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Files posted by Capitaine Vengeur
Medals Pack for SF2: WW2 Finland
By Capitaine Vengeur in Menus
This pack is intended to complement The Dev A-Team's all-inclusive mod Strike fighters 2 WW2 Finland, dedicated to the aerial campaigns over the Gulf of Finland and the Barents Sea during the Winter War and Continuation War. You are given here extensive lists of awards with related medals and citations, and a handful of minor assets (alternative lists of ranks, counters, etc). Of course, all of this work could also complement ShrikeHawk's mod about The Continuation War, available at CombatAce's downloads for SF2.
Three Medals lists have actually been designed for the Finns, the first one related to the Winter War (1939-40), the second to the first part of the Continuation War (1941-42), the third to its last part (1943-44). The earlier lists grant much more lenient criteria to be awarded the same distinctions you could also receive after 1942 spending more sweat, but above all prevent you to receive awards unavailable before they were established. For instance, besides harsher requirements, the 1943-44 list adds the Order of the Lion of Finland, established by the end of 1942, and also makes a few German decorations available when the Nazis at bay tried to forge closer ties with their loose co-belligerent.
In the same way of thinking, two Medals lists are provided for the Soviets, 1939-42 and 1943-45 (several older designs before 1943, many new orders established mid-42 and awarded by 1943, harsher requirements for awarding after 1943). Of course, the WW2 Soviet packs could be used with The Dev A-Team's all-inclusive mod for SF1 Wings over Russia, and for any mods involving the Soviet Air Forces during WW2.
You’ll just have to juggle with national Medals Lists according to the period of the War when you plan to start your campaigns. Regarding these lists, everything has been especially designed, when swapping files during an extensive career, for the decorations you were awarded with an older list both to be preserved with original look and citations, and not to be awarded a second inappropriate time thereafter. Don’t worry, everything is meticulously explained with several examples in my notes.
As you can notice on the screenshots, I chose to have the citations display the decorations’ names in original language without subtitle. Who can read Finnish here, raise your hand? Be easy, the awards you deserved are still announced in English on the Debrief Screen, and listed in English on your pilot’s Medal List Screen.
Finnish Air Force
Mannerheim Cross (2nd Class) *
Order of the Cross of Liberty (2nd, 3rd & 4th Classes)
Order of the Cross of Liberty (2nd, 3rd & 4th Classes with Oak Leaf) *
Order of the White Rose of Finland (Knight & Knight 1st Class)
Order of the Lion of Finland (Knight & Knight 1st Class) **
Medal of Liberty (1st Class)
Campaign Commemorative Medal
[either one single of Winter War or Continuation War available]
German Iron Cross (1st & 2nd Classes) **
German Pilot’s Badge **
Soviet Air Forces
Gold Star Medal of Hero of the Soviet Union (2 possible awards)
Order of Lenin (2 possible awards) ²
Order of the Red Banner (multiple awards possible) ²
Order of Suvorov (3rd Class) **
Order of Kutuzov (3rd Class) **
Order of Alexander Nevskiy **
Order of the Patriotic War (1st & 2nd Classes) **
Order of the Red Star (2 possible awards)
Medal For Valor ²
Medal For Combat Service ²
Campaign Medal
[either one single of Leningrad or Transarctic Theatres available,
or just an unofficial certificate for the Winter War, lacking a better option]
Membership of the Communist Party
Wound red stripe (multiple awards possible) **
* Available by 1941 only
** Available by 1943 only
² USSR : older design before 1943 also available
WW1 Medals Pack for FE - Beyond the Western Front
By Capitaine Vengeur in First Eagles - General Files - Hanger, Menu Screens
Designed to complete my just updated WW1 Alternative Medals Pack for FE, this new Pack provides you with rich panels of decorations, for four air forces who fought bravely on fronts far away from Flanders or Verdun, with limited resources but some few worthy native models – namely the Russian Imperial Military Air Fleet, the Italian Military Air Corps, the Austro-Hungarian Imperial and Royal Aviation Troops, and the Ottoman Aviation Squadrons.
Generally speaking, awards for enduring service have been assigned highly demanding requirements, to hang on to Ojcar’s Armchair Aces dynamic campaigns allowing to go through that long-term World War in its seemingly never-ending aspect. As usual, each panel includes several decorations from allied countries: thus, as an Imperial Russian officer before the fall of the Tsar, you may be awarded decorations from the grateful sister nation of Serbia; and as a Russian pilot keeping on fighting a hopeless war by 1917, you may be conferred prestigious Orders by the Kingdom of Romania desperately relying on its stumbling Slavic ally. I chose to have the citations display the decorations’ names in original language without subtitle, as you can notice on the screenshots. Be easy, the awards you deserved are still announced in English on the Debrief Screen, and listed in English on the Medal List Screen.
