About This File
This is a comprehensive collection of skins for the JASDF F-15J (as featured the SF2 F-15 super pack here). Eight different real-life squadrons are featured, each with authentic squadron patches and serial numbers, bringing this aircraft model up to the same level of fidelity as the American versions. (The existing aggressor skins look cool, certainly, but they are not representative of front-line aircraft.)
These skins are also compatible with the modernized F-15J Kai model (F-15J_97), so if you use both, just drag and drop the texture folders into either or both aircraft as you like.
Decals, texture modifications, hangar screen and loading photographs by Nengajou Aki. Packaged and uploaded by WhiteBoySamurai. The author has given permission to include these skins in freeware mods and future F-15 package updates.
What's New in Version
- 2012/03/01 initial release