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Soft targets for Wings Over Russia

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3 Screenshots

About This File

While working on some new campaigns for Wings Over Russia, I thought it could be a good idea to transpose into the infinite plains of Mother Russia my former mod providing infantry objects for Wings Over Africa – and thus, to hand over soft targets to be strafed by your Shturmoviks and Jabos. Here you will find Soviets and Germans, but also Romanians, Hungarians, Italians, Poles and Finns: actually, several of the enclosed units are linked to Eastern battlegrounds not included at the moment in Wings Over Russia (Poland in 1939, Finnish Winter & Continuation Wars, Danubian Europe 1944-45...); but I still hope that in some future they will be!


Once more, this work is an adaptatation from Kesselbrut's famous mod providing infantry squads and AT guns crews as 'soft' ground objects (with some files and skins from Heck's work for First Eagles, a handful of other skins from various other objects, and my own tweaked graphical modifications). Proper credits and links are given in the ReadMe file.

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