Two Nations lists are provided, the first one devoted to campaigns and missions taking place before early 1918, and the second and default one reassessing the state of the belligerents from early 1918 on (before and from early 1917 regarding Russia). You’ll have to juggle with both lists according to the period of the War when you plan to fly your campaigns. Everything has been designed, when swapping the pre-1918 for the 1918 medals file during an extensive career, for the decorations you were awarded before April 1918 both to be preserved with original look and citations, and not to be awarded a second anachronistic time thereafter. The pre-1918 list grants much more lenient criteria to be awarded the same distinctions you could also receive later spending more sweat, and prevents you to get awards unavailable before 1918.
A complete set of musics includes national anthems and marches devoted to each nation's overtures and successful debriefings sequences. Other interesting optional assets include optional lists of awards, designed for pilots of the belligerent nations of the Western Front fighting over Venetia, Galicia or Palestine, as well as optional lists of ranks with tweaked sequence of promotions allowing you, IMHO, much more realistic careers if used with Ojcar’s long-term campaigns.
This Pack is a huge lot, and has been repeatedly re-engineered by a psychotic perfectionist. Each list of medals includes many links to other files, sometimes to my Western Front pack’s contents, and not all of the available panels have been tested on the long term. Please report all of the quirks, crashes, and other non-appearances of medals or citations you could experience. I shall then edit the Pack according to the problems found.
IMPORTANT : There was an important warning in the ReadMe file of the latest upgrade of my WW1 Alternative Medals Pack for FE, to inform downloaders that this updated version had reshuffled orders of precedence, and that the decorations in each panel had their code names modified and their personal numbers reallocated, in such a way that it may certainly alter the lists of honours received already in any of your ongoing Allied or German campaigns. With this in mind, I have designed this ‘add-on’ “Beyond the Western Front” in order that it is actually a ‘stand-alone’. I mean that you won’t need to have installed any older or upgraded version of my Pack for the Western Front to enjoy the medals lists and bonuses enclosed here for the four Nations of Russia, Italy, Austria and Turkey. Still, you need to have installed the latest version of my Pack for the Western Front to use the optional medals lists.
January 2016 modifications: Corrects a couple of graphical and regulation mistakes on the Italian panel, also adds a wound stripe (Distintivo di Ferito). Beware, these amendments could alter the Italian awards received during your ongoing campaigns started with my December 2015 panel.
WWI Alternative Medals Pack for FE - December 2015 update
By Capitaine Vengeur in First Eagles - General Files - Hanger, Menu Screens
Welcome to my latest update, December 2015, for this Medals Pack intended to provide your campaigns on the Western Front with a more complete immersion into the WW1 universe.
Compared with my latest update in July 2010, you will notice many changes, especially the appearance of new lists of awards for the Belgians and for two more German States, and some conspicuous increase in the already existing lists. The available panels now cover Germany, the United Kingdom & British Empire, France, Belgium, and the United States. About Germany, four panels are actually provided, allowing you to embody a pilot from either one of the main four federated kingdoms of Prussia, Saxony, Bavaria, or Wurtemberg – and to receive awards accordingly. Each Allied panel includes several awards from other Allied countries, each panel for the German Kingdoms includes several awards from other German States.
Two Nations lists are provided, the first one devoted to campaigns and missions taking place before early 1918, and the second and default one reassessing the state of the belligerents from early 1918 on. You’ll have to juggle with both lists according to the period of the War when you plan to fly your campaigns. Everything has been designed, when swapping the pre-1918 for the 1918 medals file during an extensive career, for the decorations you were awarded before April 1918 both to be preserved with original look and citations, and not to be awarded a second anachronistic time thereafter.
The pre-1918 list grants much more lenient criteria to be awarded the same distinctions you could also receive later spending more sweat, and prevents you to get awards unavailable before 1918. This pre-1918 list also allows you to explicitly fly as distinct nations both of the British air components existing before the Royal Air Force: the Royal Flying Corps, and the Royal Naval Air Service, both of them with their own lists of ranks, awards and citations.
Generally speaking, the requirements for awards for enduring service have been now revised upwards by large, to hang on to Ojcar’s Armchair Aces dynamic campaigns allowing to go through that long-term World War in its seemingly never-ending aspect. Each panel includes several decorations from allied countries (or from other German States in the case of the Second Reich). I chose to have the citations display the decorations’ names in original language without subtitle, as you can notice on the screenshots. Be easy, the awards you deserved are still announced in English on the Debrief Screen, and listed in English on the Medal List Screen.
A complete set of musics for all occurrences has been enriched, and sometimes modified since my latest update in July 2010. Several themes from the soundtrack of “The Blue Max” replace the game's default themes (Main Screen, Base Screen, Options Screen...), while national anthems and marches are devoted to each nation's overtures and successful debriefings sequences.
