About This File
My favorite Spitfire ever, so close to its '30 racing floatplane ancestor.
This replaces previous fake merlin S-31 in TSF too (Ok Jon?) .
DLC29* needed.
- Kesselbruth famous pit
- Pilot and RR Griffon sound.
- Working Canopy (Key=10)
- Turkish stock square Insignia fixed (it has a bad grey shadow .... ): a general fix for all the planes inside the mod install.
-12 Skins with proper decalsets:
4 RAF (Silver, Blue, Grey, Camo)
1 IAF (Silver)
2 RThAF (Blue)
3 Flygvapnet (Blue)
2 TuAF (Blue, Green)
As usual all in main mod folder and overwrite.
That's all (all postwar Spit done).
(*) required