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IAF Type 96B Pack

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Type 96B v1.9 Readme



A. Installation :


1. Drop the Type 96B folder into your Strike Fighters/Objects/Aircraft, or your

Wings Over Vietnam/Objects/Aircraft folder.

2. Open the "Add To Sounds Folder" and drop the four .wav files into either your

Strki Fighters/Sounds, or your Wings Over Vietnam/Sounds folder.

3. Your copy of Strike Fighters should be patched to SP3.1 standard. You copy of

Wings Over Vietnam should be patched to Patch 2 stand. You should also have

the latest version of the Weapons Pack ( availible at http:// www.combatace.com/ )

installed as well.

4. Note that the Type 96B was the designation of MiG-21MFs delivered from the Soviet Union.

Indian production at HAL, was of the Type 96 ( MiG-21M ) with a slightly less capable engine.

If you wish a Type 96, simply copy your Type 96B folder, rename the copy Type 96, and add the Type 96

config.ini, Type 96 data.ini, & 101 Sqdn skin included with this download.


B. Notes :


1. This version of the Type 96B now includes Mago & Badger's excellent MiG-21MF cockpit

& radar display. FM & sounds have been "Fubar-ized". Two separate skins ( one for

Type 96, & one for Type 96B included.

2 MiG-21MF (Type-96B) No.7 Sqdn "Battle Axes" skin by Ghostrider883.

3. MiG-21M (Type-96) No. 101 Sqdn "Falcons" skin by Ghostrider883.


C. Credits :


1. Research & Skins by Ghostrider883.

2. IAF Hangarscreen & Canopy Fix by "The Wrench".

3. FM & MiG RWR Sounds by Fubar512

4. Fishbed L.wav & any mistakes by howling1.





*** Note To Manetsim of Check-Six: Screenies for both Type 96 & Type 96B Included ***

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