This Pack is a huge lot, and has been many, many times entirely re-engineered on a new basis. Each list of medals includes many links to other files, and not all of the available panels have been tested on the long term. Please report all of the quirks, crashes, and other non-appearances of medals or citations you could experience. I shall then edit the Pack according to the problems found.
VERY IMPORTANT : Be aware that in comparison with the former July 2010 update of this pack, this updated version has reshuffled orders of precedence and that the decorations in each panel had their code names modified and their individual numbers reallocated. This may certainly alter the lists of honours received already in any of your ongoing Allied or German campaigns. So think twice before installing this December 2015 update if you have current campaigns underway, and prefer installation when beginning new campaigns.
Modern Russian Federation Medals Pack
By Capitaine Vengeur in Menus
This pack is mostly intended to complement other works (campaigns) that YOU modder would like to design, involving the post-Cold War Russian Air Force as a flyable belligerent. Like my recent Medals Pack for Modern Ukraine, it allows campaign modders to explore both sides of local conflicts in the Black Sea / Sea of azov areas (using PFunk’s Black Sea 2.0a map). But it could also be used in modern what-if campaigns designed on many other maps bordering the Russian Federation (North Cape, Kamchatka, Korea/Manchuria...). And the recent involvement of President Putin's pilots in Syria (October 2015) gives new opportunities of campaigns where this pack could prove useful.
The complete list of your available decorations is displayed here. Two panels have actually been designed, one for the Russian Federation before 2010 and one thereafter. While my work focuses on Russia’s conspicuous second wind in the 2010s, it seemed important to reflect the changes that happened on that year: not only did the Russian Air Force’s aircraft begin to display a new design for its insignias (the three-coloured star, see below), but also the Russian system of awards underwent large reforms in September 2010, with design and/or purpose of several orders and medals completely modified.
Russian Federation Air Force
Gold Star of Hero of the Russian Federation (2 possible awards)
Order of St. George (4th Class)
[available only in the post-2010 pack]
Order For Merit to the Fatherland
(3rd & 4th Classes, each one awarded only once in turn)
Order of Alexander Nevskiy
[design and purpose completely reformed in 2010]
Order of Zhukov
Order of Suvorov
[3rd Class before 2010, single Class new design thereafter]
Order of Kutuzov
[3rd Class before 2010, single Class new design thereafter]
Order of Courage (multiple awards possible)
Order For Military Merit
Cross of St. George (4 Classes, each one awarded only once in turn)
Medal of the Order For Merit to the Fatherland
(2 Classes, each one awarded only once in turn)
Medal For Bravery (multiple awards possible)
Medal of Zhukov (2 possible awards, available only in the post-2010 pack)
Medal of Nesterov (multiple awards possible)
Medal For Distinction in Combat
[Ministry of Defense, available only in the post-2010 pack]
Medal For Military Valor (2 Classes, each one awarded only once in turn)
[Ministry of Defense, available only in the post-2010 pack]
Pilot's qualification wings (4 Classes, each one awarded only once in turn)
Modern Ukrainian Medals Pack - October 2015 Update
By Capitaine Vengeur in Menus
This mod provides quite a complete panel of the awards available to the Ukrainian military by our 2010s. It is mostly intended to complement other works (campaigns) that YOU modder would like to design, using PFunk’s Black Sea 2.0a map covering Crimea and the Sea of Azov, and the tragically rich events of Year 2014 there (and plausible prospects of even more tragic moments to come). Such hypothetical campaigns could explore various kinds of conflicts involving NATO forces, from a frantic all-out war, to local operations to recover Crimea or clear the Southern Donbass area, to a latent conflict limited to aerial skirmishes and incursions over some NATO-enforced no-fly zone, etc...
The complete list of your available decorations is displayed here :
Ukrainian Air Force
Gold Star of Hero of Ukraine (2 possible awards)
Order For Merit (3 Classes, each one awarded only once in turn)
Order of Bogdan Khmelnytskiy (3 Classes, each one awarded only once in turn)
Order For Courage (3 Classes, each one awarded only once in turn)
Order of Daniel of Galicia
Medal for Military Service to Ukraine (multiple awards possible)
Defender of the Homeland Medal
Honor and Valor Distinction
Appreciation For Valiant Military Service to the Fatherland
Appreciation For Achievements in Military Service
(2 Classes, each one awarded only once in turn)
Pilot's qualification wings (4 Classes, each one awarded only once in turn)
Beware, none of these awards did exist in 1994 when Ukraine was still a newborn nation, so this awards panel should not be suitable as is for your installation of the SF2NA: Black Sea Crisis campaign. Fortunately, I have also enclosed alternative citations with postponed dates of awarding, that makes this panel acceptable for campaigns set in 1994/1996.
