus, F-35A, F-111C (Late), CF-18_07, & Su-30MKM, A310 MRTT
- some aircraft removed (F-4E_86, AT-6B, the AlphaJets, excess C-130s & Mirage 2000s, and a few others)
-plenty of other unnecessary cruft removed, incl. gigabytes of unused aircraft skins
- new menu screens (nothing radical)
- plenty of fixes to just about every area of the mod to get things updated to SF2 standards and working correctly
The only remaining problem that I know of is the SA-10, which for the life of me I cannot get to launch no matter what I try or what version from whatever mod I use. I've got the damn thing working in WOE, but it doesn't work in SF2.
I did try to preserve as much as possible of the original Op Darius package (incl. basing arrangements for the participating units). So, if someone was really into the first version, they ought to like this version as well.
It's essentially Op Darius, cleaned up, updated, fixed, expanded, and now sporting spiffy new campaigns so that you can play it like a traditional Strike Fighters all-in-one mod.
Note that this version should NOT be installed over the previous version that Wrench released.
Eric Howes
Install in this order:
1. OpDarius - a blue side campaign without a ground war. Primary focus for the campaign is bombing Iranian nuclear and military sites.
2. OpMarathon - a blue side campaign with a ground war. The only units tasked with CAS missions, though, are the A-10, AH-64D, and AV-8 units, so if want CAS missions you need to select one of those units. The ground war consists of border skirmishes along the Iran/Iraq border, not a full-fledged invasion of Iran.
3. OpShamshir - a red side campaign without a ground war.