October 2015 Update : adds air & ground counters, new medals (Order of Courage 1st & 2nd Classes, Distinction of the Ministry of Defense, pilot's qualification badges...), and completely reshuffles criteria for awarding for better realism and accordance with the Russian medals pack to come soon – with citations rewritten accordingly.
National counters for Wings Over Israel - February 2015 Update
By Capitaine Vengeur in SF/WO* Hanger/Menu/Loadout
This mod provides you with a batch of colorful, reduced-size counters, devoted to each of the nationalities present in Wings Over Israel. Besides having a more attractive map and less confused stacks, you can also find more easily the units you're after. As a rule, the counters with rectangular national flags and brigade/division devices show the ground units, while the counters with roundels concern the air units.
-- February 2015 changes: lots of variant counters for each era of the Israeli-Arab Wars --
Egypt and Syria (Iraq and Libya to a lesser extent) have changed quite often their flags and roundels during the period covered by Wings Over Israel (1948-82 with add-ons for SF2:Israel). So I chose to include several variants, which allowed me as well to insert some minor changes, just for aesthetic purpose (Syrian division-sized units by the ’70s only, Arab camo skins by the ’70s only, Arab camo suits for ground units by the ’80s...). Thus, the screenshots here depict the overture for the campaigns of Six-Day War 1967 and Lebanon War 1982, with clear differences regarding the Syrian counters.
Medals Pack, Israeli-Arab Wars - February 2015 update
By Capitaine Vengeur in SF/WO* Hanger/Menu/Loadout
The State of Israel provides very few medals even to his bravest soldiers. Three in all are actually attributed, which are all included as stock in SF1:Wings over Israel or SF2:Israel. Additionally, they are scarcely awarded, and almost never seen on the chests even of the best aces of the Israeli Air Force. The few ribbons that could be seen there were mostly awarded for participation in a given campaign, not for exceptional feats, honorable wounds, or exemplary long service.
This mod makes these campaign ribbons available; they will allow you to keep a track of the campaigns during which your pilot has flown even just a handful of missions. Moreover, I have included as well the badges for command citations that could be granted for special feats. A devoted panel of decorations has been created for each of the following selected periods when Israel was fighting an open war or undeclared hostilities. You shall just have to upload the correct panel before beginning a campaign. Citations have been arranged to restitute the fact that no medals actually existed before 1973.
Eight periods covered:
War of Independence 1948-49
Sinai Campaign 1956
Interwar 1956-67
Six-Day War 1967
Interwar 1967-73
Yom Kippur War 1973
Interwar 1973-82 (also works for 21st Century what-if campaigns)
Operation Peace for Galilee 1982
Changes in the June 2012 update:
New panel added for the War of Independence (campaign existing for SF2:Israel)
New lowest level of citation added in all panels (brigade commander citation), inducing some changes in the awards' criteria and precedence; citations rewritten accordingly
Modified AwardScreen for SF2:Israel
Changes in the February 2015 update:
French translation now included for all of the awards' names and citations. If you chose an installation of the game in French, just overwrite the relevant folders with those enclosed in the "French" folder.
VPAF Awards & Pilots for Wings over Vietnam
By Capitaine Vengeur in SF/WO* Hanger/Menu/Loadout
Aren't you tired at spending lots of your missions in the U.S.-sided campaigns of WoV flying a bomb truck, either trying to crush a handful of black pyjamas in the jungle, or to survive the vicious flak and SAMs over Hanoi? Don't you dream instead of a campaign completely devoted to interceptions, dogfights, the blazing air-to-air combat across the clouds over home country, facing a superior enemy that puts the challenge very high? So give a try to the Red side of the 'Nam! Such campaigns do exist at CombatAce, provided by eburger68, that makes the MiG interceptors flyable. Now I do provide the faces behind your cockpit, and the awards for your guts.
This mod provides you with a large panel of decorations for the Vietnam People's Air Force. Lots of pilots pics have also been added, with Soviet hard helmet for the MiG-21 pilots, and soft leather skullcap for the MiG-17/-19 pilots.
The complete list of your available decorations is displayed here:
Order of Ho Chi Minh
Hero of the People's Military
Order of the Military (3 Classes, each one awarded only once)
Victory Order (3 Classes, multiple awards possible)
Glorious Soldier Order (3 Classes, each one awarded only once)
Resistance Order (2nd Class)
Resistance Medal (2nd Class)
Glorious Soldier Medal
Uncle Ho Badges (multiple awards possible)
WW1 Pilots Pack - Beyond the Western front
By Capitaine Vengeur in First Eagles - General Files - Hanger, Menu Screens
A new batch of pilots pics covering the non-Western fronts: Russians, Italians, Austro-Hungarians and Ottomans. This mod exists in two files: with or without national flags inserted.
November 2014 Update: adds Ottoman pilots and many new pics for existing nations, including Russians in colors. |Total: 28 Italians, 20 Russians, 30 Austrians, 10 Turks]
Medals & musics for SF2: Korean Air War
By Capitaine Vengeur in Menus
When Edward's Korean War mod for SF1 had filled a gap in the world of combat air simulations, I had then participated with a dedicated Medals Pack. Now the range of available models for SF2 expands at lightspeed, a new all-inclusive KAW mod for SF2 may soon be laid, and I'd want to be a part of it too. A former work of mine had proposed new counters and screens for SF2, now I'm delivering a Korean War Medals Pack that is a largely expanded version from my former set of national awards for SF1 (also including anthems and musics). The decorations sources are: stock SF2:E, stock First Eagles, Charles' Medals Pack v2.0 for SF1, my own works for Wings Over Vietnam, and many new personal creations devoted to that mod. The complete lists of now available awards are displayed below. You will notice that North Korea and Communist China are still missing, I could try to update in a later future...
US Air Force :
Medal of Honor (Army model)
Distinguished Service Cross (Army)
Silver Star Medal
Distinguished Service Medal (Army)
Legion of Merit
Distinguished Flying Cross
Soldier's Medal (Army)
Bronze Star Medal
Air Medal
Purple Heart
ROK Eulji Medal
ROK Hwarang Medal
UK Distinguished Flying Cross
Korean Service Medal
United Nations Service Medal
US Navy & US Marine Corps :
Medal of Honor (Navy model)
Navy Cross
Silver Star Medal
Navy Distinguished Service Medal
Legion of Merit
Distinguished Flying Cross
Navy and Marine Corps Medal
Bronze Star Medal
Air Medal
Purple Heart
ROK Eulji Medal
ROK Hwarang Medal
UK Distinguished Flying Cross
Korean Service Medal
United Nations Service Medal
RAF/RCAF pilots on exchange duty in USAF F-86 units :
US Distinguished Service Cross (Army)
US Silver Star Medal
US Legion of Merit
US Distinguished Flying Cross
US Soldier's Medal
US Bronze Star Medal
US Air Medal
US Purple Heart
Distinguished Flying Cross
Order of the British Empire, Member
ROK Hwarang Medal
US Korean Service Medal
Korea Medal (Canadian version available)
United Nations Service Medal
Royal Australian Air Force (No.77 Sqn, first attached to USAF 8th FBW, later 4th FIW )
& South African Air Force (No.2 Sqn, attached to USAF 18th FBW) :
Victoria Cross
Distinguished Service Order
Distinguished Flying Cross
Air Force Cross
Order of the British Empire, Member
Mentioned in Despatches badge (Australians only)
US Silver Star Medal
US Legion of Merit
US Distinguished Flying Cross
US Air Medal
ROK Hwarang Medal
Korea Medal (South African version available)
United Nations Service Medal
Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm (TF 77 & 95) :
Victoria Cross
Distinguished Service Order
Distinguished Service Cross
Air Force Cross
Order of the British Empire, Member
Mentioned in Despatches badge
US Legion of Merit
US Distinguished Flying Cross
US Air Medal
ROK Hwarang Medal
Korea Medal
United Nations Service Medal
Republic of Korea Air Force :
Taegeug Medal (Military Merit 1st Class)
Eulji Medal (Military Merit 2nd Class)
Chungmu Medal (Military Merit 3rd Class)
Hwarang Medal (Military Merit 4th Class)
US Legion of Merit
US Distinguished Flying Cross
US Air Medal
Standard Wound Medal
War Service Medal
Soviet air forces in Manchuria :
Gold Star Medal of Hero of the Soviet Union
Order of Lenin
Order of Suvorov, 3rd Class
Order of Alexander Nevskiy
Order of the Red Banner
Order of the Red Star
Medal for Valor
Medal for Battle Merit
Membership of the Communist Party
Wound Stripe
DPRK Order of Freedom and Independence, 2nd Class
DPRK Fatherland Liberation War Participation Medal
PRC Chinese-Soviet Friendship Medal
Colored screens for Wings Over Russia
By Capitaine Vengeur in SF/WO* Hanger/Menu/Loadout
This mod is intended to add 23 colored screens to the full-inclusive add-on Wings Over Russia, collective work for SF1 by The Dev A-Team, available at Capun Skunkworks. Several of these screens will be used in the campaigns that I plan to release. Regarding your own campaigns, you will just have to make by yourselves a little work in the campaigns files, for each of the flyable units you'd want to associate with an adequate BaseScreen. Details are given in the ReadMe file.
August 2014 update: adds half a dozen screens, new or better quality, keeping the older variants for same models.34 downloads
Malta 1942, a campaign for WoA
By Capitaine Vengeur in User Made Campaigns
The first half of 1941 had been a hard time for the Allied defenders of Malta, when the Luftwaffe could devote several of its best units to pound the island, sink any ship within nearby waters, and decimate the small fighter force of outperformed Hurricanes. As Germany turned its attention Eastwards with Operation Barbarossa, the RAF could recover, then take a more offensive stance, putting threatening pressure on the Axis convoys to Libya, and even striking targets in Sicily.
Nonetheless, by the end of the year, as the operations East were getting stuck in the Russian Winter, it was decided to move again large numbers of Luftwaffe units to the Mediterranean Front, in order to eliminate the RAF striking force, and to bend the Maltese morale under the weight of bombs.
As the valiant defenders of Malta were to face this renewed enemy effort, the Axis leaders began to meet and plot an invasion of the island by air and sea, intended to remove once and for all this thorn from their flank. By the end of April 1942, this Sword of Damocles over Malta would have a name: Operation Herkules..
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Malta 1942 : Malta now with 100% more Spitfires !!
This is my third campaign for Wings over Africa, the free add-on by The Dev A-Team that enables you to re-enact the air war over the most legendary battlefields of the Mediterranean Theatre of Operations. In this mod, Baltika had already provided campaigns over Malta covering the epic years 1940 and 1941. This 11-months-long campaign, running from December 1941 to November 1942, completes a trilogy, encompassing some of the most dramatic moments of the siege, when Malta was the closest to be dominated in the air before Spitfires were finally delivered, the closest to be strangled with Allied supply convoys repeatedly decimated or driven away, and finally the closest to be doomed as the Axis leaders planned very seriously for Summer 1942 the naval and aerial invasion of the island, codenamed Operation Herkules.
Four additional downloads will be required to play this campaign (the links are included in the ReadMe file, registration at Capun Skunkworks needed). The modified files provided here allow several flyable units to display their original markings, and activate some Sardinian and Tripolitanian bases and targets on the Tunisia map as soon as the beginning of the campaign. A French translation of the campaign texts is also included.
Flyable planes (including scheduled upgrades during this long campaign):
British RAF/FAA :
Hawker Hurricane Mk.I & Mk.IIb
Supermarine Spitfire Mk.Vb
Bristol Beaufighter Mk.I & VI
Bristol Beaufort Mk.I
Bristol Blenheim Mk.IV
Martin Maryland Mk.I & Baltimore Mk.I (reco)
Fairey Albacore Mk.I
German Luftwaffe :
Messerschmitt BF-109 F-4 & G-2
Messerschmitt BF-110 C-4
Junkers Ju-88 C-4 night fighter
Junkers Ju-88 A-4 (bombers & reco)
Junkers Ju-87 D
Italian Regia Aeronautica :
Macchi Mc.200 'Saetta'
Macchi Mc.202 'Folgore'
Reggiane Re.2000 'Falco'
Reggiane Re.2001 'Ariete'
Junkers Ju-87 B 'Picchiatelli'
Savoia-Marchetti SM.79 'Sparviero'
Choose your side! As a British, Commonwealth, or American volunteer in the RAF, serving in "the fighter pilots' paradise", make sure that the sacrifices already consented by the tenacious Maltese population, and by the brothers-in-arms who fought before you, won't have been vain. As a German pilot veteran of the easy playground and hard conditions of living of the Soviet Front, take your part in Rommel's glorious epic by neutralizing the stubborn rock that cripples the Afrikakorps' supply lines. As an Italian patriot, protect Sicily against the odious raids perpetrated by the English air pirates from Malta, and prepare the capture of this invaluable floating bolt on behalf of the King.
Counters & screens for SF2:WW2Pacific
By Capitaine Vengeur in Menus
I had once worked on a campaign for SF1, set in the Marianas, June 1944 (using Wrench's map). I had let it aside, then discovered that The Dev A-Team had perfectly completed this project within its free mod for SF2 full-5 merged: WW2Pacific, and its Expansion Pack 1 (available as usual at Capun Skunkworks). Yet, I'd like to provide here some recyclable marginal works I had designed for this campaign, updated and complemented for an SF2 release, which could be a fine graphical addition to The Dev A-Team's mod:
A batch of colorful, reduced-size counters, devoted to each of the nationalities significantly present during the War in the Pacific – but also expanding to the CBI Theater (China-Burma-India). Besides having a more attractive map and less confused stacks, you can also find more easily the units you're after. As a rule, the counters with rectangular national flags and regimental/divisional devices show the ground units, while the counters with roundels concern the air units. For several nations, alternative counters are included to cover the different periods of The War when the aircraft skins or roundels changed.
Lot of screens and related texts, initially intended to be linked to my own Marianas 1944 campaign (screens are converted to .jpg format, and includes some alternative screens). Screens and texts cover: openings, daily missions briefings, and campaign victory/draw/defeat/KIA debriefings, for each side.
Bon appétit !
Flesh and Metal for WoV - VNAF/RAAF update
By Capitaine Vengeur in SF/WO* Hanger/Menu/Loadout
This mod provides you with enlarged panels of decorations for the US Air Force and US Navy / US Marine Corps, as well as many pilots pics to embody the SAM fodder.
The March 2011 update adds some more Vietnamese decorations to your awards panels for USAF and USN/USMC, and a completely new awards panel for the Republic of Vietnam Air Force, in the case a mod would allow you to fly a campaign as a VNAF pilot. Lots of pilots pics have also been added, including a large number of photographs for South Vietnamese pilots. The Vietnamese anthem completes the package.
The September 2013 update adds a full panel of awards for the Australian pilots in Vietnam (No.2 Sqn RAAF, Canberra bombers), as well as some new Vietnamese decorations, and many American and Australian pilot Pics.
The complete lists of your available decorations (partly stock ones, partly Guest's, partly SF2's, partly mine) are displayed here:
Medal of Honor
Air Force Cross
Silver Star Medal
Presidential Medal of Freedom
Air Force Distinguished Service Medal
Legion of Merit
Bronze Star Medal
Distinguished Flying Cross
Airman's Medal
Air Medal
Purple Heart
Vietnam Service Medal
Vietnamese Air Force Distinguished Service Order
Vietnamese Air Gallantry Cross (Gold Wings)
Vietnamese Campaign Medal
Medal of Honor (Navy model)
Navy Cross
Silver Star Medal
Presidential Medal of Freedom
Navy Distinguished Service Medal
Legion of Merit
Bronze Star Medal
Distinguished Flying Cross
Navy and Marine Corps Medal
Air Medal
Purple Heart
Vietnam Service Medal
Vietnamese Navy Distinguished Service Order
Vietnamese Navy Gallantry Cross (Gold Anchor)
Vietnamese Campaign Medal
National Order of Vietnam
Air Force Distinguished Service Order
Air Force Meritorious Service Medal
Air Gallantry Cross (Bronze, Silver and Gold Wings)
Hazardous Service Medal
Air Service Medal
Wound Medal
Campaign Medal
US Legion of Merit
US Distinguished Flying Cross
US Air Medal
RAAF (No.2 Sqn, Canberra bombers) :
Victoria Cross
Distinguished Service Order
Order of the British Empire, Member
Distinguished Flying Cross (and Bar)
Air Force Cross
Mentioned in Despatches badge
Vietnam Medal
US Legion of Merit
US Distinguished Flying Cross
US Air Medal
Vietnamese Air Gallantry Cross (Silver Wings)
Vietnamese Campaign Medal
National counters for Wings Over Vietnam
By Capitaine Vengeur in SF/WO* Hanger/Menu/Loadout
This mod provides you with a batch of colorful, reduced-size counters, devoted to each of the nationalities present in Wings Over Vietnam. Besides having a more attractive map and less confused stacks, you can also find more easily the units you're after. As a rule, the counters with rectangular national flags and divisional devices show the ground units, while the counters with roundels concern the air units.
- September 2013 update: adds USMC, ROK and Australian ground counters, and now distinctive USN and USMC light grey air counters.
Air & ground counters for FE
By Capitaine Vengeur in First Eagles - General Files - Hanger, Menu Screens
This mod provides you with a batch of colorful, reduced-size, more immersive counters, devoted to each of the nationalities that could be present in First Eagles, including possible new theaters. Besides having a more attractive map and less confused stacks, you can also find more easily the units you're after. As a rule, the counters with rectangular national flags and division device show the ground units, those with national ensigns and warships shapes the naval units, while the counters with roundels concern the air units.
This pack may seem redundant after Stephen1918's. However, I was preparing these counters since long as part of a major upgrade for my former Medals Pack for FE. As this work still needs time, I provide the counters here in a separate delivery: they won't be included any more in the new Medals Pack. My counters are also different from Stephen's in two regards, in continuity with my former various counters packs for SF1: first, I kept loyal to the smaller 24x24 size for FE1, enjoyable on large-scale maps with crowded stacks; and second, I kept on using the colors of national uniforms and usual aircraft skins as my counters' background colors, rather than generic colors by sides, thus favoring immersion over immediate readibility. This makes my pack an alternative rather than a redundancy: the choice is still yours.
Of course, this mod provides all of the counters needed for the nations present in First Eagles' campaigns on the Western Front, and also in the add-ons available at Combatace giving access to the Italian and Eastern Fronts. Some variant counters have been included, for aesthetic purpose only, for example several German air counters to reflect the changes in German markings and development of camo skins.
Ottoman counters have been added for operations on the Palestine map, Romanian counters considering a possible extension of the Eastern Front, Bulgarian, Serbian and Greek counters for a possible development of a Balkan Front. Soviet and Polish counters have been added in the case of scenarios about the Russian Civil War or the Soviet-Polish War.
Ground counters have been included for units of the British Empire present on various fronts ( Australia, Canada, India and New Zealand ); and there are even ground counters for “anecdotal” units which once served on the Western Front, such as the two Portuguese divisions decimated during Operation Georgette ( April 1918 ), or the Polish and Czech Legions wearing French blue uniforms engaged during the last offensives in Champagne. However, safe for the Australians and Poles, none of these nations is listed in the game's Nations file (FirstEagles/Flight folder). This can be remedied by small tricks explained in the ReadMe file.
Finally, naval counters have even been included for FE2 air-sea scenarios or campaigns taking place in the North Sea, or elsewhere yet to come ( Adriatic, Baltic, Dardanelles... ).
A small folder has been added to fix a problem in my former Medals Pack for FE, that prevented the counters of the Royal Naval Air Service ( a new Nation created especially for that mod ) to appear on the Planning Map. It will be fully solved in a later upgrade for that mod, yet to come.
Choosing and keeping your German personal emblem
By Capitaine Vengeur in Other Central Powers Aircraft Skins
Here is a small trick to have your personal plane (and your wingmen's too, if you wish) always display the same fuselage emblem(s) you have chosen from mission to mission during a campaign in First Eagles 1. It will require a little work in installation for every concerned skin, and a few manips before each mission.
WWI Pilots Pack for FE
By Capitaine Vengeur in First Eagles - General Files - Hanger, Menu Screens
You can see here a very small sample of an extensive lot of new pretty faces for your flying machine's log book / carnet de vol / Soldbuch. Now with more than 200 pictures! Huns, Frogs, Aussies, Limeys and Yanks, I hope everyone will find what he's after.
This mod exists in two files: with or without national flags inserted.
Pilot pics, Israeli-Arab Wars
By Capitaine Vengeur in SF/WO* Hanger/Menu/Loadout
Here are some pics of Israeli (mostly), Egyptian, Syrian, Jordanian and Soviet pilots, for you to know which face is looking into the mirrors of your Mirage/MiG/Hunter cockpit. Enjoy.
Coalition Pack for Operation Desert Storm
By Capitaine Vengeur in SF/WO* Hanger/Menu/Loadout
This mod for Operation Desert Storm (free add-on available on Combatace downloads) provides adequate awards systems, anthems, and lists of ranks for the flyable non-American Coalition members: the British Royal Air Force, the Canadian Forces Air Command, and the Aeronautica Militare Italiana. The awards panels for the US Air Force and US Navy/ US Marine Corps have also been enlarged by adding some new decorations, reshaped in the good size.
Pilots pics for Operation Desert Storm
By Capitaine Vengeur in SF/WO* Hanger/Menu/Loadout
The file contains pictures for pilots from the nations who sent combat aircraft over Kuwait in 1991, by alphabetic order: Canadians, French, Iraqis, Italians, Kuwaitis, (British) Royal Air Force, Saudis, US Air Force, US Marine Corps and US Navy. Enjoy flying over burning oilfields.
Mirage 2000C Hangar and Loading screens
By Capitaine Vengeur in SF/WO* Hanger/Menu/Loadout
These screens have been designed for Christian59's SF1 model for the 2000C, but should work for any work adapted from Erwin_Hans' Taiwanese 2000-5.
French Wings over Kuwait - Historical notes
By Capitaine Vengeur in SF/WO* Utilities/Editors
I had once planned to add some scrap-built models modified from other designers' works, in order to have the French jets present over Kuwait in 1991 flyable in the Operation Desert Storm mod, where I miss them badly. Having now given up for a while, and not planning to keep on the WIP in a close future, I deposit here some of the documentation I had gathered, and above all the historical booklet I had prepared by synthesizing several articles brightened up by chosen pictures. The main source is my packed translation of a set of "warm" articles, published in March 1991 in a fine French military magazine. I still hope that this work could encourage some modders to keep on the work about the Jaguar A and other concerned aircraft.
New musics and anthems for WoI
By Capitaine Vengeur in SF/WO* Sound Mods
Some new themes for every game occurrence, providing a much softer and more Oriental ambiance than the stock ones. Also includes anthems for Israel, Syria, Egypt 1960-79, Iraq 1965-81, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya and Algeria.
Pilots pics, Korean War
By Capitaine Vengeur in SF/WO* Hanger/Menu/Loadout
This expanded mod provides the presented pics, and many, many others, covering most of the flying belligerents of the Korean War, in various and uneven numbers: US Air Force, US Navy, US Marine Corps, British Fleet Air Arm, Royal Australian Air Force, South African Air Force, Republic of Korea Air Force, Soviet VVS/PVO, Chinese People's Liberation Army Air Force, and Democratic People's Republic of Korea Air Force.
Most of the depicted pilots are now named in the ReadMe file. Enjoy.